Ah yes. Marvellous Monday. How doth we loathe thith Monday…th.
The day of the week that comes packed with more emotion than an episode of Coronation Street. Joy and happiness lingers after a buzzing weekend of good times, while pain and torment collides as the harsh truth of the working week unfolds in your lap like a sick kitten that’s throwing up on you. But alas, there ain’t nothing you can do about that but simply clean the sick off, say “Bad Kitty! NO!”, and press on. And press on we shall.
Before we commence however, we’re going to grab ourselves a brew and sit down to enjoy a few memories snapped over the weekend from within the Singletrack office and beyond. Here’s our Monday Morning Debrief to catch up on what everyone’s been up to over the past few days. Procrastinate? Us? Not at all!
Vicki and Hannah hit up a local trail centre for a skills with Andrew Mee as part of an upcoming feature on the website. Both are accomplished riders who were looking for a little coaching to take their riding to the next level. Because you can never stop learning right?
We love Hannah’s face in this video. Wil calls it the “Cat’s Bum Face”, which he says he’s perfected over the years from all of the occasions his wheels have accidentally left the ground. Here, Hannah experiences that exact sensation on one of the table tops at Lee Quarry. Despite the expression, Hannah assures us she had a good time and got loads out of the experience.
Meanwhile, our Social Media guru, Andi, got out to Farmer Johns for some full-face shredding. Thankfully for us, he had a camera strapped to that helmet, so he could make sure he documented every part of the trail. Including this most excellent crash that has been watched over and over around the Singletrack coffee machine.
Adele was also out on the weekend, but rather than filming sick edits and spraying roost everywhere, she went to the Leith Hill Protection Walk. As you may have read last week in Adele’s news story, the Leith Hill trail network is currently under threat from oil drilling. Leith Hill is a popular mountain bike destination just outside of London, so along with a whole load of local walkers and mountain bikers, Adele got out there to protest the threat against this highly popular outdoors environment. It was even on BBC new too!
Likewise, Antony joined the SingletrAction crew in Stainburn just north of Leeds for a dig day. While many of us were out there spinning our tyres across singletrack over the weekend, Antony was working on his calluses with some volunteer trail maintenance. Ripper job Antony, and hats off to you for donating your spare time to the trails – the singletrack karma gods will be smiling upon you!
Pete Scullion and his mate took two bikes up to the 9th highest peak in the UK for a dawn raid over the weekend. That peak is Ben Lawers, and from the looks of things, it was probably a bit chilly up there! Pete has also put together a wonderful trail piece about Aviemore for the new issue of Singletrack Magazine, which is out this week.
Mountain biker, Grit.cx conspirator and all-round legend Tom Hill has been busy over the weekend. He’s been making pizza and riding his newly built Cotic Flare MAX, and yesterday, he combined the two. Because lets face it, what could be better than that hey?
Danny Wilson was also out with a video camera, though this one was attached to a fly wire that he was testing with the Wiralcam guys from Norway. Looks very slick indeed, and you’ll have to stay tuned for more info on this one…
And last, but certainly not least, we have one more gift for you on this fine Monday hell-day. Just a few minutes of Chipps and Wil gasbagging as part of our Fresh Goods Friday Live video.
Hold on a second. What the heck is that on Chipps’ head??
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Good work peeps, eek I can remember the FGF being in single digits, so …. A) I am now officially old, B) Proof of my memory still working = happy old git. hmmmm beer