Bolehills Forever: The community of a dig spot

by 3

This video should warm your cockles, and will likely have you planning a visit. If you don’t have a similar facility near you, it may also have you wondering why not.

It’s really a celebration of a great facility and the community that supports it, but there are a couple of points raised in there worthy of some thought. The video mentions that the site is relatively cheap to build and maintain compared to tarmac tracks – it just needs more volunteer time and input. When we looked at where Councils were building pump tracks, they had a clear preference for tarmac tracks, on the ground that they needed less maintenance.

Another point raised in favour of the no-tarmac option is the flexibility it offers – diggers can experiment with new features and change the track over time, in this instance to add more inclusive options to open the track up to more users.

Which is better: something that costs a lot but doesn’t need some committed volunteers, or something that’s cheap and flexible but needs ongoing effort? And can a tarmac track which doesn’t need the collaboration and cooperation of users ever create the same sense of love and commitment conveyed in this video?

Props too to Richard Baybutt too – a man who seems to have boundless energy for getting stuck in and helping folks out. Between his work for Cotic supporting various projects, and his own personal time, he pops up helping out great initiatives all over the place. More people like him in the world, please!

Pondering over… who’s planning a trip to go and check it out?
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Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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Home Forums Bolehills Forever: The community of a dig spot

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  • Bolehills Forever: The community of a dig spot
  • bikerevivesheffield
    Full Member

    Such a great place for all ages and abilities and 200m from the workshop. It’s a pleasure to dig there and for my lad to ride it

    Full Member

    Great to see a community backing a local track. Sadly most places this isn’t the case with bike tracks and trails being maintained by a tiny % of the regular riders. Could singletrack do more to highlight these groups and there need for riders to take part?

    Free Member

    Now then that’s an idea. I’ve been mooching about Sheffield today as the car is in for a service today. As I was in that area I went and had a look at the new hillsborough pump track. Lovely thing built by velosolutions recently. There was guy looked older than me manualling his bmx all the way round it. As things stands I’ll have about an hour for a spin before it goes dark. Might nip up to crookes for a few laps rather than the usual lady cannings. Not been for too long

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