Video: Send it, Episode 2

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There’s been considerable debate in the office (okay, it’s just been me, talking loudly to myself while everyone else ignores me) – is it better to BRING IT, or to SEND IT? And if you DO SEND IT, I assume that you can no longer BRING IT.  And lastly, If you do SEND IT, which is the best carrier?

In any case, Matt Macduff gives a series of dirt-jumpy tasks to young tykes Bailey Peckford and Fran Vigs, who are probably young enough to be my grandkids. Things are sent (so no bringing, presumably). Things get rad, and people are stoked – you know the score… Some amusingly naff electric arc effects at the beginning too. It certainly looks like more fun than sitting in a stuffy office listening to the rain…

Can’t see? Click here.

In case you missed episode 1, it’s here.

Can’t watch? Clicky here

Barney Marsh takes the word ‘career’ literally, veering wildly across the road of his life, as thoroughly in control as a goldfish on the dashboard of a motorhome. He’s been, with varying degrees of success, a scientist, teacher, shop assistant, binman and, for one memorable day, a hospital laundry worker. These days, he’s a dad, husband, guitarist, and writer, also with varying degrees of success. He sometimes takes photographs. Some of them are acceptable. Occasionally he rides bikes to cast the rest of his life into sharp relief. Or just to ride through puddles. Sometimes he writes about them. Bikes, not puddles. He is a writer of rongs, a stealer of souls and a polisher of turds. He isn’t nearly as clever or as funny as he thinks he is.

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