Tuesday Treats 148: Garage Bikes

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james-spannerYour regular dose of retail therapy from Singletrack’s Premier Dealers, stockists and advertisers:

Tuesday Treats gives you a quality serving of independent bike retailing and a chance to WIN BIG in this week’s prize draw!

This week, we revisit: Garage Bikes

A frequent fixture on the treats roster and indeed, technically our longest serving Premier Dealer, we can rely on Al and the Garage Bikes crew for great chat. This week they are doing things for a great cause too…

What’s new in the world of Garage Bikes then, Al?

Well, we continue to track our own course down in Morley, just on the outskirts of south Leeds. In the meantime, continuing to build a reputation for being the place that serious MTBers head off the M62, for enlightened chat, advice and the finest service and support. Ask our customers – go on, we dare you. Our Google Streetview is right here.

Remind us, what is the Garage Bikes ‘Trust House Forte’?

We’re a good old fashioned but forward thinking Bike Workshop, custom builder of Pivot and Kinesis bikes mainly, Fox Service Centre, Schwalble Pro Core stockist, expert wheel builders and Cytech qualified mechanics. Shiny kit is in-house and if not what you need, we’ll source it for you pronto.

The Garage Bikes extended family

We’re all about sponsoring and supporting riders and our sport at the grass routes, riding with our regulars – out the shop and representing ourselves in the spirit of Garage Bikes at national events.

What’s happening this week then?

St Gemma’s Hospice provide really wonderful care and help for folk at a time when they are in need of it the most. We are raising money for them for the foreseeable future. On Saturday 5 December, then:

All our labour from Saturday 5 December we will donate to St Gemma’s Hospice, plus:

In a previous shirt and tie wearing existence, one of the few pleasures I had to be extracted from strip lights, office cubicles and soul crushing tedium was the ‘Dress Down Day’. Ah, the simple joys of wearing jeans and your favourite bike branded t-shirt at work all for a few quid to charity. We’re spinning this on it’s head and are going to be Dressing Up instead! I will be donning my tux, Hannah reckons she owns a posh frock to wear.

Katie will be doing Bike Washing for £5 a time. To celebrate the ‘Saturday Girl’ getting wet and cold outside, we’ll be offering 10% off all Muc-Off Products all day.

Tim Kershaw
Tim ‘of the hairy legs’ Kershaw

If all of this isn’t enough to entice you through our lovely South Leeds front doors, the unfortunate and very hirsute Tim Kershaw will be having his legs waxed. Tim is a stalwart, familiar face on the Northern CX scene and is renowned for his particularly hairy pins amongst the sea of shaven oaken calves. We will be broadcasting it live on Periscope but I think you really should be here in person to share in his joy.

If you can’t make it but would like to donate to his suffering click here: https://www.justgiving.com/Lisa-Kershaw2

Keep an eye out for us doing more daft stuff soon.

Back to shop talk. Tell us about your Custom Services and what about Demo bikes?

Being a certified Fox Service Centre, you know we know how to twiddle with your bouncy bits. With Demo Bikes, you can have a go if you ask nicely enough (stump up a security deposit) and there’s bikes from Kinesis and Pivot to have a go on. As they’re the bikes we play out on though you’d have to put up with our quirks of set up.

Beryl Burton, Morley. One of the UK’s greatest champions

Should you return happy (it’s very likely you will) we can work through your dream build and lay our hands on pretty much any bike you desire, build for you and turn to your riding style.

Any change in your Tea/Coffee consumption?

Nope, Yorkshire tea of course (in strong ‘fake tan’ colouring) and on the more dark side of things, we’re very much a coffee fuelled establishment.

Garage Bikes Singletrack Magazine

Remind us, what offers do you promote to Singletrack Subscribers?

Garage Bikes offer Premier Subscriber’s 10% off all repairs and servicing. 5% off parts, accessories and clothing.

Click here to win this week’s prize!

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