Back on (Single) Track!

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Kate Potter is BACK!

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For over 20 years Singletrack has been a source of information, news and entertainment for millions of mountain bike enthusiasts and as an important focal point for an amazing community of like minded riders from around the world. But it has also been a provider of jobs and income for dozens of families of our team as well as a source of revenue for hundreds of freelance contributors.

We want to keep going through this uncertain period and create great content to inform and entertain you, but we will need your help to do it. More than anything else we want to have a reciprocal relationship with you and the best way to make that happen is through our memberships. We’d love you to join us as a paid member of the Singletrack community – we promise you a return on your investment through the content we have and will create for you plus the numerous added benefits included with all our membership options.

I am a part time Brit with an Aussie accent who lives in the French Pyrenees....actually I don't just live in France, as riding a bike has taken me all over the world, so let's just say I live where my bike takes me. I race for the Cotic Bontrager Race Team and guide for A Quick Release Holidays...actually my main role is to ensure the AQR boys know what they are doing, and have been given the AQR role as quality control manager :) I started riding a bike 6 years ago, and will upgrade to a titanium zimmer frame when I hit my 90 somethings and even then I will still be trying to beat the boys, especially husband Ian Potter down my favourite piece of single track.

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