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  • WW3
  • ninfan
    Free Member

    there have been any number of US presidents who have seen out their terms without ‘lefties’ predicting nukiler war*

    Go on then…. in which of these years were lefties not predicting nuclear war?

    Free Member

    All you moaners whining on about impending nuclear doom just need to accept it’s coming, get behind it and make a success of it.


    Full Member

    Donald goes in against a Sicilian when Death is on the line.


    Full Member

    I love how not wanting to die in a nuclear armageddon is a “left wing” thing.

    Presumably right wingers are all for it? (We know chewkw is, but I kinda assumed he was an.. erm.. ‘outlier’) 😆

    Free Member

    Please excuse me for not reading through the past posts – but have the usual suspects blamed this potential negative world event on Brexit yet?

    Full Member

    did the USSR count as lefties?

    Free Member

    Just out of curiosity, is there a system other than impeachment in place for removing a President who’s incompetence is risking an unwanted apocalypse.? I mean impeachment and removal from office can take months whereas the way he is blustering they might need to move quicker than that..

    His moronic tweets keep coming and almost directly contradicting what the Secretaries of State and Defense have just said.. Does he even talk to his own staff or is he just a completely loose cannon.? In which case, surely there has to be some point where Congress/Senate/Pentagon are able to tell him no and take the ‘football’ off him.?

    Free Member

    Assassination ?

    Free Member

    spekkie – Member
    Assassination ?

    😆 I’m laughing but is it really beyond the bounds of possibility that he is forcibly removed from office.? I mean he is ontrack to put Bush’s ill advised Iraq adventure and Obama’s inability to get the US military out of the MIddle East literaly in the Nuclear shade..

    Full Member

    Just out of curiosity, is there a system other than impeachment in place for removing a President who’s incompetence is risking an unwanted apocalypse.? I mean impeachment and removal from office can take months whereas the way he is blustering they might need to move quicker than that..

    Amendment 25 of the US constitution permits him to be removed.

    Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

    Edit: But really, President Pence? uh-oh…

    Free Member

    Just out of curiosity, is there a system other than impeachment in place for removing a President who’s incompetence is risking an unwanted apocalypse.?

    I presume he’s already on it.

    Full Member

    So good news then, China has had its quiet word with North Korea and Kim Jong-un has decided to hold off on “the enveloping fire at Guam” plan.

    Meanwhile South Korea have likewise told the US to back down, he ain’t wurf it bruv.

    So… a win for Trump then? 😉

    Free Member

    …escalating? as Japan now faces an ‘unprecedented threat’ and a UN council meeting has been called after this mornings shot across the bows for the people of Japan:

    Why are we not sophisticated enough to take-out their substations or comms from the sites where they are developing / deploying their kit from? Render them unusable?

    Free Member

    Why are we not sophisticated enough to take-out their substations or comms from the sites where they are developing / deploying their kit from? Render them unusable?

    Because that starts a war, they have a huge amount of ordnance pointed at Soul

    Free Member

    Go on then…. in which of these years were lefties not predicting nuclear war?

    So experts such as Atomic Scientists – are now lefties if their reasoned and rational expert opinion disagrees with your opinion Ninfan?

    You’re a class act mate.

    Free Member

    they have a huge amount of ordnance pointed at Soul

    Free Member

    Lesson learnt, don’t declare yourself a pacifist nation cuase all that’s going to happen is you get picked on, or in this case have missiles fired over your head.

    Chinas laughing all the way to the bank, no ones going to do anything about NK and some of their local rivals, SK and japan (plus the US), will be spending fortunes on trying to get their anti-ICBM tech to work and still look politically weak in the region every time a missile goes off.

    Free Member

    all that’s going to happen is you get picked on

    they aren’t exactly defenceless.

    7th v 23rd. It would be like mayweather v mcgregor! 😆

    Full Member

    they have a huge amount of ordnance pointed at Soul

    Free Member


    Free Member

    what would be the environmental effects of nuking every square inch of the NK border with stealthier nuke tipped cruise missiles – to wipe out the artillery in a first strike?

    If the US was to go full Trump – what could be done to minimize South Korean causalities?

    Whats the latest research on nuclear winters etc?

    Free Member

    Not good – the chances of convincing everybody else to leave their toys at home would be low. It would probably escalate very messily.


    Free Member

    Not sure if this link will work but watched this recently – Tom_W

    What would the world look like after a nuclear war?

    What if we detonated 100 nuclear warheads?

    Posted by Hashem Al-Ghaili on Sunday, August 27, 2017

    Free Member

    Tom_W1987 – Member

    what would be the environmental effects of nuking every square inch of the NK border with stealthier nuke tipped cruise missiles – to wipe out the artillery in a first strike?

    Probably not good for Seoul 35 miles away.

    Free Member

    That video seems to forget we’ve had far more than 100 surface nuclear explosions during the testing years.


    Free Member

    At different places and points in times though Rachel, I think that video is more to the point of 100 consecutive or simultaneous explosions in very close proximity, say NK for example.

    Free Member

    Having the explosions all in one locality makes their global effect even less pronounced. Whether they happen simultaneously or over the matter of a decade makes little difference to the climate

    Free Member

    And remember Tsar Bomba, a 50 MT device, far greater than multiple tactical weapons that are normally dialled to 17KT yield, didn’t create a noticeable effect.


    Free Member

    Id love to know if the yanks are feeding all their satellite imagery and intel into something like googles deepmind to wargame a first strike in a million different ways to see if it could be done….

    Free Member

    Tom_W1987 – Member

    Id love to know if the yanks are feeding all their satellite imagery and intel into something like googles deepmind to wargame a first strike in a million different ways to see if it could be done….

    Still does nothing to offset the inevitable humanitarian disaster that accompanies the fall of North Korea.

    Free Member

    yeah… its a zero sum game isnt it.

    Still…. does Trump even care about NK civilians?

    Free Member

    I really doubt Trump cares about NK civilians but it could tank South Korea too. It could cause massive damage to the Chinese economy and the global economy by extension.

    It’s a disaster every which way. The best possible outcome is a stalemate, then gradual deescalation over decades.

    Free Member

    The Tsar Bomba and many of the other atmospheric tests were higher altitude airbursts, to minimise fallout. That wouldn’t be the case in a war.

    Free Member

    just seen 2 b1 bombers heading towards Lakenheath the end is nigh! not very stealth though even at altitude loud enough to wake the dead.

    Full Member

    Id love to know if the yanks are feeding all their satellite imagery and intel into something like googles deepmind to wargame a first strike in a million different ways to see if it could be done….

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