Home Forums Bike Forum I got a car full of girls and it's goin' real swell…

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  • I got a car full of girls and it's goin' real swell…
  • wooobob
    Full Member

    Nah, sadly that’s entirely untrue. But Nate Dogg has died, so it might be worth listening to Regulate and, er, reprazenting, or something.

    Free Member

    Great song.

    Full Member

    Yep. Nothing to do with bikes though.

    Free Member

    Yep. Nothing to do with bikes though.

    Nah it is. Warren G helped design Stan’s tubeless rims.

    Free Member

    Nate Dogg started his career in a group with Snoop Dogg (213), Snoop Dogg was in the John Singleton movie “Baby Boy” alongside Tyrese Gibson, who appeared on the movie poster sitting on a lowrider bicycle.
    And via this tenuous link it is about bikes and therefore in the correct forum.

    Free Member

    ……..next stop is the eastside motel

    Full Member

    Whew, thanks. And to think I tried to edit it into a different forum. When I was right all along! 8)

    That’s going to the top of my LoveFilm list as well…

    Free Member

    If you like John Singleton try Four Brothers as well.

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