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  • panorama now!
  • peteimpreza
    Full Member

    BBC news has just announced that arrests have been made.

    Free Member

    So you’d do serious bodily harm to someone because they’re doing serious bodily harm to someone else?

    but they are doing it to weak and vulnerable people for whom they have a duty of care. I’m not condoning attacks on there sheets, but folks who did that would not be as scummy as those folks

    Free Member

    So you’d do serious bodily harm to someone because they’re doing serious bodily harm to someone else?

    they’re scumbags, but lets keep ourselves better than them

    BoardinBob I’ve said exactly the same thing while watching the programme, just a natural reaction I reckon, most of us know the difference between right and wrong, even if we say different sometimes, unlike those people in the film. I do however hope they all fall down big holes and break their necks, then get left there in a lot of pain then get shat on by lots of animals. That technically wouldn’t make me a bad person would it because technically I haven’t actually done anything to them myself.

    Anyway, looks like they are all going to get done according to the news just now.

    Free Member

    link on arrests?

    Full Member

    On the TV news not the web site

    Now on the web.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    oh Charlie I can’t do that, I am pretty much technically incompetent. It was on the tele news with the red background with the lady who has short hair if that helps?

    Edit: thanks ChillyPenguin 😀

    Free Member
    Full Member

    Bob, I was so angered last night that if they were to be in front of me I would have been unable to stop myself.
    Just for context I had an uncle exactly like those patients and the thoughts of somebody potentially treating him in this manner still makes me shake with anger today.
    They have also managed to cast suspicion on the countless thousands of caring professionals (not that they were) throughout the country with their actions.
    I hope whatever prison they end up in was showing that in their telly room and they are recognised when they enter. We would then see how big and brave they are.

    Full Member

    I didn’t see it as I was working last night, but read about it on the Beeb website this morning – sounds horrific.

    In defence of the reporter, it does emphasise as part of the news report that they went this route after being alerted by a former member of staff who had alerted both the company’s management and the regulator, both of whom opted to do nothing in response.

    It seems to me that simply sacking the staff who bullied, and not taking action against both the company and the regulator, would be a dereliction of duty on the part of the government. Who knows, maybe David Cameron’s experience with his own son might give him the impetus to take action on this.

    Full Member

    I watched those people treating the patients like that and all I saw was the staff at every death camp, concentration camp and gulag – just that they were acting with the knowledge that they couldn’t leave permanent injuries. Every society has people who will inflict cruelty on others with no sense that what they are doign is wrong.

    The people who failed here are the ones who should have put the processes in place to ensure it didn’t happen.

    It was very convenient that there was a new CEO in place but they didn’t say whether he’d previously held a post within the company where he could have influenced what was happening.

    My wife works with children who are likely to grow up into adults like those patients. Every single one of their parents and the parents of every other person in a similar institution will have lost all trust in the system now – the prosecution of those that did this won’t change that because the system is what’s failed.

    In the end I’m just left feeling deeply saddened that the collective ‘we’ let those people down.

    Full Member

    I have worked in a medium secure psyche unit covering acute/icu to rehab services with forensic patients for a number of years. We practice the fact that physical restraint is always always always the absolute last possible resort and that the development of strong therapeutic relationships is the most effective way forward.

    I was utterly appalled by the conduct of those involved and my heart goes out to Simone and her family for the horror and betrayal of trust they have suffered.

    The behaviour of those involved is totally inexcusable and completely unacceptable in society. I sincerely hope that those actively involved and those who stood by and let it go on get everything that is coming to them and carry the shame of this for rest of their days.

    Free Member

    There is only one way to deal with this and that is to recover every penny paid to the company (and prosecute the staff involved in abuse)

    If you farm out care to private enterprise you get minimum standards to maximise profit. It is the simple impact of capitalism. the only ways to deal with the issue is to remove the profit to be made from neglect either as a sanction or as a starting point.

    Free Member

    If you farm out care to private enterprise you get minimum standards to maximise profit


    Right now, across the country, the people involved in similar business are sitting in rooms thinking ‘How can we protect our profit margins after this?’

    No politicians popped up yet to do a Shoesmith on the company?

    The regulation of such industry will be strengthened, the local authority will have to improve, but of course, there won’t be any money…

    Free Member

    If you farm out care to private enterprise you get minimum standards to maximise profit

    That’s an odd statement.

    Usually with healthcare you pay for a private service because it’s simply better.

    If, as is obviously the case, the service isn’t the standard you’re paying for the failure isn’t in who is providing the service, it’s purely that nobody is checking that the service being provided is what is being paid for.

    Free Member

    Usually with healthcare you pay for a private service because it’s simply better.

    Only when the end user of that healthcare has the ability to compare and choose a ‘better’ alternative. If it’s you that gets stuck in a home that is run to maximise profit, it’s not always going to be ‘simply better’ is it?


    A more accurate statement might be;

    Usually with the type of healthcare which is easy to provide and can be profitable, you pay for a private service because it’s often more convenient to an end user who has the ability to choose….

    Full Member

    Heads need to roll at the regulator to, no real admission of their specific failure to act (after they’d been informed on 3 separate occasions) but even more disturbing was they didn’t seem to think there was a problem with their procedures and how inspections were done so short of the BBC going undercover at every home how is it going to improve?

    Also, I know you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover and all that, but **** me one look at Wayne and I wouldn’t want him anywhere near a position of trust especially not one where he’s looking after vulnerable people. They all seemed a bunch of scummy chavs in fact, I guess Castlebrook just recruit based on minimum wage and nothing else.

    Free Member

    Only when the end user of that healthcare has the ability to compare and choose a ‘better’ alternative. If it’s you that gets stuck in a home that is run to maximise profit, it’s not always going to be ‘simply better’ is it?

    As long as the contract sets standards and the standards are enforced it simply doesn’t matter whether the budget includes a profit margin or not. Assuming budget has anything to do with it. It’s a management failing, not a budgetary one. Back to enforcing standards.

    Free Member

    That technically wouldn’t make me a bad person would it because technically I haven’t actually done anything to them myself.

    i don’t think it’d make you a bad person if you stabbed them each, slowly, in the eye and/or every oriffice in their bodies.

    i don’t think it’d make you a bad person if you stood them outside, tied naked to a pole, and doused them in flammable liquids. no need to actually light it…. the fear alone would make them shit themselves.

    an eye for an eye….. yup. wrong? i think it can be justified when the perpetrators as such £$%^&*.

    Free Member

    oh, and yes.. massive failings by all parties. management shoul spend more time on the floor than in the boardroom.

    family friends were on a panorama programme a few years back. the OAP dad was being badly treated in a care home for the elderly somewhere up north.

    badly paid job. difficult conditions. lack of training and supervision.

    on another note… they said in the programme that Castlebrook has a turnover of £19m (i’m guessing that that money all comes from the public purse) and cares for 590 patients. that works out at over £32,000/yr/patient. to me that seems like a lot of money already.

    i don’t know if those costs are less in the public sector. i don’t know if providing more money would improve the level of care.

    Free Member

    Carehomes, like hospitals, public transport and a few other things, should not be in private hands. Simple.

    and only ever hit one patient and he came at me with a knife.

    I’d come at you with a knife if you hit me too 😆

    Full Member

    i wonder if this will derail further plans to ‘open up competition’ in the rest of the nhs

    i doubt it

    my mate is currently working for the dwp trying to help sort out their IT specifically for the new tax system,
    he was complaining that the current method for saving money is to lay off all staff and get the payroll down as low as possible
    and instead hire big IT corps on contract for insane amounts of cash
    trouble is the IT corps wont sign up unless they are garuanteed the right to walk away with no penalties if things arent delivered on time, which they get

    the same way the railways are a risk free cash cow

    the same way that the company involved here will probably get away with this and take another 90mill from the taxpayer next year, if not more

    Free Member

    The person responsible for running the home should resign, quick fast and I hope that they are investigated and brought to book over why they didn’t act sooner. as for the miscreants doing the abuse, they should be treated like they treated those poor defenceless people they abused for the term of their sentence (which I doubt will be long enough). I’m glad the police acted promtly but I think the person who told panorama about the abuse should have gone to the police first.

    Free Member

    care commission boss to be interviewed live on PM Radio 4

    Free Member


    Free Member

    2.5 MINUTES but for the residents it went on for months and months…………

    Free Member

    I wonder how long it will be before ‘Wayne’ is identified and plastered all over the front pages by one of the tabloid journalists like they did with the cat-in-a-wheelie-bin woman last year.

    Free Member

    I was watching the programme with some mates from the rugby club.
    The mahoosive second row chap was particularly displeased by what he saw.
    I wouldn’t want to be Wayne if they ever meet, which isn’t entirely unlikely as hambrook is just around the corner!

    Free Member

    roadie_in_denial – Member
    There’s not much that shocks me any more…but I’m physically sickened by that programme.

    I also have to question the sang froid of an individual and an organisation that can stand by and WATCH abuse like that…and calmly film it for five weeks!
    Isn’t it called gathering evidence? Without which no one be convicted and therefore would continue to do it?????
    roadie_in_denial Derhhh ny head hurts

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