Time to down tools and check out what the various couriers and posties have lobbed at us this past seven days.
By ben_haworth
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Massive dual-stage gauge
That looks really clever. If it's accurate (and doesn't break - it's not going to be a standard replacement part)
Love my Bentley
[url= https://i.postimg.cc/rp31NFr3/IMG-20221101-173654958-2.jp g" target="_blank">https://i.postimg.cc/rp31NFr3/IMG-20221101-173654958-2.jp g"/> [/img][/url]
Love that top cap.
Hopefully allowed... You get the sentiment.
Love mine
[url= https://i.postimg.cc/rp31NFr3/IMG-20221101-173654958-2.jp g" target="_blank">https://i.postimg.cc/rp31NFr3/IMG-20221101-173654958-2.jp g"/> [/img][/url]
Interesting AssBike from Cannondale
Not sure why it is acceptable now a days to have top caps like that. Substitute 'Tories' with a religious group, ethnic group, sexual orientation etc and it would be (rightly) shamed into oblivion but because its being offensive towards a particular political group its fine...
Not sure why it is acceptable now a days to have top caps like that. Substitute ‘Tories’ with a religious group, ethnic group, sexual orientation etc and it would be (rightly) shamed into oblivion but because its being offensive towards a particular political group its fine…
Really not strange at all.
Maybe there will be a ‘**** the Lefties’ top cap next week when there isn’t a load of Cannondale stuff in FGF?
Is a luxury titanium topcap with that engraved on it, which costs £28, to replaces a plastic or alloy OEM one that cost pence, some kind of ironic joke?
Seriously… Why would you want to be reminded of “the” tories every time you ride your bike?
Are Cannondale being a bit sneaky with the name of that pump and hope we confuse precise with accurate?
If top caps were much much bigger then one could elaborate... Brexit, 11,000 people waiting in ambulances last week. 7m on an NHS waiting list (including me). Inflation. Tax. Mini budget, Truss, took control of borders without taking control of borders. Lies on a big red bus. Underfunded police. Potholes. Sold off publicly owned services. Poll Tax. Help I'm a Tory celebrity. Boris and Pepper Pig. around 3/4 of million water pollution incidents so far this year
But in fairness Winston Churchill did abolish road tax.
And I do enjoy Michael Portillo's TV shows about trains.
Not sure why it is acceptable now a days to have top caps like that. Substitute ‘Tories’ with a religious group, ethnic group, sexual orientation etc and it would be (rightly) shamed into oblivion but because its being offensive towards a particular political group its fine…
Don't worry they do one for Tories as well:
Yet the use of the word Christmas has been hidden as to not to offend who exactly?
Meh. I don't even use mine as I've got a OneUp EDC.
How bougie is that. Still hate Tories.
"the word Christmas has been hidden " - so as to not offend people who only do their Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve. Although at least we're now into December. I wonder if Mark still owns 'keepchristmasindecember.com'? 🙂
Yet the use of the word Christmas has been hidden as to not to offend who exactly?
Not sure why it is acceptable now a days to have top caps like that. Substitute ‘Tories’ with a religious group, ethnic group, sexual orientation etc and it would be (rightly) shamed into oblivion but because its being offensive towards a particular political group its fine…
I kind of get what you're saying, but then I look around & see what they have done to the country. Most recently in my local area, a seaside town & they've shut to only public swimming pool, so now there isn't anywhere easy for kids to learn to swim.
Several other council run facilities are also under threat. Mean while, they carry on syphoning money from the poor to the rich so yeah **** em & all that sail in them.
I wish I needed that top cap. If I could afford it I’d buy all my biking friends one as well
Not sure why it is acceptable now a days to have top caps like that. Substitute ‘Tories’ with a religious group, ethnic group, sexual orientation etc and it would be (rightly) shamed into oblivion but because its being offensive towards a particular political group its fine…
Probably because that particular political group choose to do so much damage to the vast majority of the citizens of this country whilst working for the benefit of a tiny minority and lying through their teeth as they do so.
Plus everything Charlie said.
Charliedontsurf’s post: yep, exactly all the things we’re constantly aware and reminded of that riding a bike is perfect to get away from. But each to their own eh.
Not sure why it is acceptable now a days to have top caps like that. Substitute ‘Tories’ with a religious group, ethnic group, sexual orientation etc and it would be (rightly) shamed into oblivion but because its being offensive towards a particular political group its fine…
That argument doesn't really work though.
Eg .. A bunch of people defraud your family and refuse to help your starving children with the money they took or donate any of it to a needy cause, because it's all for them.
But you're saying no-one can call them a bunch of a thieving bastards because you could substitute 'them' for an ethic or religious group and that would obviously be wrong because as we know, those groups as a whole don't do those things. The Tories as a whole, do, because it's a supported and protected power system who collectively act in a certain way and accept leadership of someone who continues in that way. We've seen it over and over again and it's not an opinion or a political point anymore, it's simply an observation.
Not sure why it is acceptable now a days to have top caps like that. Substitute ‘Tories’ with a religious group, ethnic group, sexual orientation etc and it would be (rightly) shamed into oblivion but because its being offensive towards a particular political group its fine…
possibly because the Tories, not known as give Conservatives have for decades been implementing policies that are damaging to the country and the people who live in it.
i’m not sure what the stem cap achieves to fix the situation. they may donate money to another political party.
Maybe there will be a ‘**** the Lefties’ top cap next week
you will need to wait until Labour are in power. then you can have the equivalent of the **** Trudeau sticker that is so popular with the pilots of black, lifted dodge rams all over canada
but because its being offensive towards a particular political group its fine
we’ll ignore the lack of an apostrophe. But let’s consider ‘particular political group’.
1. Not a protected population under any legislation
2. A bunch of fools who have wrecked the U.K. economy over decades thanks to their weak grasp of economics, support for economy-wrecking policies, and general idiocy.
They deserve all the approbrium levelled at them.
Pinnacle are very optimistic re both the versatility and the value that those gowping shoes offer.
And I love the top caps. That’s why I bought one.
Anyway, enough top-cap politics. Helmet pads in your shorts' pocket (if you have a zip-up one) for the (washing) win.
1. Not a protected population under any legislation
apart from the legislation and voting influence they create to protect their own interests and the interests of their backers.
(but I know what you meant)
I used to enjoy just riding my bike
What’s stopping you?