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  • “if you believe you are a citizen of the world, you are a citizen of nowhere”
  • fourbanger
    Free Member

    Have we done T-may showing her true colours yet?

    This kind of thinking only really benefits those in charge of countries. Funny she should say it…

    Full Member

    Just hoovering up those final few unconverted former UKIP voters innit?

    Full Member

    Socrates: “I am not an Athenian or Greek, but a citizen of the world”

    I’m with the not Greek bloke on this one.

    Free Member

    There is no such thing as a Citizen of the World. There is no such passport. As such TM is completely correct.

    DH Lwarence

    “Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves.”

    Full Member

    Its standard nationalist politics

    develop a ‘them against us narrative’ get the people to blindly follow you

    Free Member

    Kippers “Mrs. May, you’re trying to seduce me”

    Free Member

    “Better the pride that resides in a citizen of the world
    Than the pride that divides when a colourful rag is unfurled”

    Free Member

    “if you believe you are a citizen of the world Teresa May, you are an citizen of nowhere idiot”


    Free Member

    There is no such thing as a Citizen of the World. There is no such passport. As such TM is completely correct.

    Actually there is a “world passport”, it occasional makes the news when someone gets stopped with one but they do seem to get accepted in a lot of places. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-35330365 (an example of one being refused as a travel document).


    Full Member

    You really are quite an odious, disgusting rat

    Free Member

    There is no such thing as a Citizen of the World. There is no such passport. As such TM is completely correct.

    There is also no such thing as a Citizen of Nowhere. There is no such passport. As such TM is talking out of her arse, or alternatively, it was a metaphor and not intended to be taken literally

    feels like she’s trying to have her ‘no such thing as society’ moment IMO :/

    Free Member

    Actually there is a “world passport”, it occasional makes the news when someone gets stopped with one but they do seem to get accepted in a lot of places.


    I think on this occasion you have #thisisnotaspoonfact. That world passport is a novelty item at best, most who try to use it land themselves in a bit of bother.

    Free Member

    Some people are the future a different some are the past. The future has no borders

    Full Member

    Perhaps she’s referring to people like me – after 15 years out of the UK I no longer have the vote anywhere?

    Full Member

    There is no such thing as a Citizen of the World. There is no such passport. As such TM is completely correct.
    DH Lwarence
    “Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves.”

    I think you’ll find that whether you like it or not, we are all citizens of this world. I am Welsh/British/European and finally and a citizen of the world, the same as every other human. Rhetoric like TM’s utterly shameful bollocks is divisive and just serves to create a them and us mentality that legitimises racism and intolerance. The sooner people understand that the sooner this world can progress forward instead of backwards into the 1930’s.

    I have studied abroad, lived abroad and served around the world alongside soldiers of many different nationalities, if you like’fighting for liberty with hard knocks’. On every occasion I was treated with respect and welcomed for what I could contribute, my nationality was never an issue. However, if I was a foreigner looking to come to Britain I wouldn’t dare at the moment; TM just shows what a nasty little place this country risks becoming.

    Full Member

    TM just shows what a nasty little place this country risks becoming.

    Sadly I think we’re already there

    The racists, bigots and xenophobes are running the show 🙁

    Free Member

    Funny aint it

    All you middle class had to do, was to allow some of the benefits of “coach ticket” migration to filter down to the working class rather than grasping them all to your selves…

    Full Member

    Full Member

    The thing is the major problems facing us are global issues and will need to be resolved on a world wide scale. Big problems like climate change, resource depletion, food availability, water management, energy etc not piddly little ones like immigration levels which will result from these.

    Free Member

    Funny aint it
    All you middle class had to do, was to allow some of the benefits of “coach ticket” migration to filter down to the working class rather than grasping them all to your selves…

    Funny ain’t it.

    All the coalition had to do, was not cause a double dip ressession and launch an ideological attack on public services and terms and conditions and blame it on migrants rather than holding their hands up and saying actually it’s all our fault.

    Free Member

    The thing is the major problems facing us are global issues and will need to be resolved on a world wide scale. Big problems like climate change, resource depletion, food availability, water management, energy etc not piddly little ones like immigration levels which will result from these.

    Spot on!

    Free Member

    “if you believe you are a citizen of the world, you are a citizen of nowhere”

    I agree.
    The “citizen of the world” is always an excuse to intervene in others’ affairs.

    Free Member

    It’s funny.
    I’ve lived and worked abroad. Singapore, France, Germany, UAE. I’ve done jobs overseas, Spain, Italy, Norway, Bulgaria, Holland. I’ve cycled my bike as far east as Hungary and as far south as Greece. I’ve travelled more countries than I can remember. I’ve dated girls from all over the world, I have friends from all over the world and I’m married to an American.
    I’ve been lucky, but I’ve put myself out there.

    In all that time I’ve met thousands of humans who have been friendly and kind and we’ve all treated each other as decent human beings. I’ve been helped when I needed and I’ve helped others. It’s basic human compassion.

    From my experiences it’s hard to conclude anything other than I am a world citizen. We’re all fundamentally the same at birth.

    What confuses me is people like Jamba, who eludes to having traveled, has come through this process and still wants to build barriers with people. I just can’t understand it. But it can only be learned behaviour.
    I feel a bit sorry for him really.

    Free Member

    fourbanger – Member
    In all that time I’ve met thousands of humans who have been friendly and kind and we’ve all treated each other as decent human beings. I’ve been helped when I needed and I’ve helped others. It’s basic human compassion.

    How do you expect people to feel towards you? Badly? You were just a short term visitor in all those EU countries.

    Full Member

    The sooner we realise the concept of sovereign nations as we know it is long past its sell-by date the better.

    Sadly, I can’t actually see that day coming any time soon. In our society it seems to be getting ever further away.

    Free Member

    All heil the new world order

    Free Member

    So who are you and where are you from then?

    If I’m on my local trails I’m from a place near Sandy Lane (local home built trail)

    If I’m up country a bit I’m from Kent

    If I’m overseas I’m a Brit

    If I get to travel to another planets trail park I’ll be from Planet Earth.

    I’m a rider, riding with you it doesn’t matter where I’m from, it’s just a conversation starter something to compare my local trail with what we’re on at the moment, somewhere to maybe visit to see me another day, am I a citizen of the world? No, actually I’m a bloody subject we’re all Britsh Subjects something I’ve never been really happy about, true I was an EU citizen for a bit, but it never stopped me being a Subject all the time I was here and those Tax forms constantly remind me of who it is I’m beholden to.

    Free Member

    I’m confused.

    Her speech was largely received as a play for the centre ground – even sounding a lot like Milliband around the role for a bigger state, but within the same speech there’s comments like this, which sound horribly parochial and anti-foreign and Amber Rudd sounding like she’s considering a policy which an awful lot of people thought sounded like Nazi policy…

    So what’s her position exactly? Is she confused, or is confusion of the electorate the point?

    Far Right and Far Left eventually come back to meet each other… but even the most paranoid observer surely wouldn’t consider the UK is heading to either the left or the right extremes – we’ve absolutely no history of extremism – even at the height of both communism and fascism in the 1930s we laughed at Mosely just as we laugh at Farage and he got no real power and I don’t believe our fundamental values or national character have changed that much…

    So I’m confused. And more than a little bit horrified at Amber Rudd

    Full Member

    Glad to see TM – and her lickspittle acolyte Jamba – getting short shrift on this thread.

    Nationalism is the cause of almost as many problems as religion, and both are concepts in need of major rethinking to be fit-for-purpose in the globalised, digital era.

    I am proudly a citizen of the world with multiple nationalities and experience of being an immigrant. I look out, not in. I see the good, not the bad. People are people, and I don’t understand those who have the energy or inclination to waste on creating artificial division or hatred.

    Free Member

    Theresa May’s hatred of foreign people and human rights really scares me. She was, in 2014, the inaugral female recipient of the Munrobiker “Most Dangerous Man in Britain” award.

    Sadly, unless you were an immigrant or related to one, you’d have not really come across how utterly vile she is because the worst of what she has done was all under the radar stuff, like her new laws on spouse visas which were designed, it seems, with the sole purpose of tearing apart thousands of families for the sole purpose of getting immigration figures down so Terry from Essex would think all them brown people what he hates so much weren’t getting in anymore. Most people seem to think all you need to do to stay in the country is get married, while in reality that’s never been the case and now she’s introduced laws that no one noticed that mean children living without one of their parents, families being broken up and lives destroyed.

    The sentence “if you believe you are a citizen of the world then you are a citizen of nowhere” sums up very neatly how unpleasant this woman is, as well as hideously backwards. If Britain expects to succeed in a global economy this woman will be a massive barrier to that, she’s going to plunge the UK into the dark ages compared to other first world countries as development continues.

    Full Member

    brooess – Member
    So what’s her position exactly? Is she confused, or is confusion of the electorate the point?

    Cynically, it’s just the next expression of the politics of contradiction. Keep the masses confused and you render them (as a mass) unable to make rational decisions about anything. Whether May is bright enough to be driving that is another matter. I’d worry that she is just easy to manipulate by whoever is pulling the strings.

    I’d worry even more that there’s no-one pulling the strings, and the whole ruling class (or at least most of them) are relatively thoughtless, aimless opportunists intent on merely covering their own back.

    Alan Moore
    “The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory.

    The truth is far more frightening – Nobody is in control.

    The world is rudderless.”

    Free Member

    Far Right and Far Left eventually come back to meet each other… but even the most paranoid observer surely wouldn’t consider the UK is heading to either the left or the right extremes – we’ve absolutely no history of extremism – even at the height of both communism and fascism in the 1930s we laughed at Mosely just as we laugh at Farage and he got no real power and I don’t believe our fundamental values or national character have changed that much…

    So I’m confused. And more than a little bit horrified at Amber Rudd

    We don’t have a history of extremism and that is what has made it all the more horrifying, the issue is that most of the papers in the UK are right-wing. We are dominated by the Murdoch press and the Daily Mail – who have between them, succesfully suplanted American gutter politics and the rhetoric of the alt-right into the heart of British politics.

    Free Member

    I think it is more about the electorate already BEING confused.

    May is interesting, just like Corbyn. They aren’t going to be plastic clones like Cameron and Blair, I just don’t think they have the shapeshifter abilities so the truth will out.
    Sometimes you need to take a step or 2 backwards to truly move forward… Let the crowd be the judge

    Free Member

    Let the crowd be the judge

    Yeah that always leads to great things….

    “It seemed to us that we were witnessing a total break in the evolution of mankind, the complete collapse of man as a rational being.” – Heda Margolius Kovály, Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague

    Full Member

    It’s an oyster, and I’m the pearl 😀

    Free Member

    Time to dust these off is it?

    Free Member

    she is a jingoistic idiot happy to flirt with racism as she erodes our rights

    Free Member

    I think the aspiration is an offshore jurisdiction for international banks and megacorps where they will be free to thrive in a low regulatory environment…ie a sort of super Cayman Islands/Switzerland on TUEs Not a cat in hell’s chance USA/Europe will allow it mind.

    Free Member

    Is Rupert Murdoch a Citizen of the World…changes nationality at will, arranges meetings with ministers and heads of state etc….don’t think May’s aphorism was aimed at him though.

    Free Member

    “Better the pride that resides in a citizen of the world
    Than the pride that divides when a colourful rag is unfurled”


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