We’re not looking out the window because the sun has stopped shining and we’re pretending that there isn’t rain running down it. Aimlessly perusing the internet is dangerous, because it’s full of news, which is mostly bad. So come on in to our screen time cocoon and wrap yourself up in some feel good vibes. We’ve got five videos to turn hump day into a gloriously groomed take off. Move your mood on up!
1. London Lockdown with Bernard Kerr
Music to make you dance like a puppet, feel good bike flying tricks, and A DOG IN A BASKET. Just look at that cute face, those floppy ears flapping in the wind, yes we’re still talking about the dog.
2. Dennis Enarson’s Right Here
Get past the first few minutes of painful incidents and it’s just clip after clip of ‘what did I just see?’. Helmet use appears totally spurious, skin is neglected, but oh my, what tricks.
3. Fumbling Around
A video with a title like this perhaps ought to struggle to make it through a NSFW filter, but fear not, it’s all wholesome stuff. Yes, it’s skateboards, no it’s not bikes, but if it doesn’t put a smile on your face watching this then what will. Be sure to stick with it to the end.
4. Dear Skateboarding
Yup, more skateboarding, but plenty of sentiment that mountain bikers can relate to. Effort, friendship, belonging, joy. Different tool, very similar effect.
5. I Missed This
And, back to mountain biking. This guy is going to wonder where all the views are coming from when you lot start watching it (it was on 70 views when I spotted it). Hopefully he’ll make his way over here and join you all in our Singletrack community, because it seems like he’s one of us in spirit.
OK, soak up those feel good vibes and head back out into the real world now. Maybe take a bike with you – it’ll almost certainly feel like a better place if you do.
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That is a bloomin’ good selection, there. If you’d have left it a week, it would have been five years since the last Midweek Mini Movies. I’m not distracted from my work at all, oh no.
That second one is bonkers. There are many things I see in bike films that I might hope to emulate one day, but riding off a house is not one of them.