I have to hang about in Taunton on Tuesday between 10.00 and 5.00. I won't have a car but could take a bike to potter about on but the weather looks damp. Any ideas? Museums, places of interest etc etc. Or train to Bristol? TIA
Taunton castle museum is actually pretty decent for a couple of hours, has a nice cafe too.
A ride out to Hestercombe House and wander around the gardens, their stables cafe is good. It also has the Gertrude Jekyll and Lutyens formal garden is quite something even this time of year.
Ride to summit near Elworthy and if your legs feel good, carry on to Minehead to climb Porlock, then train back.
Steam train to Minehead for lunch and back. I don't think theres an awful lot to do in Taunton for 7 hours...
In fact scrap that, I doubt the steam trains are even running on Tuesdays at this time of year. As someone else said, mainline train to somewhere else maybe (Exeter is a short journey).
winter bike? I normally ride around the Quantocks and then find a cafe on the way back when I take my VW van to Retro Resus for some tlc, if the weather is pooh not a Scooby
bfw - I was there because I had the car into Retro Resus for some work. They're great aren't they! Had a lovely drive back over the Cotswolds.
As for what I did - given the forecast I jumped on a train to go to Bristol so I could do a museum/gallery/veggie food thing and stay reasonably dry. Network rail sorted that out for me though! Bus replacements, **** timetables et al meant I had most of the time was spent travelling. A rushed damp walk to a favourite lunch spot was the highlight of the day. All the culture I saw was some junkie throwing up over their sofa in a subway.