Tuesday Treats 150: Biketreks

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Your regular dose of retail therapy from Singletrack’s Premier Dealers, stockists and advertisers:

Tuesday Treats gives you a quality serving of independent bike retailing and a chance to WIN BIG in this week’s prize draw!

This week, we reintroduce: Biketreks

‘Back in the day …’

We’re back with a cracking Tuesday Treats this week. Reintroducing old friends Biketreks who have been through something of a transformation. Shop Manager Sarah talks through all the details…

“Ambleside’s Biketreks was 25 years old in May. Some of you reading this may well remember the ‘good old days’ when Andy (above) had a van and very short shorts. Back when he decided to adventure into unknown territory and set up what has gone onto to establish itself as one the best bike shops in the UK [our audience voted it best Bike Shop in the UK at a Singletrack Reader Awards not many moons ago – Ed.]

“Over the years many things have changed; location, staff, brands, fixtures and fittings – but some things have remained. One is an ethos to strive for the best products in the best location with the best good old fashioned customer service and the other is seeking out the best real coffee!

… bang up to date, demo fleet

This feels likes it’s building up into something. Tell us more…

“With one of the best equipped workshops in the industry, Andy is a man who knows everything about everything and our staff have gone through the school of hard knocks, so he can impart his knowledge onto us. Most people have a “tolerance” of him and at times hated it, but I don’t know any staff member who hasn’t “grown” as a person after a week of working with Andy.

“Moving forward 25 years since its humble beginnings, Andy got itchy feet wanting to do what he’s always wanted to do – to go and ride his bike [us too!  -Ed]. An opportunity came along, and after introducing a new Biketreks motto “explore new territory” he has set off to do just that…”

SC Landscape
Biketreks’ local test ground

Wow, well where does that leave you now?

“To put a thousand rumours to rest – a local chap called Simon has bought the business – not me, not John, not Evans, nor Keith and certainly not a corporate chain! A businessman through and through, Simon won’t change anything about the ethos of Biketreks and its next 25 years of heritage is safe as houses. We are focussed on introducing a few new brands, refresh some old ones, putting together a proper race team and collectively bringing Biketreks well and truly into the 21st century – including a second store.”

What about this new store then?

Biketreks developments
Not ‘Homes Under The Hammer’ Darhhhling!

“We are in the final stages of creating this second store in Ings behind the petrol station, with an incredible new building. Fully glass fronted, with an industrial chic look you’ll be amazed when you come and visit us at the space Simon has created. Think Grand Designs meets Homes by the Med.

“With our grand opening due at the end of June, this purpose built site will allow us to divide our stock between road and mountain, with ‘road’ at the new Ings store and ‘mountain’ staying in Ambleside.”

How’s business in all the shake-up?

“At present – and bucking the industry trend – we have growth in both sectors, and it was decided that to do each discipline justice we should divide our stock between the two stores. So along with bikes, clothing and accessories we will also divide our existing staff and bring in some new “old” ones if you will.

“Both stores will still service all bikes regardless of what they are, and you’ll find clothing and accessories to suit all disciplines in both stores too, but for specialist clothing then Ambleside will feature the likes of TLD, Fox and Norrona with Ings hosting Gore, RH+ and Assos.”

Custom build Biketreks
Custom Builds, built with pride

Sweet. Where do we go from here?

“The new store will sell Scott, Spesh, Mason, Storck and Open road, gravel and hybrid bikes and the Ambleside store will now be selling Open MTBs as well as an expanded range of fat tyre beauties from Scott, Spesh, Orange, Santa Cruz and Juliana.

“We’re just focussed on building on our heritage, our stunning location, cutting through the bullshit, doing of custom builds proud, getting folk out on our demo days and maintaining our second to none customer service.”

Before_094D2805 Custom SC
Before the workshop gets busy
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Replies (1)

    So is it the front or back wheel that gets the tyre and brake? And is there a review coming on the wireless dropper post?

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