100 Day Challenge 2...

100 Day Challenge 2024 - Exercise every day til Christmas

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Day 95: rode the footpath along the cliffs we walked two days ago. In and out of several secluded bays. Really nice flow with some good climbs too.


Posted : 19/12/2024 5:37 am
AndrewL, Alex, AndrewL and 1 people reacted
Full Member

hours walk yesterday.    was short of time.

Posted : 19/12/2024 7:00 am
Full Member

Didn't do second cardio yesterday. 30 mins of weights and stretching instead.  Not doing anything today until what I expect will be a very muddy and tough night ride later so saving myself for that. Tomorrow is MTB curry night starting at 5 in the pub and I have an all day teams meeting (!) from 0830. So it's going to need to be an early alarm and probably treadmill run to get the 30 mins in.

Saturday I expect will be a 'phoning in it' activity with a hangover!

Posted : 19/12/2024 8:59 am
Full Member

I have an all day teams meeting (!) from 0830

Worth 10 days of exercise surely!

Posted : 19/12/2024 9:10 am
Full Member

Day 94 was a busier one again. 17km walk round Loch Ard with Mrs S then some weights, my daily 5km run and a bit of (pool) swimming to round it off.



Me in camouflage mode


I think she misheard.


Posted : 19/12/2024 9:12 am
reeksy, Rubber_Buccaneer, Alex and 3 people reacted
Full Member

Worth 10 days of exercise surely!

Maybe beers 🙂 I'm hoping I can turn my camera off and snooze quietly while nobody notices!

Posted : 19/12/2024 9:14 am
reeksy and reeksy reacted
Full Member

Run on Tuesday evening, 6.23k, Yoga last night.

Motivation is a struggle at the moment, not sure why being so close to the end. I was hoping to ramp it up a bit but think the cold I had has knocked me back a bit. And its just dark aaaalllll the time, well, when I'm not working anyway!!.....I wanted to do a 10k in under an hour on Christmas eve, but I'm working and don't think I'll have an hour spare, as travelling to inlaws as well....

I haven't lost any weight! I'm still 105kgs and was really hoping to lose a bit, but I my diet isn't great at the moment. Was talking about this with the wife last night and we're both feeling it. Struggling for time and motivation with meals, kids are a pain in the arse and say no to anything we suggest but won't actually say what they want to eat. Think I'm going to go back to vegetarian for a while in the new year to try an improve my diet.

I'm really hoping I keep up the excersice after christmas, I want to, but also know what I'm like. I'll keep goin to the gym throgh the winter and I want to run a couple of times a week as I'm enjoying that and getting better. So hopefully, if I exersice 4 times a week min and with a better diet, I'll shed a few kilos and improve everything fr the warmer months.

Posted : 19/12/2024 9:26 am
reeksy and reeksy reacted
Full Member

I haven’t lost any weight!

If it's any consolation, neither have I, but I wasn't really expecting to. I'm one of those folk for whom exercise is really just an excuse to eat.

Posted : 19/12/2024 9:33 am
ads678, fasthaggis, fasthaggis and 1 people reacted
Full Member

Nice crisp sunny day here, went out on the bike to do some lunch laps of the Uni campus - usually do 6, 8, sometimes 10 but today went for the 12 Laps of Christmas. Just about an hour's worth - tidy.

5 days left!

Posted : 19/12/2024 1:33 pm
ads678 and ads678 reacted
Full Member

If it’s any consolation, neither have I, but I wasn’t really expecting to. I’m one of those folk for whom exercise is really just an excuse to eat.

Lol. That makes me feel better! .....sends my son round the shop for some mince pies.....

Posted : 19/12/2024 1:52 pm
Full Member

30 miler today. cold and cold.

fuelled by black pudding and dripping butties.

Posted : 19/12/2024 4:31 pm
scotroutes, ads678, fasthaggis and 3 people reacted
Full Member


5km treadmill


Then a wee wander round Aberfoyle.


Ben Lomond looking grand


Posted : 19/12/2024 7:02 pm
walowiz, Alex, walowiz and 1 people reacted
Full Member

Wanted to go for a run but I'd left my trainers in the garden and they were soaking!

Went down the gym instead and did 6k on the treadmill in 33 minutes.

5 to go!

Posted : 19/12/2024 7:32 pm
scotroutes, Alex, scotroutes and 1 people reacted
Full Member

Night ride not as muddy as expected. Still medals were earned and beers were drunk 🙂

6:30am alarm call to get a run in before the dreaded all day teams meeting.


Posted : 19/12/2024 9:55 pm
scotroutes, kimbers, kimbers and 1 people reacted
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yesterday was lunchbreak skatepark

today was a lovely crisp and clear night ride , right up until I landed a jump badly, snapped a spoke that pierced the rim tape and then wouldn't seal, leaving me with a long walk back to the car


Posted : 19/12/2024 10:20 pm
Alex and Alex reacted
Full Member

Day 96: gravity uplift morning was brilliant. Kids still had enough energy for a couple more runs (13km) after lunch too.


Posted : 20/12/2024 5:03 am
walowiz, ads678, Rubber_Buccaneer and 3 people reacted
Full Member

Love the first pic @reeksy

Posted : 20/12/2024 8:38 am
Full Member

Went for a walk at lunchtime, 2 miles / 40ish minutes. Ticked the box, might do some yoga in a bit. Biking tmrow, don't know about Sunday, hope to run Monday and Tuesday and then it's Mince Pies on the sofa.

Posted : 20/12/2024 7:51 pm
Full Member

Morning weights and treadmill again.

And then an after-lunch walk on Loch Katrine after the worst of the rain had passed over.



Posted : 20/12/2024 9:24 pm
Rubber_Buccaneer, fasthaggis, Alex and 3 people reacted
Full Member

short walk with grandkids today. energy bank is almost empty.

Posted : 20/12/2024 10:36 pm
reeksy and reeksy reacted
Full Member

Riding MTB at Glentress today. Place has changed so much with the new holiday cabins (more like houses) but the trails still make big smiles.


Posted : 21/12/2024 9:12 pm
scotroutes, Alex, Alex and 1 people reacted
Full Member

Running club Solstice Half Marathon, done in some incredibly wet weather and on trails that got wetter as we ran. Still, a good turn out and a catch-up at the Balavoulin over beers and nachos.

3 days to go and I suspect tomorrow will be done indoors!

Posted : 21/12/2024 10:36 pm
reeksy and reeksy reacted
Full Member

Day 97: half day drive to the next campground so only time for a 45 minute walk on the beach.

Posted : 22/12/2024 1:33 am
Full Member

Sneaked a 8km run in between day long meetings and MTB curry evening on Friday. Yesterday, as expected, feeling a little delicate and a long windy hike with the mutts followed by some beer-curry sweaty Pilates was all I could manage.

Thinking about MTB today, but pretty windy out there and everything we ride is in the woods so it might have to be a couple of hours on the turbo and postpone the ride till tomorrow.

Always enjoy @reeksy pictures but they do make me pine for summer!

Posted : 22/12/2024 8:08 am
Free Member

@jimmy that isnt the Wednesday PFR group by any chance?

Posted : 22/12/2024 8:16 am
Full Member

@piemonster yes! Are you in it?

Posted : 22/12/2024 8:43 am
Full Member

a day of walks yesterday.

3 mile in the storm in the morning the 2 short walks to and from the pub in the icy cold evening.   all good.

Posted : 22/12/2024 8:58 am
Free Member

@jimmy, not yet but I followed the FB group not long ago with the intention of getting along maybe once a month. Just a little too far away to be regular, just close enough it should work every now and then.

Posted : 22/12/2024 12:05 pm
jimmy and jimmy reacted
Full Member

1hr30/50km on the turbo, 30 min "proper" Yoga afterwards (never want to do it, always feel so much better when I have) followed by late athlete's breakfast of bacon and egg sanger 🙂

Also Garmin registered a FTP upgrade (after slogging up the 'grade' in zwift) to 246. That's only 8 off my best ever.  I've not been trying to improve that, but it's come up 20 during the 100 days.

Posted : 22/12/2024 12:18 pm
scotroutes, anorak, anorak and 1 people reacted
Full Member

@piemonster - it's very sociable in pace and chat but has been great for me to have a regular slot in the diary. My running has come on in leaps and bounds (no pun intended). Give me a shout if you're planning to come along. Whereabouts are you?

Posted : 22/12/2024 12:38 pm
Full Member

Always enjoy @reeksy pictures but they do make me pine for summer!

Good thing I didn't post the photo of that beach then!

Day 98 was brilliant. Gravity Eden bike park. 350m ascent over 9km of lovely climbing for a long swooping blue downhill. Then a repeat climb with the eldest lad so we could hammer a natural janky black trail. Then a sneaky uplift so we could do that track again it was so damn good.


Posted : 23/12/2024 12:40 am
Alex and Alex reacted
Full Member

Day 98 was 3 hours turbo and 5km on the treadmill again. All Z1/Z2, working on endurance. Garmin tells me I've been "Productive" since 9th December which is a much longer streak than I even thought was possible!

Screenshot 2024-12-23 005025

Posted : 23/12/2024 12:50 am
reeksy, Alex, reeksy and 1 people reacted
Full Member

D97 was park run D98 was walk to the next village to pick up my from the pub, dog walks and yoga.

Will probably go to the gym tonight and finish with a run tomorrow morning.

Posted : 23/12/2024 7:15 am
Alex and Alex reacted
Full Member

Winter skies on this mornings yomp with the dogs. Wind has dropped to a whisper, so time to go and get muddy (and I expect do some trail clearing)


Posted : 23/12/2024 8:57 am
reeksy and reeksy reacted
Full Member

99 Not Out 🙂 And out but not out out. Sloppy fun, just deciding what to do for the 100th day. Maybe risk a run off the treadmill.



Managed to fit in some proper re-hydration as well. Dirty Boar Burger just out of sight 🙂


Posted : 23/12/2024 2:52 pm
Full Member

Day 99 - a decent 10km run around Roslin Glen. Felt strong and going well after all the effort of the past 3+ months.

How to end it tomorrow is now the question. Working so I can't do anything fancy. Hmmm.

Posted : 23/12/2024 3:29 pm
Alex and Alex reacted
Full Member

The last week has been a bit of a mixed bag, with Jnr home, we’ve got into a habit of running first thing each morning but I managed to get out on the bike for rides on Monday and Wednesday and I have also had a couple of weights sessions thrown in the mix.

We’ve had family here since Thursday so it’s been difficult to get out, but we’re now family free over Christmas which is unusual. I’m now considering starting the Festve 500 tomorrow as I have a decent chance of completing it. Weather here today is perfect so I’m hopeful for the same tomorrow.

Posted : 23/12/2024 3:30 pm
reeksy and reeksy reacted
Full Member

15 miler yesterday with the wife, to the xmas market......... food was good.

20 miler this morning to buy a gift.

1 st day of Rapha 500 thing tomorrow so should end this 100 day thing with a good ride.

Posted : 23/12/2024 3:41 pm
Alex and Alex reacted
Full Member

Xmas Eve Eve - just a wee 5km run round the streets and then a post-run stretch session with Ash.





Moar lights


And an early Xmas present from Garmin. My running VO2 Max has crept up by one.


Posted : 23/12/2024 6:03 pm
reeksy, Alex, Alex and 1 people reacted
Full Member

Ended up out and about a bit more on foot as days off seemed to coincide with mega winds.

Out for a bit of a run this lunchtime after braving the supermarket. Currently cooking some home made veggie and a set of tomato sausage rolls.

Working tomorrow but will get out in the evening for finale!

Posted : 23/12/2024 6:12 pm
scotroutes, Alex, Alex and 1 people reacted
Full Member

D99 hour in the gym, did a really hard program on the treadmill, only 20 minutes and 3.5k but inclines and fast intervals.?

1 to go!

Posted : 23/12/2024 10:04 pm
reeksy, Alex, Alex and 1 people reacted
Full Member

100km on the road bike today; pretty much all of it in zone 2.

It's my 56th birthday tomorrow, so a gentle social ride to a cafe with friends ?

Posted : 23/12/2024 10:25 pm
reeksy, bonni, fasthaggis and 5 people reacted
Full Member

Day 99 was a beach walk. Have a 10 hour drive today so really not sure what I'll have time for...bit dissapointing.

Posted : 23/12/2024 10:29 pm
ads678, Alex, ads678 and 1 people reacted
Free Member

On target to complete the 24 days of Christmas workouts that I posted earlier. For short work times, its been surprisingly tough at times. In particular, the lots of lunges one had me struggling to get out of a Starbucks chair the day after!

Christmas day dog walk has been planned and looks like being about 7-8 miles with a forecast of mist ....

Posted : 24/12/2024 6:36 am
Alex and Alex reacted
Full Member

Day 100 done! 6.27k run before work. Actually managed to find a couple of different places to get stitch!! New year is sort my diet put time, need to condition myself better.

Well done everyone, and merry Christmas, enjoy your day off. Apart from @scotroutes who needs to do 5k!!

Posted : 24/12/2024 8:55 am
reeksy, bonni, Rubber_Buccaneer and 3 people reacted
Free Member

@jimmy will do, got a lot of travelling over Xmas but should get along mid January. I'm over the water in Fife. Usually run Ochils/Lomonds.

Posted : 24/12/2024 9:31 am
Full Member

Fartlek run, felt good so carried on 🙂 Could have pushed quite a lot harder but did not want to injure myself on the last day.

HR pretty good as well until last couple of km. Legs felt good. 100 days definitely works.

Some stats coming later. I know I know, try and manage your increasing excitement 🙂


Posted : 24/12/2024 9:51 am
reeksy, bonni, Rubber_Buccaneer and 3 people reacted
Full Member

Day 100. After a solid day of driving there was time only for a wander along a windswept beach for an hour.

Was supposed to be riding Jack Moir's local trails tomorrow but there's too high fire risk.

Well done everyone. I've had an easy run of it and am aware just how much harder it is to do in winter.


Posted : 24/12/2024 10:04 am
bonni, scotroutes, ads678 and 7 people reacted
Full Member

Was about to go for a swim but an invite arrived for a brief gravelly bike ride, which feels more appropriate. Heading soon, nearly done...

Posted : 24/12/2024 12:44 pm
scotroutes, ads678, Rubber_Buccaneer and 5 people reacted
Full Member

day 100

finished off with a 50 miler this morning.     all good

Posted : 24/12/2024 12:45 pm
bonni, scotroutes, ads678 and 7 people reacted
Full Member

Day 100, as it happens...


Posted : 24/12/2024 1:35 pm
bonni, Alex, Alex and 1 people reacted
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