What’s Open At Glentress? A Redevelopment Update

by 42

The Glentress Masterplan sets out redevelopment proposals that includes new trails, improved facilities, and some new accommodation options in the area. Originally conceived before the 2023 UCI World Championships were planned to take place in the area, there have been a few amendments to the plan and schedule to allow the 2023 UCI World Championships to happen. If you’re planning a trip to the area, here’s what to expect.

Closures From March 1st

The Buzzard’s Nest carpark is closed. Riders can park at the main visitor hub area at the bottom of the hill. If you want easier access to the skills area and trails that start up by the Buzzard’s Nest, you can book an uplift with Adrenaline Uplift. It is £8 per person per uplift, or £80 for a family day pass (see their website for the full range of services and pricing). The Forestry and Land Scotland website also states ‘Vehicle access for forest businesses and clubs to the Buzzard’s Nest Skills Area can be arranged in advance by contacting our local office, but will be limited to drop-offs only.’

The Freeride Area, and Zoom or Bust are closed. Ho Chi Zoom has a diversion in place. Martin Page, Regional Visitor Services Manager for Forestry and Land Scotland, confirmed that no other trail closures are planned:

‘I can confirm that there are currently no plans to close any existing MTB network trails as part of the Glentress Masterplan delivery. There may however be the need to put some temporary diversions in place due to late season storm damage or if any environmental issues arise (e.g. nesting birds).

2023 UCI World Championships preparation

If you check the planning application for the Masterplan, you’ll see that there has been a lot of back and forth making amendments to enable to World Championships to take place at Glentress – all the Cross-country and Cross-country Marathon events will be held there. Many of those changes allow for things like better access for event vehicles, rather than affecting the trails. However, the large start and finish area for the event is the site that is destined to be the location of the new skills area. Obviously work will not be able to begin on that new skills area until after the World Championships, meaning that the new skills area is now scheduled for completion at Easter 2024. The existing skills area, near the (closed) Buzzard’s Nest carpark, will remain open until the new area is complete.

After the 2023 UCI World Championships the start/finish line will be reconfigured and accommodated into the Masterplan so it can be used in future.

No new trails will be created as a result of the World Championships, Martin Page confirmed: ‘The XC race routes will be using approximately 80% of the existing trails and those being developed as part of the masterplan, with the remainder being removed as they are not compatible with the site’s legacy configuration.

Restrictions from 10th July, Closures 1st – 14th August

From 10th July Forestry and Land Scotland will be handing over management of the car parks and visitor hub to the event organisers. These car parks should remain open during this time, although there may be some reduction in available parking spaces. Notification of these restrictions will be provided nearer the time – check the Glentress website for updates.

From 1st August 2023 to 14th August 2023 the car parks and visitor hub will be closed. There will also be no access to Glentress from the A72 for the duration of the event between the 1st and 14th August.

What New Fun Is Coming?

Under the masterplan there will be 16km of new trails. Approximately 4km of the new trails are being designed as multi user paths, with the remaining 12km or so being specifically designed and constructed for mountain bikes.

Keep up to date with any developments or temporary closures here.

Chipps gave Glentress his Editors’ Choice Award in 2021 – we’re looking forward to seeing things get even better in the future!

While you’re here…

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Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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  • What’s Open At Glentress? A Redevelopment Update
  • a11y
    Full Member

    Can anyone clarify if Blue Velvet is affected? Article doesn’t mention it, but Trailforks shows it within a big red-highlighted area for “Forest Works 2023”.

    Still frustrating that out of the whole forest they’re using the Buzzards Nest area for redevelopment. What a loss.

    Full Member

    Can anyone clarify if Blue Velvet is affected? Article doesn’t mention it, but Trailforks shows it within a big red-highlighted area for “Forest Works 2023”.

    I’ve been riding GT most weeks for the past couple of months and Blue Velvet is closed for felling. Not sure if the felling is related to the new lodges, but it’s definitely closed

    Full Member

    Thanks. I realised after posting earlier there was more info on Trailforks advising closed due to forestry works from 29th January, so not directly related to the redevelopment.

    Full Member

    Is this the master plan that keeps getting tweaked with less and less being done? (Or is the plan to still have all the trails and developments but they are just doing them all in bits?)

    Full Member


    Is the keyword.
    And no plan survives for long…

    Full Member

    Finally some clarity! Thanks Hannah!

    I’ve had some direct info from various people at FLS- Blue Velvet is to get a new exit but will remain, as will berm baby berm…

    Free Member

    Martin Page confirmed: ‘The XC race routes will be using approximately 80% of the existing trails and those being developed as part of the masterplan, with the remainder being removed as they are not compatible with the site’s legacy configuration

    Eirher thats a bloody long XC course or Martin really needs to work on his English…

    Out of interest, how many millions is this 12km of additional mtb trail costing?
    I guess it’ll look like a bargain compared to the last “upgrade “

    Full Member

    Out of interest, how many millions is this 12km of additional mtb trail costing?

    From what I’ve seen the trails look great, but the massive culvert/vanity hole in what was a flat hillside looks to have been a colossal amount of work for a trail crossing and wont have come cheap

    Full Member

    Glentress is right at the top of my ‘to-do’ list.

    I’ve never been, and I really want to… should any of this be putting me off spending a weekend up there?

    Full Member

    Absolutely not, but its well worth exploring outside the trail centre routes.

    DM if you want any route ideas

    Free Member

    I’ve never been, and I really want to… should any of this be putting me off spending a weekend up there?

    Nope, and loads of ‘unsanctioned’ trails there too – Trailforks

    Full Member

    This adds a climb at the start and removes a small amount of fun stuff, but there is a vast network of trails and unofficial trails still there to be explored…so absolutely go.

    Full Member

    Definitely go but for the love of god dont do the black. Its awful. The black is a great way upto the top to do the off piste stuff but thats it

    Full Member

    The black lost a lot of its edge when my ability and my bikes ability rose.

    Full Member

    The loss of the Buzzards Nest is a massive shame in my opinion. We normally go away with a few other families for a couple of biking weekends a year. The kids range from 5-12 and the option of shuttling them up to the BN for a bit of climbing then straight into the good stuff was excellent. As it stands we’ve cancelled our GT family trips to head elsewhere now.

    Full Member

    I think I’m the only person in the world that likes the black. Ah well.

    Full Member

    Going up there in April, taking grav and MTB. Looking forward to having an explore

    Full Member

    I think I’m the only person in the world that likes the black. Ah well

    Nope. I rode it today and I enjoyed it. Been a while since I last did it and while it’s maybe old skool in some ways it’s still a good ride. I particularly liked the use of Mild Peril for the diversion to deliverance. That’s such a fun track.

    Full Member

    Poor black always suffers as there isn’t really one stand out feature. No big jumps or slabs or chutes. Taken as a journey rather multiple sets of sections and it makes much more sense.
    It’s especially awesome on an ebike. So much fun carrying speed up Soor Plooms.

    Full Member

    Black route fan here as well!
    However, the post Storm Arwen black is a poor relation and the attraction of a 17 mile mostly singletrack loop has been lost in my opinion, if they want to keep attracting bikers to help pay for this master plan they can’t rely on a few kms of new trail tagged on at the end.
    The unanswered question from FCS is whether or not the black will ever be brought back. Seeing the state of deliverance I have my doubts but 15 months later they should be able to confirm what the long-term plans is.

    Full Member

    I like the black too. Just a good old xc loop. Did two laps once, training for strathpuffer – definitely felt that. Did it for the first time in ages this year. Shame there were quite a few diversions in place. I hope it reopens fully. Not sure this master plan is going to make anything better, but the extra trails might be good for the family.

    Full Member

    There’s been a couple of off piste bits “re-opened”.

    Hush Hush is accessible again, although I suspect it’s very unofficial. Do the boundary trail to where HH used to start. Marvel at the catastrophic storm damage, then go a bit further up the trail and you’ll see the new entrance. Word of warning, it’s VERY off piste. By that I mean there’s been no building as such, just tyres down the hill. The start is a very long straight steep muddy rut which eventually turns right then joins into HH.

    Brown Trout is also accessible again. From the point where you used to cut off from the fire road, the new entrance is maybe 10 metres to the right. Again, no building as such, but it’s not steep so it’s less sketchy. Few wiggly turns through the trees then it joins Brown Trout after the storm damaged area.

    Full Member

    clubby Full Member
    Poor black always suffers as there isn’t really one stand out feature. No big jumps or slabs or chutes.

    Well there used to be the Stone Chute on the Goat Track but everyone rode around it and it got grown over.

    adam5555 Full Member
    Black route fan here as well!
    However, the post Storm Arwen black is a poor relation and the attraction of a 17 mile mostly singletrack loop has been lost in my opinion, if they want to keep attracting bikers to help pay for this master plan they can’t rely on a few kms of new trail tagged on at the end.

    The FC rangers I talked to used to say that it was hard to justify spending much on the black because far, far fewer riders rode it compared to the red and the blue. I can’t imagine that maintenance budget funds have been any easier to come by in recent years. 🙁

    BoardinBob Full Member

    Hush Hush

    Brown Trout

    (Grinds teeth) Surely you mean The Glorious Five Year Plan and Broon Troot? 😉

    Free Member

    The FC rangers I talked to used to say that it was hard to justify spending much on the black because far, far fewer riders rode it compared to the red and the blue. I can’t imagine that maintenance budget funds have been any easier to come by in recent years. 🙁

    Dunno, I did the whole of GT and Inners over a weekend ~2012ish, just after a load of money had been spent so everything was fast, smooth, stereotypical trail center stuff, and it was awesome. Last time I went a couple of years back the red had eroded so it just felt like you were continuously getting beaten up for little reward. But that’s equally applicable to most trail centers, as the average bike has moved from a 120mm hardtail to a 140mm full-suss there’s probably a lot less need to maintain trails to the same (expensive) standard in order to still attract riders.

    Full Member

    Buzzards and the freeride get a reprieve till 3rd April

    Full Member

    “The start of the Forest Holidays development has been delayed from 1 March to 3 April due to additional wildlife monitoring work needed. ”

    Interesting! I wonder what they found? Plenty of Red Squirrels around that area, would they still be hibernating?

    Full Member

    For a UK trail the black still has a more-than-adequate singletrack to fireroad ratio. I mean compared to some of the terrible stuff out there that gets ridden all the time its fantastic.

    I think it suffers from simply being hard work relatively speaking now everyone is forgetting what putting mileage effort in feels like. That said I cheated yesterday and rode it on an eBike so I can’t say Im bucking the trend either.

    I quite like the new deliverance bypass – totally different and yes it has fire road to cover the distance, but the descent down Mild Peril to the valley floor is worth it.

    Full Member

    Is there any chance that the upper level Green Trail will be reopened? While devoid of any TTFs it flowed very well and was a great stress free ride.

    Full Member

    Is there any chance that the upper level Green Trail will be reopened

    Zero. It was absolutely destroyed by the storm. I doubt they could ever safely remove the fallen trees

    Full Member

    Which is gutting as it’s long been a plan to get the nippers there as an introduction to GT

    Full Member

    For somebody who’s not been to Glentress for a dozen years (maybe a tad more), had a 120mm travel Stumpy FSR at the time (26″ wheels obvs 🙂) and isn’t scared of pedalling vut is scared of 15ft gap jumps (I liked the black back then as a nicer length ride rather than quick blast 10kms) what do I have in store ? (I’m on a 140mm travel Five these days, 27.5″ wheels). But obvs older and creakier

    Full Member

    I always liked a hybrid route of black and red with a spin back up to the buzzards nest to then ride blue back to the finish. If I had the legs and the time then I’d add in some off piste stuff close to the buzzards nest carpark.

    I’ve done a double lap of the black a couple of times, it’s a tough going xc route but I was always a fan. It feels pretty remote in some places.

    Full Member

    The whole management of Glentress just seems to be two steps forward and one back. Shame really.

    Full Member

    Zero. It was absolutely destroyed by the storm. I doubt they could ever safely remove the fallen trees

    That’s what I assumed as well, but it is planned to reopen. There are delays due to harvester availability.

    Full Member

    The whole management of Glentress just seems to be two steps forward and one back. Shame really.

    It seems to me that Glentress is suffering from resources being directed to the shiny big projects to the detriment of maintenance funds.

    Its sad that there appears to be no money to fix the existing trail network, but enough in the pot to fund headline grabbing new projects.

    Free Member

    I enjoy the black, it’s more about fitness than skill but makes a good training route

    Was planning to ride it for the first time in years next month but sounds like a lot of it is shut

    Full Member

    I doubt they could ever safely remove the fallen trees

    Aye they could, windblown is tricky but not impossible.

    I always appreciated the wee faded pic of Britney at the top of the black, it got me singing from there on it.

    Goat track was always good

    Full Member

    Rode the Red and the Black in a day in ’21. I thought both were very good; the best on piste trails I’d ridden and a massive improvement over the bore-fest that is the Beast at CYB.

    Free Member

    From what I know, the remaining wind blow areas are in the hands of the foresters.
    The easy to clear sections have all been done, but the larger areas are now waiting for them to be planned in to the wider felling plans, which are done on a more commercial basis. It’ll likely take years for everything to be cleared, as the wind blow is only likely to be removed when nearby good timber is harvested.

    It seems to me that Glentress is suffering from resources being directed to the shiny big projects to the detriment of maintenance funds.

    Its sad that there appears to be no money to fix the existing trail network, but enough in the pot to fund headline grabbing new projects.

    It’s all to do with funding.
    It’s easier to get funding/grants for shiny new exciting things, than it is to get funds for boring old maintenance.

    Free Member

    It’s all to do with funding.
    It’s easier to get funding/grants for shiny new exciting things, than it is to get funds for boring old maintenance.

    Makes sense. Was there today. By and large it looks fairly abandoned with many of what’s not already been removed man made features looking like they are not long for this world.

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