Benoit Coulanges, Camille Balanche, & Discontent in the pits: MUTN Podcast

by 7

In this episode George, Jack and Emilie catch up on World Champs and three World Cups, including a special guest appearance from Camille Balanche. Then they’re joined by the winner of the Les Gets World Cup, Benoit Coulanges before closing out the show with a few predictions for the final two World Cups of the season and some Team Rumours. Will there be more retirements? Where will riders go as teams close down? Which teams are closing? And where is Vali Höll off to?

Benoit Coulanges Gallery

Photo credit: Jey Crunch

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Previously on Making Up The Numbers Podcast

Season 5

After taking a 17 year break from exercise, George rediscovered mountain bikes in 2008. Six years later, at 40 years of age he started racing Downhill and the following season somehow ended up on the Revolution Bike Park Race Team. As the other members of the team fought for podiums and National Series victories, George searched for mid-pack mediocrity. In a bit to add some value #makingupthenumbers was born; a blog about their race weekends and in particular life towards the back of the field.

More posts from George

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  • Benoit Coulanges, Camille Balanche, & Discontent in the pits: MUTN Podcast
  • fourtopsallnight
    Free Member

    Quick PSA for Chris Ball:

    I’d give it a miss if I were you. 🙂

    But, everything is fine, honest.

    Full Member

    Damn it’s 2 hours long. There’s going to be so much work not done today.

    Full Member

    Very good listen, I like the fact Emily and Jack are basically on the front line so have some real good insight and don’t seem to pull any punches calling out the issues as they see them. Also enjoy listening to Sven Martin when he’s on Moving the Needle.

    Full Member

    Enjoyed that. Echo @Paul-B’s post – seems like good insight from Jack and Emily given their positions. Also, despite all the ongoing shite around how the series/DH is being run, it’s encouraging that the racing is still utterly brilliant.

    Full Member

    Good to hear them telling it straight re. the mishandling of the series and coverage.

    Also enjoy listening to Sven Martin when he’s on Moving the Needle.

    Has he given his verdict on the Discovery coverage shitshow? I’ll have to check it out. Agreed he’s usually got a great perspective.

    Full Member

    Agreed with the above comments – really good to get that level of inside information and appreciate the willingness to share their opinions.

    I got fed up of Downtime because of his unwillingness to say anything remotely critical. I still listen occasionally, but it’s now only if I have time and enthusiasm after I’ve listened to all the others.

    Full Member

    As a straight up review of the racing Downtime is OK, I prefer his interviews etc. more. I can see why he’d shy away from getting too involved in criticising too much.

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