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  • That Jan Moir,From the DailyMail.
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    So unemployment may go up on Monday as the b**** gets the sack.

    Her rantings of someone obviously deluded by her own self made importance and opinion,are now the most complained about,(so called journalist) to the press compalaints commission

    Has she no respect,morals,or feelings,for Stephen Gateleys family,freinds and Partner, as well as all the people who bought his records.

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    Has she no respect,morals,or feelings,for Stephen Gateleys family,friends and Partner

    Yup, so it would appear. Which I guess helps to explain why I never buy the Mail or had heard of Jan Moir before.

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    Her rants on Stepehen gateley's death really took me aback. I think the Mail see her as someone who represents the voice of the Mail readership. She is what my grandmother would refer to as a 'complete cu*t'.

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    Wasn't she formerly known as James Moir?

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    Hmmm, is it really a rant or is she reporting something that everyone else has omitted to report. I guess the problem is that it is more than likely that the details she reveals, i.e. this Bulgarian chap that seems to have accompanied the couple back to their appartment for a game of canasta, have nothing to do with Gateley's death.

    Personally it is fairly obvious that there is an agenda here and that she is making a pejorative social comment on the promiscuity of the homosexual community because of the paper she writes for. Now whether you think that is worthy of debate or not, it ought to be divorced from the news of Gateley's death on the basis that it has nothing to do with it.

    Then again, as some one who has a number of gay friends who I know for a fact are desperately promiscuous, I think the issue is bound to be discussed; promiscuity and infidelity in either the hetero or homosexual community is not healthy, it is part of the fabric of society and it does have a detrimental effect on it.

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    geetee 1972.

    I totally agree with your second paragraph, absolutely spot on.

    Most people, when young and given the opportunity are 'desperately promiscuous'. I really don't think sexuality comes into it.

    I despair for humanity when I read the Mail or the Express.
    It makes me think that for everyone who tries to see the positive in people, empower their fellow human beings and spread a little warmth, compassion and happiness, free of any type of prejudice, there will always be a small minded, evil hearted, sour faced, legs welded together, mealy mouthed petty little bigot like this hatchet faced bag of vomit ready to spoil it.

    Free Member

    Rusty I can empathise with the vitriol, but the problem with it is that you're falling into the same trap as the people you rally against, which is to say that you're saying your political ideology is superior.

    I don't consider myself a philosopher but I've reached a few conclusions in life. One of them is that society is made up of interest groups and at any particular moment, one interest group is likely to be in ascendancy at the expense of another.

    This political philosophy is in contradiction of what people often believe to be 'equality'. I don't believe there is any such thing although I do believe there is 'inequality'.

    What i mean is that you can have one group that is disadvantaged versus another group, either materially, metaphysically, spiritually, politically, ideologically etc. But what you can't do is redress the balance so that this group is then equal; by addressing the inequality, you will inevitably disadvantage another group.

    For example, the issue of making the discrimination of gay adoption illegal was touted as being a victory of equality. But in doing this, the law prejudices Catholic adoption agencies by denying them their ideological/spiritual/theological beliefs.

    If you then fall into the argument that their ideas are out dated and therefore irrelevant, then fine, but in reaching that conclusion, you're still discriminating against their believe, however ridiculous it may be.

    I don't have a problem with that per se (although personally I am against adoption by anyone other than a nuclear family because I believe that the state should not be condoning children outside of that unit. The evidence is that this is the best environment and I find myself becoming a little old fashioned as I get older!) but, returning to my original point, to champion this shift as a victory for 'equality' is disingenuous.

    Some one some where will always be discriminated against; our job as citizens is to choose those discriminatory values that are most compatible with what we believe to be right.

    Free Member

    Dreadful article, dreadful woman, still Daily Mail in 'Judge, Jury and Executioner' shocker…….

    It's not called the Daily Mein Kampf without reason

    Telegraph sums it up well.

    Full Member

    Geetee, the only political ideology I have is to try to be decent and honest to everyone I meet, without prejudice.

    That's it.

    Everything else I've ever tried to believe in seems to crumble under that monumental force we call 'Human Nature'.

    Human Nature is what it is, changes, develops and mutates and the only thing we can do is try desperately to hang onto it's coat tails, whilst constantly reinventing concepts such as right & wrong, good & evil, morality & immorality, true & false etc. to justify our worth and existence.

    Best just to try and be decent to people, IMHO. 😀
    Once we've got that cracked, then it'll be time to move on to the more complicated stuff…..

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    She's got a buckled mouth.

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    PMSL! Just been on her twitter page and the background is…..wait for it…..Liberace!

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    "The Daily Mail removed all advertising from the online version of the article and also changed the headline from :

    "Why there was nothing "natural" about Stephen Gately's death" to "A strange, lonely and troubling death"

    Free Member

    Moirs pathetic responce to the above,

    Some people, particularly in the gay community, have been upset by my article about the sad death of Boyzone member Stephen Gately. This was never my intention. Stephen, as I pointed out in the article was a charming and sweet man who entertained millions.

    However, the point of my column – which I wonder how many of the people complaining have fully read – was to suggest that, in my honest opinion, his death raises many unanswered questions. That was all. Yes, anyone can die at anytime of anything. However, it seems unlikely to me that what took place in the hours immediately preceding Gately’s death – out all evening at a nightclub, taking illegal substances, bringing a stranger back to the flat, getting intimate with that stranger – did not have a bearing on his death. At the very least, it could have exacerbated an underlying medical condition.

    The entire matter of his sudden death seemed to have been handled with undue haste when lessons could have been learned. On this subject, one very important point. When I wrote that ‘he would want to set an example to any impressionable young men who may want to emulate what they might see as his glamorous routine’, I was referring to the drugs and the casual invitation extended to a stranger. Not to the fact of his homosexuality. In writing that ‘it strikes another blow to the happy-ever-after myth of civil partnerships’ I was suggesting that civil partnerships – the introduction of which I am on the record in supporting – have proved just to be as problematic as marriages.

    In what is clearly a heavily orchestrated internet campaign I think it is mischievous in the extreme to suggest that my article has homophobic and bigoted undertones.

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    Wasn't she formerly known as James Moir?

    Jan MORRIS. Duuhhh.

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    taking illegal substances

    Jan Moir mentions in her article that Gately had only taken cannabis. As far as I am aware, it is perfectly legal to use cannabis in Spain, which would suggest that it is therefore not an "illegal substance".

    So it would appear that Jan Moir is not simply a gay basher, but a gay basher who is slack with the facts.
    She sounds like the perfect journalist for the Daily Nail to me 8)

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    Press complaints commission have a special part of their web site for this moir woman.

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    Press complaints commission have a special part of their web site for this moir woman.

    LOL ! I can't believe that the Daily Mail of all papers, has become the victim of a media orchestrated complaints campaign ……. I wonder how they feel about being on the 'receiving end' 😀

    According to the Guardian, anyone wishing to lodge a complaint about Moir's article, should so on the basis that it breaches sections 1, 5 and 12 of the PCC's code of practice.

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    yeh, I mean there's no way he took GHB which could have lead to respiratory failure is there? No one ever dies from mixing that with alcohol do they. And all autopsies are faultless…

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    That's a very strange response she's given there, but on one point she's correct. Young men, generally do not climb into bed one night and wake up dead the next morning. He's been up to something, but it's nothing to do with being gay, it's to do with taking drugs presumably.

    On the OP though, yes, she appears to have something against gays and therefore either needs to be ignored or needs a **** hard kick up the chuff.

    Free Member

    awesome, nation in uproar and thousands of people sending official complaints about something they didnt atually see or hear about until someone said "oo this is terrible, what do you mean you didnt see/hear it here have a look at how terrible it is".

    doesnt anyone remember something involving two Aholes and someones granddaughter a while back. the general opinion was very different then, seems like STW are a fickle bunch.

    Free Member

    And all autopsies are faultless…

    sq225917 – I'm not sure why, but I was under the impression that you were a copper/ex-copper. Obviously not. Otherwise you would understand about the presumption of innocence.

    If all the evidence suggests there are no suspicious circumstances, then that's how it is – everything was perfectly innocent.

    So unless someone can come up with some evidence of dodgy stuff, no one has the right to rubbish Gately and cause anguish to his family and friends. Nor use it as an excuse to bash gay people.

    We don't have trial by prejudice in this country.

    Free Member

    Young men, generally do not climb into bed one night and wake up dead the next morning.

    No they don't generally, but young men (and women) do climb into bed at night and never wake up. It happens every week. Some drop dead on a football pitch, riding a bike. It's more common than you think.

    See Cardiac Risk in the Young for more info

    To suggest it's impossible is hugely insulting to the thousands of people who have lost a child/friend/partner in this way. These sorts of deaths leave many unanswered questions – in many cases autopsies can reveal nothing, electric abnormalities in the heart can only be seen when the heart is still beating, it's too late once they're dead – but that doesn't mean it's anything to do with the actions of the deceased.

    To suggest that not only is it impossible but the death is somehow related to him being gay is beyond belief.

    Full Member

    See Cardiac Risk in the Young for more info

    That's not the same as Oedema on the lungs though, it is strange how he developed that in a short period and to go unnoticed, be interesting to hear why it happened.

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    Did they say if the fluid on the lungs contained diced carrots?

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    Pulmonary oedema can be cardiogenic, caused by severe heart attack or severe arrythmia amongst other things.

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    Erm, the piece that is linked to ISN'T the piece that caused the complaints. That was removed sometime on Friday. It went on about drug use, threesomes/orgies as being the gay lifestyle.

    The piece that is linked to is the copy that was printed in Daily Mail.

    Full Member

    people, this woman is paid to dish the dirt remember…it is her job.
    she probably does not even believe half the stuff she writes…
    it is just for shock/reaction to sell the paper…

    Full Member

    caused by severe heart attack or severe arrythmia amongst other things

    Severe heart attack as opposed to?

    The cause of death put down as Oedema not heart attack, yes your right arrhythmias can cause it but it is strange how it developed enough in a short period to kill some one so young. Oedema usually takes a little while to build up and doesn't normally unnoticed.

    Free Member

    my first thoughts too Ian.
    Death by vomit asphyxia Im sure is relatively common. Has little nothing to do with a homosexual lifestyle, or indeed "illegal" drugs much of the time. Usually badly mixing your booze and passing out on a sofa…

    Perhaps if the "fluid on the lung" oedema was better explained by the pathologist to clear up the source of the fluid, the allegations could be rejected?

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    Arrhythmia caused by an electrical problem in the heart is undetectable at post mortem, if the only evidence is the Oedema then that is put down as the cause of death.

    Just because something isn't 'usual' doesn't mean it's impossible. And even in this day and age, some things are still just unexplained. Lack of an explanation doesn't have to be a coverup.

    One of my best friends died in her sleep age 20. The post mortem examination concluded that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her. Her heart just stopped, it happens. Later tests on her family showed that in all likelihood it was something similar to Long QT Syndrome.

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    Yes but drug use and promiscuity is often a characteristic of the gay community, more so than the heterosexual community although of course it does go on in both.
    Typically men have been more willing to have casual sex than women because the emotional content of sex is often less important for men than for women. The reason that extensive promisciuty (and by that I mean multiple partners perhaps over a few days, maybe even over the same day. This is based on first hand accounts from close friends of mine, albeit living in london) is not more common in the heterosexual community is because women a serious comment. Remove that barrier and bingo, you have a free for all.
    I would defend the right for people to behave that way as it does no one but themselves any harm. But I sure as heck wouldn't want my son or daughter to act like that because it's a high risk life style, as the two close friends currently living with HIV will testify to.
    I made this point earlier – people should have the right to choose a lifestyle they want that doesn't harm other people and that plays a supporting role in society. But that lifestyle is not always going to be without consequence and it WILL get talked about and not everyone will approve because it some way, it can damage society.

    Free Member

    It is a vile article but it's basically a massive troll by the Daily Mail, and it's worked.

    Free Member

    spot on grumm

    Much like those articles that get the "cycling community's" backs up too:
    Nigel Havers
    Jeremy Clarkson
    That fat chef bloke.

    you'd have thought here at STW wed be so used to trolling we wouldnt rise to it in the written press anymore! 😉

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    Clearly we wont know the full facts till the toxicology reports are released.

    I know what I'd be putting my money on as a 'Contributory factor'

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    I still have no idea wtf Steven Gately is, anyone care to enlighten?

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    Arrhythmia caused by an electrical problem in the heart is undetectable at post mortem, if the only evidence is the Oedema then that is put down as the cause of death.

    I didn't query that as perfectly aware of that.

    Just because something isn't 'usual' doesn't mean it's impossible. And even in this day and age, some things are still just unexplained. Lack of an explanation doesn't have to be a coverup.

    I'm not claiming it's a cover up either' just curious for a medical professional side as to what the cause was.

    Given they say it will be 2 weeks before they know the cause of Oedema you could be right that it's SADS. Oedema one the lungs doesn't go unnoticed though so for some reason it has with him, which is a bit odd.

    I still have no idea wtf Steven Gately is, anyone care to enlighten?

    I take you've not watched the news, read any papers or listened to the radio for the last week then.

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