Singletrack MegaSack Countdown Day 5 – Granite Cricket Bell

by 12

This is no ordinary bell. This is a Mark’s and Sp….. Wait.. This is Granite Design Cricket Bell. A bell like no other. Check this out..

Granite Design Cricket Bell

Andi reviewed this bell earlier this year. It’s a deployable cowbell style bell, with manual ‘Single-Strike Mode’ ding option. In the packet, the bell comes with a built-in handlebar bracket and optional rubber spacers to step down the clamp for narrower bars. With the largest spacer fitted the Cricket Bell fits on bars as narrow as 22.2mm, a second thinner spacer takes it to 31.8mm, and without the bell fits modern 35mm bars. So while the idea of a bell might bring about visions of shopping bikes, the Cricket Bell is designed for anything from kids’ bikes, gravel bikes, mountain bikes to even DH bikes.

How do I enter?

Log in to reveal the entry form in this story and answer the question you’ll find there. The answer you seek will be in the video above.

Answering the daily question gives you two chances to win: you’ll be entered into the daily draw for that day’s prize; and you’ll also get one entry into the Megasack draw.

Every time you correctly answer a daily question and enter a daily draw, you get another entry into the Megasack. You can go back and enter the daily answers after that daily prize has been drawn, and it will still give you an extra entry into the Megasack draw.

The rules are strictly one member one entry/day. If we detect any attempt at multiple daily entries we will remove all those users entries from the draw.

And another thing… Really sorry to our overseas readers but we can only send prizes to a UK address. If you have a friend or an address you can use in the UK for a prize then by all means enter.What will Mark be drinking by his fireside when he picks the MegaSack winner? *

Day 4 Winner

Congratulations to user benna50 who has won our Day 4 draw. Standby and watch your inbox for contact. And if you are reading this give us a whoop whoop in the comments.

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  • Singletrack MegaSack Countdown Day 5 – Granite Cricket Bell
  • ElShalimo
    Full Member

    Ding dong!

    Full Member

    Had the spinney wheel of doom on the site again, looked at the questions and had a guess what the answer could be. Went onto you tube to actually see the video before entering and I guessed the right answer. Singletrack towers seems to like mentioning these animals quite a bit

    Free Member

    Good job Amanda had a chap there to answer all the difficult questions, the ladies just can’t cope, can they? (Yes, fellow MTBers, that’s sarcasm.) Shut up, Ross.

    Full Member

    We take it in turns. Ross was on knowledge and Amanda was on questions. Tomorrow Amanda is on knowledge and I’m on questions.

    Full Member

    Still getting the spinning wheel of doom, and to make matters worse, at 7pm it is still not showing up on Youtube! Hopefully I get to enter tomorrow?

    Full Member

    @welshfarmer – did you try the link on the page, it’s either above/below the video. That’s how I got in tonight

    Free Member

    I haven’t heard Amanda speak before, never expected her to have that voice, its adorable.

    Full Member

    @adrian adams

    cheers for that. I missed the link above the video. Strange that the you tube video works, but isn’t available on the Singletrack Youtube channel like the previous 4 days were.

    Free Member

    whoop whoop

    Full Member

    Having avoided the camera for four years, I thought the task of asking questions was a good premier for me. I’ll make a point of overshadowing Ross, next time!

    Full Member

    Here’s to 2022 being the year where Amanda makes peace with the birds.

    Full Member

    Was the microphone in the next room? Amanda and Ross were a lot less audible than the intro music or folks on previous days.Or maybe my hearing is deteriorating faster than I thought.

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