It seems like there's been a lot of bad news about price rises on bikes and components recently, so we thought we'd look at what's driving it - and wh ...
By stwhannah
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Buy a bird.. I did got it in a good time frame with no price hikes!!.
You missed the 'it's bloody addictive' option out too.
Waiting for the next Whyte 909 to come out as V3 ran out.... Wonder what price it'll come out with!!
I'm still knocking about on my Cannondale Prophet and love it. I wouldn't fancy trying to get a new bike just now.
Glad I got a new (road) bike last January, just before the world as we knew it ended!
The full susser should be good for some years yet with Hope brgs, hubs etc.
I managed to get a couple of bargains last year, both on brand new second-hand bikes (oddly, both bought by their original owners from Evans). The first of these was a still boxed Cannondale Habit that I bought in Dec ‘19 from someone looking to free up funds to go travelling (...not sure that went to plan). The second was a Norco Bigfoot bought between lockdowns from someone who needed the cash as they’d been furloughed. Both of these were less than half price. There’s no way I could justify buying either for current market values.