The P.R. guff in full…
for immediate release
because if we do it tommorow you will think we’re joking
though I’ve left it late enough on the 31st March that you’ll have to get it up fast…
Brant Richards names his new brand as “tweak bikes”
The brand name for the product developed by his Shedfire Design company will be known as “tweak bikes” – Richards said this afternoon.
“We’ve been working hard since the beginning of February and our first model, the Ragley Ti, is scheduled to hit the factory floor at Lynskey Performance in Chattanooga on Friday. With fingers crossed, we should see production product, for sale in 4 weeks or less.” said Richards from his shed in Calderdale.
Tweak are also in the final stages of agreeing terms with the UK’s largest bespoke dried meat manufacturer to allow us to offer our own range of dried meat products “though he’s not got back to me since yesterday yet”, said Richards.
Tweak Bikes product will be distributed to the world through Hotlines. Illy Anastasi, Hotlines General Manager said “We are extremely excited to be given the opportunity to distribute what will be a very unique and important brand for now and the future. Hotlines looks forward to working with Brant to develop tweak into one of the UK’s leading brands. If the Ragley is anything to go by then we are in for some great times ahead!”
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Maybe he’s in Oz or something and its April 1st there!
No, he’s on his bus I think.
Is it ‘cos Brant spends so much time tweeting?
LOL – Why not stick with Shedfire – Tweak is so, well, weak….
“very unique”
tut, tut. Sloppy 🙂
i think its a good first i thought shedfire would look s**t on your bike.tweak bikes
Another Hmmm……. here!
Reckon the frames will break easily….
too weak you see….
It’s not exactly news is it? It’s been on Ed Oxleys site for well over a week.
yeah, I’m on that site all the time
Really? The Ragley teaser last week linked to it, so it was there in your lap and you didn’t notice.
That logo’s a bit mid-90s. Frame graphics look like ‘How many typefaces can we get on one frame?’ too.
Tweak- like it. Its different. It reminds me of Tweak who drinks too much coffee in South Park.