Who would you trust to give you a good meal, our Charlie the Merchmonger, or Kona’s EU Marketing Manager, Nico?

It’s a tough call, but at least Nico is giving us less chance of a hair in our soup.
Yes, this video is also an advert for the Kona El Kahuna SUV – which is definitely not a Chelsea tractor. In fact, Chelsea would be a whole lot nicer if everyone rode around on these. Anyway. We digress. The is also an actual recipe for actual food, which is important because riding bikes doesn’t happen without lots of food.
Welcome to the first edition of Kook With Kona! Chef Nico was was supposed to make a Shakshuka, but the dog stole all of the eggs. What’s a cooking show producer to do? It’s the El Kahuna SUV to the rescue. Battling angels and demons the show producer conquers a harrowing challenge to ascend the highest mountain to get the best eggs possible to bring back to the Kooks of Kona!
Our Charlie also brings us mountain bikers food guidance, in Singletrack Kitchen in each edition of Singletrack World Magazine. By all accounts, you lot are actually making the food, successfully. Who’da thunked it?
Charlie is pretty keen on cooking, and he’s got our merch store all kitted out with a range of things to help you bring bikes to the kitchen, and the kitchen to bikes (and no, we’re not talking about putting your cassette in the dishwasher). Check out what we’ve got, and try out a couple of Charlie’s culinary suggestions while you’re at it.
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I have made the tomato soup and scones as described by Mr C Hobbs. I may have used different ingredients but that is my wont. Can’t wait for more recipes. Perhaps one day I shall cook for Mr Hobbs, after all my wife wont touch anything I make.