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  • It all went dark (kindof)
  • dan1980
    Free Member

    Out riding last night (It does happen some times!) was pottering along then suddenly ~plink~ darkness (Almost..) as my newish/shiny dx light decided to run out of battery on me (it had been glowing red for a while, so technically it was my fault…)

    So alone on't moor, cold, windswept and with sheep looking at me suggestively, wearing only lycra and a cheeky grin, I was left to descend using just my headtorch/backup light, a fenix hp10. And I have to say, it is bloody marvellous!

    Who needs 900 lumen of lighty goodness when a 120 odd lumen spot of joy will get ones arse from up high, to warm homeliness without assisting in a spontaneous dismount? 🙂

    It does make me wonder if these people with daylight brightness lighting set-ups are missing something on their "night rides" a bit of dimness and foreshortened visibility made the descents a lot more interesting than they might otherwise have been.

    (I should say I do plan to keep using my dx light as I am afraid of the dark, and both crap and lacking in bravery when riding. Also I am maybe a tiny bit jealous that I can't afford £2 squillion lumen light set-ups!)

    So woo yay for lycra, sheep, fenix head torches, and boo hiss to over-lit gear freaks 😉

    Free Member

    Indeed. Luddites of the world unite!

    Free Member

    I started nightriding with a 2.4W halogen commuting light (and had a lump of coal for dinner) – that was proper sketchy. I think you get to a point though when you've nightridden for a while where the thrill of riding in the dark reduces and you just want to go out mtbing when it happens to be dark and decent lights let you do that.

    Free Member

    Yeah I don't night right, I just ride during the night! It gets slightly depressing when over two thirds of my riding is done at night but that's what you get for living in the UK!

    Free Member

    same with me and misses last week but it was the sun that went out early. £100s of lights at home, only a Tesco light with us; result broken rib on the Beats so that was 2 poor judgements in one ride (the misses had the sense to walk it).

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