• This topic has 553 replies, 102 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by loum.
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  • EURO 2012 **SPOILERS**
  • TandemJeremy
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    hilldodger – Member

    Thing is, even the sports that have the tech always end up moaning about the decisions, just adds another layer of blame to the situation – keep it real time and accept that mistakes will happen, it’s all part of it…..

    It works very well in cricket with the umpires making a decision on the ground and the players having to appeal if they think its wrong with a very limited number of appeals – the tv replay umpire then has to find evidence to overturn the call on the field. If its inconclusive then it goes with whatever decision was made live. It has led to more correct decisions

    In rugby union I don’t think they have it right as they cannot examine anything but the act of scoring but I like the two questions aspect, league is better in that the replay ref can look at more the live ref will ask them to look at specific things in the run up to the score as well such as offsides.

    However I really am not sure if it would work in soccer – maybe for over the line or not but not for anything else or every goal would have to be looked at in detail

    I am not sure for football

    Free Member

    Fact of the day:

    Roy Hodgson took Fulham to the europa league final where they knocked out Ukrainians in Donetsk. Beat Italians in the next round, defeated Germans in the semi finals and lost to a Spanish team in the final.

    Full Member

    You can’t see the offside from that clip, but the guy that receives the initial pass is offside when the pass is made, it just looks like he’s onside by the time he appears in view.

    Free Member

    Yeah, footie’s different. The TV refs in cricket and rugby act at a time when there’s a natural stop in the game anyway. It’s more of a decision on how to re-start, ie new or existing batsman, 5metre scrum or kick the extra points for a try.
    Last night’s footie was a massive, unbelievable mistake from the goal-line official, who should have opened his eyes. I reckon he could still get it wrong even with a tv screen.
    But you can’t stop a game to watch replays, so the only technology possibility for me is the goal line/ in-ball sensors to give the ref an immediate signal.

    Free Member

    the best team won, nothing more to say

    Roll on the Quarter Finals.

    Portugal to win – 3-1
    Germany to continue the march – 2-0
    Spain to progress – 5-3 on penalties

    Whatever happens im not expecting a dull match with the Italians.

    Full Member

    loum – Member
    But you can’t stop a game to watch replays, so the only technology possibility for me is the goal line/ in-ball sensors to give the ref an immediate signal.

    i kind of agree but when half the squad end up chasing the ref round the pitch whinging it causes just as much delay

    swiped from facebook

    Free Member

    jesus, the standard to putting “funny” text over a picture really has gone down hill.

    i guess that its due to the mad rush to get the creation out on FB/twitter

    Free Member

    That is amazingly poor :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    just like we’ve had to suck up disallowed goals against argentina

    just like we’ve had to suck up disallowed goals handballs against argentina

    Free Member

    if that pic is gonna be done properly, it needs a crayon outline “cock’n’balls”(tm)

    Full Member

    Regarding the disallowed goal –

    If you asked Terry if it had crossed the line I don’t think he could honestly say if the ball was over line or not.

    It shows that the chap on the line is as useless as we all thought, however in his defence, the ball was just over the line & in real time I wouldn’t want to make that call that close.

    My two points above are why football needs goal line technology. However it needs to be something instant that doesn’t halt the game because…

    What if the ball hadn’t crossed the line? The England break straight after almost led to a goal. If the game had been paused then England wouldn’t have had that chance… food for thought.

    Free Member

    RFID woven into outer surface of ball. Sensors in goal mouth. All of the ball crosses all of the line and you could trigger a beep in the refs ear, a siren or a firework display.

    Free Member

    If you asked Terry if it had crossed the line anything I don’t think he could honestly say if the ball was over line or notanswer


    Full Member

    just seen the spain and france line ups. no nasri for france and no torres for spain.

    was looking forward to this one but i think it might be a cagey old affair after all.

    hope spain aren’t as dull as they were in game one.

    Free Member

    Debuchy’s a good bet for 1st scorer. Priced as a defender but playing RW.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    another one paced bore-a-thon from spain.

    can only see germany or italy winning the thing from here.

    hate to say this but it will be a victory for the beautiful game if the germans win it.

    Full Member

    I’ve found myself enjoying & even cheering for the Germans at this tournament. They’ve got a really good side & are playing great football. I fancy them to beat Portugal in the final.

    Full Member

    Just saw this on Gary lineker’s Twitter feed – Stat of the day – every time an Olympichost has qualified for the Euro finals they’ve won it. West Germany 72 & Greece 04…

    Full Member

    I’ve found myself enjoying & even cheering for the Germans at this tournament. They’ve got a really good side & are playing great football. I fancy them to beat Portugal in the final.

    don’t know that i fancy portugal to see spain off in the semi. they’ve played with two luxury players so far in ronaldo and nani and they won’t be able to do that against spain.

    i wouldn’t guarantee germay to beat italy in the other semi either.

    still it’s good that the whole thing is still open to everyone (except england imho)

    Free Member

    Nerves are building already!!! Who’s gonna be watching and where?? First game at the pub for me tonight!! Wife already on standby for a lift to work in the morning if things go awry!!!

    Free Member

    every time an Olympichost has qualified for the Euro finals they’ve won it. West Germany 72 & Greece 04..

    That’ll be both times then? 😕

    Full Member

    I reckon it’s going to be the most cagey game of the tournament so far, and it could go either way, but it’ll be one nil. I reckon Woy’s 50/50 assertion is bang on. We actually look pretty organised at the back. And i don’t think i’ve ever said that about an Engerland squad!

    Might have a punt on Stevie G for the first goal

    Full Member

    We actually look pretty organised at the back.

    apart from the fact that every goal that we’ve conceded has come from either defending too deep or from the opposition being totally unmarked at set plays.

    so far we’ve been lucky. i think our luck will run out tonight.

    Full Member

    conversely – I think that the Ukraine game will be a bit of a wake-up, and that the best may be yet to come from our creative players and forwards.

    Rooney looked off the pace, unsurprising as first game since end of season. I think Young, Walcott, AOC have much more to give. Defoe and his pace may make an appearance. Andy Carroll could trouble many defences. I don’t have high expectations but I don’t think we are out yet.

    Full Member

    LOL, The German presenter announcing the teams, listed Balloteli as “Mad Mario”.

    Free Member

    binners, That looks like a good shout. 🙂

    Free Member

    Why is Rooney so massively rubbish when he plays for England?

    Not that he’s the only offender of course but he’s so talented yet looks an utter donkey most of the time for England.

    (hopefully he’ll score now to prove me wrong 🙂 )

    Free Member

    so when do we go out to penalties? 😀

    Free Member

    About half an hour ago ideally.

    Free Member

    another one paced bore-a-thon from spain.

    Fortunately Italy turned up tonight…

    Free Member

    England just lack purpose they never seem to want to play to win.

    Free Member

    Lacking quality. We’ve had no creative midfielder since Gazza and our passing has been atrocious!

    Free Member

    Where’s Roy Keane when you need him? 8)

    Full Member

    grum – Member

    Why is Rooney so massively rubbish when he plays for England?

    Hmm. You do know he put England through to the quarter finals, right? Well, him and the assistant referee they had playing in goal

    Free Member

    How the hell did Italy not win that in normal time? 😕

    Northwind – yes he did but he was generally very poor in that game and missed several sitters. The goal he did score was almost impossible to miss.

    Free Member

    Why is Rooney so massively rubbish when he plays for England?

    It’s hard to be sure whether it is simply because Man U are better than England or whether it is just the managerial excellence of Sir Fergie

    Free Member

    Hadge – Member
    Lacking quality. We’ve had no creative midfielder since Gazza and our passing has been atrocious!

    Paul Scholes/Merson

    Free Member

    has Young managed to pass to a team mate yet ?

    Free Member

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