You may recall, a little while ago, we ran a small competition to win a pair of glorious size 42 XXX Mountain Disco Slippers from those lovely people at Bontrager:
They’re incredibly stiff (14 out of 10, apparently) and they come in this magnificently vibrant colour. More details are available here.
We were literally metaphorically inundated with entries – a LOT of people seemingly have size 42 feet, or have a weird fetich for size 42 shoes (you know who you are, Mr Multiple Everso Slightly Pervy Entries)… but, after perusing the huge list of fantastically creative entries, we have a winner!
(drumroll, please)
Step forward, jonnyclaridge, and exult! We’ll be emailing you shortly for a shipping address… make sure you’re wearing sunglasses when you open the box. Well done Jon!
Here’s his winning entry for the curious:
In the late 1990’s I had a mildly successful career in the XXX industry. Unfortunately, recently things have become, how to put it, less exciting and a little mundane. After recently leaving the ‘industry’, where, coincidentally, I went by the nick-name of “The Boa” (ironic as I have size 42 feet!) things have hit rock bottom. I’ve had to become an Accountant and literally scrapping by to earn a living. Things have got so tight, I’ve had to sell my last pair of shoes to make ends meet. What a lovely surprise to see a competition to win a replacement, oh the joy! I’ve not been this happy since the 4th-take of my last movie I had to do (I’ll send you the picture of the ‘team’ if you like). Anyway life as an accountant (Chartered, may I add) is a little less fulfilling. There are similarities, long hours, double entry (Accounting joke – better ask the pencil pushers in Accounts on this one), trying to avoid paying tax…you know, the usual. I would long to have this brightening up my life…the joy.
I would love to cycle back to my previous work place, obviously wearing a pair of shoes such as these, to show them just how great things are since leaving the industry. Clearly I would stand out from the crowd with these unbelievable disco-slippers, snug as they are I think I’d be tearing up the local skate-park with these bad-boys no problem at all.
Anyway people of, I hope you can take pity on me and see your way to letting me have these fabulous shoes.
Yours truly
Jon “The Boa” Claridge
Well done Jon!
For more info on Bontrager gear, click here.
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