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Singletrack mag in print blunder shocker!

No really. We are fallible you know. But this one is a harmless but quite a glaring cock-up and just ads to the darkly comic month we’ve been having. If you used our Direct Debit form in our latest mag you need to read this.

Essentially we cocked up in the most fundamental fashion with our Direct Debit insert form that we inserted in the latest issue of Singletrack magazine. Direct Debits are a brilliant idea! They are automatic, efficient, cheap and make everyone’s lives – both yours and ours – nice and simple and thus greatly reduces the chances of errors and forgetfulness.


Yes that really is an 'Idiots Guide to Direct Debits' book.
Yes that really is an ‘Idiots Guide to Direct Debits’ book.

Well, that’s the theory. Of course what is pretty vital for any Direct Debit form that is designed to allow you to sign up to a subscription to a magazine is the seemingly obvious facility to tell us where you would like to have the magazine posted. So thanks to the many people who have sent us back a correctly completed Direct Debit mandate and especially to those who spotted our idiotic mistake and sent their address on a bit of paper along with the form. yes that’s right! We didn’t give you any way of telling us where you live!

If you sent us a Direct Debit form could you please email with your telephone number. She will then call you back at a convenient time to try and match up your address with the forms we’ve had returned to us. Alternatively call her directly on 01706 814397.

Sometimes our bad luck is entirely not of our doing and then sometimes we have to hold up our hands and admit to being just plain stoopid!