Video: Epic corridors of cultivated flow

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What it's all about, isn't it?
Nodes of epiphany interwoven with flow of… oh, nevermind.

… the experience of the trail, as related to euphoria, is a continuous collection of multitudes extending in all dimensions.

Alright, so the narration is a bit… something.  But if there’s one thing that Acre Supply does well (after packs and jackets and the like) it is present imagery capable of creating a near-physical ache for big days in bigger mountains. And the Sam Needham-produced “Nodes” (with photos from Sven Martin and narration from Ash of Trans Provence fame) is no exception. While the words can at times veer towards the baroquely bro-twee, the message does touch at some deeper truths.

Feel the ache!
Oh proud massif! How the senses ache at thee!

So yeah. With or – possibly more so – without the audio, here’s a three-plus minute reminder to get to planning next summer’s adventures. Either way, the South of France has just jumped several places in our fantasy holiday rankings.

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