Deadline 13th May 2010
Please Click here print out, fill in, and then post to:
Rights of Way Team, Lake District National Park Authority, Murley Moss, Oxenholme Road, Kendal, Cumbria, LA11 7RL
Why? Read on
You may or may not know that part of the legendary Borrowdale Bash mountain bike route is currently designated as a footpath. The footpath is part of the ‘Catbells Bridleway’. The 190m long footpath section of the ‘Catbells Bridleway’ starts at the public road at Manesty, continues through the gate and ends at a point where the footpath meets the parish boundary. After this point the track is designated as a bridleway.
This designation appears to be a historical anomaly. One parish designated the track a footpath, the other parish designated the same track a bridleway. In October 2008 the Lake District National Park Authority made a Modification Order to amend the status of the short section of footpath to a bridleway. A single objection was received and the Inspectors decision was not to go ahead with the Modification Order.
So, the LDNPA wanted the footpath upgraded to bridleway – and they had a strong case – but a single objection got in the way. This means that cycle usage of the footpath will continue to be trespass against the landowners.
Now the LDNPA are trying a different method. They are trying for a ‘Creation Order’ for a bridleway over the footpath, and they need all the help that they can get. Given that their previous reasonable request was turned down following a single objection, they need as much evidence as possible to prove that:
1. there is a need for the path to be a bridleway
2. it will be more convenient and enjoyable for most of the people living locally and other members of the public for the section to be a bridleway
For this to happen it is important that as many people as possible download, print out, fill in and then post the linked form to: Rights of Way Team, Lake District National Park Authority, Murley Moss, Oxenholme Road, Kendal, Cumbria, LA11 7RL. The deadline for the LDNPA to receive the form is is 13th May 2010.
Comments (10)
Comments Closed
There’s nothing on that link…
Google docs, do we need to register to access the form?
I can’t see the document either
Looks like you do need a Google account. Can someone get it and pass it on via the forum please?
I’ve just tried accessing it via logging into my google account
It still doesn’t work ..
just registered and it is not there!
try this link in your browser – should open the pdf
Thanks Nathan
Story link amended now too :)
Thanks Benji!