Video: Brandon Semenuk – The Liaison Series

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Another lovely video from Mr Semenuk (his name, apparently, likely originates from the Hebrew personal name ‘Shimeon’ for ‘one who harkens’. We also get Simon and Simeon from the same root, nomenclature fact fans).

This is the latest film of a series in conjunction with Chromag’s Liaison range of pedals, saddles and grips, which he had a hand in developing. You can see all that good stuff at Chromag’s distributor Shorelines here.

Can’t see the video? Click here

Is it just me? You look at the stuff he rides, and how effortless it looks, and half the time you’re hugely inspired. The other half you just want to give up…

Anyway – enjoy!

Barney Marsh takes the word ‘career’ literally, veering wildly across the road of his life, as thoroughly in control as a goldfish on the dashboard of a motorhome. He’s been, with varying degrees of success, a scientist, teacher, shop assistant, binman and, for one memorable day, a hospital laundry worker. These days, he’s a dad, husband, guitarist, and writer, also with varying degrees of success. He sometimes takes photographs. Some of them are acceptable. Occasionally he rides bikes to cast the rest of his life into sharp relief. Or just to ride through puddles. Sometimes he writes about them. Bikes, not puddles. He is a writer of rongs, a stealer of souls and a polisher of turds. He isn’t nearly as clever or as funny as he thinks he is.

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