Yeah, we’ll stop going on about it soon, but here’s the video of the recent Steve Peat Steel City DH race , which was held in aid of the Greno Woods Appeal. It’s been edited by none other than Alex Rankin of Sprung series fame and as ever it’s got the shy and retiring Rob Warner as commentator. There’s also some cracking old Super 8 footage of Peaty ripping down Greno Woods ‘back in the day’…
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Grand day out was that!
Great video – really captures the spirit of the day. Funny to hear about Chris and Josh (and secretly Nick Craig) gunning for Peaty.
It was great to be there and show my boys what fun racing can be.
Excellent Vid.. brightened my afternoon up at work 🙂
Would love to watch this but the player is unbelievably bad. I’ve struggled through many online player, including the questionable mpora stuff but freecaster takes the biscuit.
Rankin gold!