British Cycling XC National Series Rd 3 – Lochore Meadows 

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Whether you’re racing or watching from the sidelines, you’ll enjoy the latest update from the National XC Series.

Lochore Meadows 7/8 May 2022

Photos by Man Down Media unless credited.

Another race, another storm induced relocation.

We headed further into Scotland for round three of the national XC series, up to Lochore Meadows in the Kingdom of Fife. It’s a place that’s been inhabited and worked for several thousands of years and visible remains from that include a few chunks of castle and a concrete pit head from more recent mining. The mine shut in the 60s and the area has been regenerated into a well-used park. There are a few bike trails here as well as water sports on the loch, plus it’s the home to Fife’s Outdoor Education Centre who work incredibly hard to bring the joys of doing exciting stuff outside to a whole range of children and families. There’s also a local bike club, Meedies, who not only encourage cycling locally but brought a whole range of home-made cakes to sell at the race. So, big shout out to them and to Andy the Park Ranger for all the help and support they gave to SXC putting on the race. 

The optional start ramp was a bit steep. Credit: Joolze Dymond
Dogs were used to prevent unlicensed use of ginger biscuits.

This was, of course, the round that was supposed to have been at Drumlanrig but the storm damage there couldn’t be cleared in time, sadly a familiar story this year. So the course that the SXC folk had been working on for three years had to be shelved and they quickly had to work with what they had at Lochore. Yet another warning that race organising isn’t as straightforward as it could be. There was a Scottish Championship at Lochore in 2019 when the weather had been incredibly wet and the course an utter mudfest, one of those days that goes down in legend, but thankfully this course was dry apart from a tiny slithery section. And while it wasn’t as technical a course as the previous two rounds there was plenty to keep you on your toes.

So many lines to choose, so many trees to have a quick hug with on the way through.

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  • British Cycling XC National Series Rd 3 – Lochore Meadows 
  • al
    Full Member

    It was hardly disobedience. Carolyn asked on the start line to do 4 (it had been posted all day as 3 but why ask at a convenient time eh?) and was told she could. But that doesn’t make controversy does it. Mind you if she did continue after being told she was on a 3 lap race she’d have to have been penalised, which would have been controversial. But she didn’t as she wasn’t so I guess this “journalist” has to stir the pot.

    Full Member

    There has to be consistency across the races and across the series. What I have observed so far this series has led me to believe there is one rule for some and another for others. She’s asked before, several times, for parity and will continue to keep asking until things change. Doesn’t seem to matter when she asks, she’s always been told no. Also, her side of the story doesn’t match up with yours. I’d love to know what the truth is and why we have lap numbers which do change on the start line (c.f. Grand Vets at Tong).

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