5 minutes with Tommy Zula

5 Minutes With Tommy Zula: UCI Pump Track World Champ

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Tommy Zula shot to stardom this year after winning the Pumptrack Worlds in Bern, Switzerland. We managed to put the brakes on this Rainbow jersey winner for a quick 5-minute question and answer session.

First, let’s watch him ride!

Tell us who you are, what you do and why we should go for a bike ride with you.
Tommy Zula, 27 years old from Dayton Ohio. I’m a bicycle rider of all sorts from downhill to Bmx with everything in-between. I started racing Bmx when I was 9 and have been racing/ riding every day since. Been focusing more on the mountain bike races the past 2 years. You should come on a ride with me cause I will keep the stoke level high and push you outside your comfort zone.

What has been your best memory or achievement from the last year?
It has been one fantastic year but winning a rainbow jersey for sure takes the cake. The ceremony and the crowd cheering is something I will never forget

5 minutes with Tommy Zula
1st Red Bull UCI Pump Track World Champ!

You crash your bike and can only salvage one thing from it – what would it be and why?
One thing wow so hard to choose but I would choose my fork. It has always taken me a while to set up my fork so I would for sure take that with me.

If you could only ride one trail for the rest of your days – which is it?
One trail forever = Dirt merchant in Whistler

Everyone wants to improve, right? What would you like to do better?
One thing I would focus improving would be exit speed on my corners.

5 minutes with Tommy Zula
U.S duo on the top of the podium for 2019.

Which component do you break and/or swap the most?
Component I break the most would be pedals. I am constantly bending peddles and most part I swap would be my tires. Always trying different tire set-ups or putting on some freshies for race day.

What is your tip to becoming a better mountain biker?
My Tip to becoming a better mountain biker would be ride consistently, ride more, ride harder and aways have fun.

What one innovation has made mountain bikes better, and why?
Tires I would say. They are lasting longer and giving you the best of everything in one tire.

Who do you admire most in the mountain bike world?
The rider I admire most would be Kyle Strait. He has super rad style, big tricks, goes really fast and will go have a drink with you after.

What are you hoping to get up to in the next 12 months?
Trying to have as much fun as possible. Defend my pump track title, compete in the whole Crankworx series, hang out at sea otter, film a couple rad video projects and ride everything I can.

If you want to keep up to date with what this World Champ gets up to over the coming season then check out his official Instagram account.

Andi is a gadget guru and mountain biker who has lived and ridden bikes in China and Spain before settling down in the Peak District to become Singletrack's social media expert. He is definitely more big travel fun than XC sufferer but his bike collection does include some rare hardtails - He's a collector and curator as well as a rider. Theory and practice in perfect balance with his inner chi, or something. As well as living life based on what he last read in a fortune cookie Andi likes nothing better than riding big travel bikes.

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