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  • gear lever clearance on one 456 carbon frame
  • James78
    Free Member

    Hi All,

    I have a lovely 456 carbon frame built up with a thomson stem and race face atlas bars. I have 3 head set spacers above my headset (total about 25mm) and notice that unless I adjust my XT brakes and gear levers so they’re pretty flat the bottom of the gear levers clash with the top tube when I rotate the bars all the way round. Today I stacked it pretty badly in the Surrey Hills and the bars spun all the way round, if I had adjusted the levers more downwards they would have struck the top tube.

    Has anyone else noticed this on their on one carbon 456 frames or do you just keep the levers pretty flat?


    Free Member

    quite a short head tube on the C456. How short have you cut your steerer and what size frame? Do you have any spacers above the stem to raise it up?

    Free Member

    I have no more spacers to add under the stem and I don’t really want to raise that up any more. I have just fitted the atlas bar and have put the brakes quite a long way from the grips, think I’ll bring those back a bit and see if I can lower the levers just a little bit

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