If you’ve not heard of it before, 30 Days of Biking is a personal challenge with a charitable edge. People pledge to ride their bike every day in April, and for every two that do, 1USD is donated to World Bicycle Relief. This year we have six riders attempting the challenge.
Day 11
We’ve forgiven Greg his weekend ‘blip’ – after all, he had already ridden further than many of us will ride in a month. So he’s back on the bike, along with the rest of us, for another day…

A quick after-school spin round the lanes with the family – so happy to have the lighter evenings back!

It’s official, I’m ill. After a fevered night I dragged myself into work and managed to struggle through the day. I did ride though, a few minutes of testing after sorting the drivetrain and brakes in advance of next weekend’s shenanigans. A hairs breadth from a 30 Days fail, but I’m still hanging in!

Yes I may have failed. Yes I know, I shouldn’t even be here, and so on and so forth. Either way, I’m still going to ride my bike as much as I can. However, my legs, what have I done to my poor little legs! I’d forgotten how bad a real case of DOMS can be.
Today I rode the other bike as the Divide bike is in Keep Pedalling getting a refit. By refit I mean new frame. Oh yes, new race bike time is nearly here! Either way, my planned recovery ride was mostly headwinds, but it has helped my legs somewhat.
50km, 3hrs, mostly flat.

A bike commuting day consists of a lot of getting dressed and undressed:
Morning – out of pyjamas, into cycle gear.
Arrive at work – out of cycle gear into proper clothes
Leave work – back into the cycle gear
Collect kids from school and go home – out of the cycle gear and into pyjamas. I am usually too lazy to put ‘proper clothes’ back on…this pic taken at about 3:30pm.

Biblical rain all day meant a very short ride into town and back. Still, nice weather for ducks.

By the looks of the footwear in the work changing room, I don’t quite fit the female commuter profile.
Will Giles make it?
We’re worried for poorly Giles. Will he fight off the germs or succumb to the snot? He has a long and quite possibly horrible bike ride awaiting him this weekend in the form of the Dirty Reiver – 200km of fire roads and gravel around Kielder Forest. Please send him healing vibes.
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Heal Giles, heal!