Best Published Image – Singletrack Reader Awards 2019 Finalists

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Singletrack Magazine has always prided itself in the quality of its photographs and the skills of its contributors. In this day and age when everyone is now a photographer and your phone is always to hand to snap whatever catches your eye, it’s easier than ever to take a good picture.

But a really great picture is one that makes you stop and look again, wonder at the situation, marvel at the trail or the characters in it and to really feel that you’re there. Here are three stunning images vying for your vote:

The Finalists – Best Published Image

Singletrack Issue 123 Cover by Ale Di Lullo,

Ale Di Lullo
Big Water, Utah | Click to go big

“The sun of a short day was going to set soon and we were looking for a ridge shot to complete a day of great weather and golden light before the winter arrival.

We pushed our bikes up one of those steep freeride lines till the top and just when we got there we realised there was a great shot over the next ridge so I waited without riding for Richie to ride down and hike up the next ridge… the sun was going to set soon but in the end everything happened just with perfect timing, and I had my ride down as well.”

Ale Di Lullo

Singletrack Issue 122 Cover by Ryan Creary,

Ryan Creary
Matt Yaki, Panpan Valley, Kham Tibet, China | Click to go big

After arriving in Chengdu, China for a 10 day mountain bike tour through the Kham Tibet region, we drove up to 3800m where we stayed at local homestead. I woke up that evening horribly sick – vomiting and passing out. I spent the next day in a Chinese hospital on an IV drip. Feeling much better the following day I joined the crew for my first day of high altitude singletrack, which started out fine but by the time we hit the alpine and 4500m my head felt like I had the worst migraine headache I could ever imagine all the while getting hit in the head with a hammer – it was gnarly.  I had never experienced altitude sickness before and it was crushing. But the landscape was mind blowing and I had to capture some images from the day so when we rounded this corner with huge Himalayan peaks as a backdrop and the day fading to dusk, I stopped to capture the rest of the crew coming around the corner. Pretty much my last photo of the day and I remember barely making it back down. That night I laid curled in a ball on pain meds hoping the altitude sickness would pass. Some images are there for the taking…this one was not. It’s probably one the most painful images I’ve ever taken and I definitely earned this cover shot.

Ryan Creary

Fort William, Behind The Scenes – Issue 126 by Samantha Saskia Dugon

From Fort William, Behind The Scenes |Singletrack Magazine Issue 126

Saskia Dugon
Fort William, Scotland | Click to go big

‘Contemplating your life decision before you leave the start gate, thinking how your love of bikes has brought you to riding in some of the more miserable conditions, and still doing it anyway.

This image featured in Issue 126 of Singletrack Magazine, where Saskia took us behind the scenes at this year’s very wet Fort William World Cup. It’s such an evocative opening image to the feature.

Best viewed BIG.

Author Profile Picture
Amanda Wishart

Art Director

Amanda is our resident pedaller, who loves the climbs as much as the descents. No genre of biking is turned down, though she is happiest when at the top of a mountain with a wild descent ahead of her. If you ever want a chat about concussion recovery, dealing with a Womb of Doom or how best to fuel an endurance XC race, she's the one to email.

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