Issue 102 + FREE 2016 CALENDAR – Pre-order NOW!

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Issue 102 will be back from the printers this week, and now’s your chance to pre-order a copy!

Not quite what our ride this weekend was like
Issue 102 is dedicated to the memory of our deputy editor Jenn Hill, who died on the 16th October 2015. 
We’ve tried to do as Jenn would have wanted: to bring you an array of brilliant adventures, features and product reviews to inspire you to ride your way through the winter.
We’re also paying tribute to Jenn, and we’re re-printing a hugely well-respected classic feature she wrote about one of her many adventures.
You want MORE? Well, there’s a fantastic 2016 calendar included, packed with amazing photos!

Order your copy now!


Let’s take a peek at what’s inside:

  • Singletrack Heroes – it could only be our own Jenn.
  • The Great Divide – one of Jenn’s most popular articles, and one of her many amazing riding feats.
  • Mark’s Mountain – Mark says ‘no more maybe tomorrow’ and heads of to the Alps to go up, up and up.
  • The Matterhorn – Swiss cheese and chocolate pale into insignificance for Daniel Klawczyński – what’s the Matterhorn?
  • We Work Here – Hope Technology – Sam Needham goes green with envy.
  • 24hr Pedal People – Chipps takes a look at the sleep deprived world of 24​hr racing​ and how it has evolved over the years​.
  • Classic Ride – Rachel Sokal and Olly Townsend find a spot of Nottinghamshire autumnal colour.
  • Bike Test: The Middle Ground – Bikes with 130-150mm rear shock travel. Where do they fit? Are they neither here nor there, or is this a happy medium?


If you subscribe you get a whole extra special section too! Here’s what’s in this issues subscriber section:

  • Low Carbon Adventure – Chipps and Beate go on holiday without costing the earth.  Can they remember to charge their lights AND their van?
  • Editors’ Choice – The crew at Singletrack Towers select their favourite kit, bikes and events from the year.

Our subscribers section is a 16 page section that is included in subscriber copies & Premier dealer copies – Copies purchased from high street newsstand retailers like WHSmith do not include this section. This Subscriber copy is identified by the cover not having any cover lines. 

SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR A MAGAZINE OF MORE – 16 more tip top pages of awesome!



Barney Marsh takes the word ‘career’ literally, veering wildly across the road of his life, as thoroughly in control as a goldfish on the dashboard of a motorhome. He’s been, with varying degrees of success, a scientist, teacher, shop assistant, binman and, for one memorable day, a hospital laundry worker. These days, he’s a dad, husband, guitarist, and writer, also with varying degrees of success. He sometimes takes photographs. Some of them are acceptable. Occasionally he rides bikes to cast the rest of his life into sharp relief. Or just to ride through puddles. Sometimes he writes about them. Bikes, not puddles. He is a writer of rongs, a stealer of souls and a polisher of turds. He isn’t nearly as clever or as funny as he thinks he is.

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