Are You Prepared For The Worst? A true story of disaster

It’s content like this that we have a hard time putting behind a members only paywall – Stories like this are important in helping get the message out there that……

wil bruise injury crash

Is This A Bone Spur, Or Did I Step On A Marble In The Middle Of The Night?

As we get older, mysterious aches and pains start to plague even the most committed biker. We’ve persuaded Midlife Exerciser Magazine’s resident doctor* to round up the commonest complaints and apply the…

First Aid injury

Would You Know What To Do? We learn about common trail injuries and how to treat them.

We head to the hills to find out what to do when thrills turn to spills There\'s more to this story... BUT IT\'S A MEMBER-ONLY STORY.JOIN US TO UNLOCK IT…

first aid education

First Aid Kit: The Singletrack Crew Get Educated

It’s not as glamorous as some nice shiny carbon, but one day it could be a good deal more useful. Dave and the crew get emergency first aid educated… There\'s…

Singletrack Shorts 002

This week\'s shorts are full of wearable tech, first aid, carbon fibre and 4 speed, motorised drift trikes!

Review: Lomo Emergency Bothy Shelter

How would you keep warm if you had to stop on a mountainside? Sanny tests one possible option.

1st aid first sanny singletrack magazine

11 First Aid Tips For The Real World

You don’t have to be a paramedic to be able to help when things go wrong out on the trail. There\'s more to this story... BUT IT\'S A MEMBER-ONLY STORY.JOIN…

Cédric Gracia’s crash at La Réunion Island

Not one for the squeamish, Cédric Gracia\'s crash at La Réunion Island

What if…?

We set Ben the work experience boy the task of coming up with ways to be safe on your bike and how to weigh risk against reward There\'s more to…

Ortlieb Medium First Aid Kit

Ortlieb Medium First Aid Kit Price: £13.69 From: Lyon Equipment Having a First Aid kit and the knowledge to use it should be something that every mountain biker has....