powerbar buns cake mix

We Were Live! Eating Powermuffins

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If you follow our updates on Facebook then you may have caught our latest live broadcast earlier this morning. If you don’t or didn’t then here it is again for your viewing pleasure. We were taste testing a batch of freshly baked PowerBar Muffins.

[fbvideo link=”https://business.facebook.com/singletrackmag/videos/10153833680123612/” width=”650″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”0″]

Can’t see the video? Click here

Here’s what it’s all about. Powerbar have launched a cake mix containing lots of energy and things you may not be familiar with in a humble bun.

Our Hannah followed the recipe and baked up a batch.

The box of mix (3 sachets) costs £9.99 and we reckon is enough for 5 reasonably sized buns. Apparently two of them contains the same energy as one PowerBar.

From: Powerbar

Here’s the science bit from the back.


Apparently you can knock up a quick bun without an oven by using the microwave. Mark is going to give that go at 4pm and you can watch live on our Facebook page. Just like our page to be notified when we start broadcasting.

Isn’t modern journalism just awesome?

Missed the Micro Power Muffin Show?

Here it is..

[fbvideo link=”https://business.facebook.com/singletrackmag/videos/10153834138658612/” width=”650″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”0″]

Can’t see the video? Click here

Author Profile Picture
Mark Alker

Singletrack Owner/Publisher

What Mark doesn’t know about social media isn’t worth knowing and his ability to balance “The Stack” is bested only by his agility on a snowboard. Graphs are what gets his engine revving, at least they would if his car wasn’t electric, and data is what you’ll find him poring over in the office. Mark enjoys good whisky, sci-fi and the latest Apple gadget, he is also the best boss in the world (Yes, he is paying me to write this).

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