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  • So, do I own an appreciating asset or not?
  • 2unfit2ride
    Free Member

    A good few years ago I brought one on THESE, not because I thought it would be worth more in the future, but because I always wanted one as a kid. I did get well in to BMX back in the day, but with what I considered a better bike back then, a rather splendid DP freestyler with lots of trick bits, it cost me best part of £1k back then 😯
    So anyway, back before the recession these were announced & I just had to have one, so I bought one with the intention of hanging it on the wall as art one day, but it has sat in the loft ever since along with a few other bikes I never got around to selling. So I decided to have a look at what they are selling for now & I came upon THIS!
    So did I manage to actually buy a bike that appreciates or is it just some chancer trying their luck?
    I’m not interested in selling it, it will go on the wall, but I am keen to harvest opinion on if it will continue to go up in value.


    Free Member

    Well it hasn’t sold yet.. You might have, but you might not…

    Free Member

    True, & it is not the first time it has been on ebay, so your right with your assumption, but it would of been nice to of not lost money on a bike for a change.
    Edit, the only other bike I managed to not lose money on was a Muddy Fox Interactive bought second hand, I wish I had kept that one too.

    Full Member

    It depends on how much you paid for it. Also it’s a repro. Not NOS. makes a massive difference. Maybe worth something in the future.

    There was an original Raleigh Ultra Burner still in the unopened packaging sold on eBay a few months ago. £1250 or there abouts.

    Always hope I suppose. If it was an original Torker Haro then you would be looking at 4 figures easy-peasy.

    Free Member

    Never sell it,
    The raleigh burner was a beautiful thing.
    Most of my friends had the yellow and red one with spokes. A couple had the blue with yellow skyways.
    And I had to make do with a magnum bmx from debenhams.

    Until my dad said he would buy me a raleigh burner.
    We went to his LBS where I picked out a beautiful metallic green ultra burner to be purchased for my upcoming birthday.
    I dreamt of this bike every night until the day came.

    I woke up ran down stairs to see my shiny new burner only to be presented with a Grifter XL.
    I then threw a full blown hysterical paddy, why dad why.
    I have still not got over it.

    Ended up buying a second hand gold teardrop supertuff frame, striped back to the Chrome and built it up with parts bought from my Saturday job money.

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