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  • Corpses on Everest
  • mattsccm
    Free Member

    If you have not been up there you don’t know. Might I suggest that it thus none of your business so don’t say anything.

    Free Member

    It always hacks me off on planes that they tell you to put your own mask on first before your kid’s

    There’s a very good reason for that. It’s to do with the effects of hypoxia on the brain. You become a giddy fool long before you die, so as the person in charge you need to retain your faculties more than the kids.

    You might think it would be our call but we might not have all the facts. Which is why it’s a good idea to follow instructions in many cases…

    Full Member

    If you have not been up there you don’t know. Might I suggest that it thus none of your business so don’t say anything.

    I’m sure most Everest types would say ‘I don’t need your opinion, I have my own!’

    Free Member

    If you have not been up there you don’t know. Might I suggest that it thus none of your business so don’t say anything.

    No you most certainly may not. Only commenting on issues that we have first hand experience of? Good god man that would go against the grain of the STW ethos

    Full Member

    There seems to be two trains of thought here, the ‘live and let live (or die)’ and the ‘I want to protect you from yourselves’ people.

    Thread run it’s course?

    Free Member

    If you have not been up there you don’t know. Might I suggest that it thus none of your business so don’t say anything.

    Quite right, so lets leave the last words to someone who has –

    All I can say is that in our expedition there was never any likelihood whatsoever if one member of the party was incapacitated that we would just leave him to die

    Free Member

    This BBC news article from 2006 states “The death rate has remained at one death for every ten successful attempts to climb Everest for many years”

    If those stats are correct and you climb Everest, you know that there is a chance you won’t come back.

    At the end of last year, 219 people had died, whilst climbing Everest.

    Free Member

    In that link – the guy who died, Sharp, did he not have a party of his own?

    Free Member

    I think theres a big difference between passing someone in danger on your ascent compared to your descent.

    Passing someone on an ascent and not trying your hardest to help is digusting – considering you are planning to put yourself in more danger by going higher anyway.

    Surely at that point, the want to help a another human being should override self interest, the need for glory and that you dont want to waste your £50 grand on the chance of saving someone.

    Free Member

    I agree with Tim.

    Human life is infinitely more precious than being able to brag about your exploits at dinner parties.

    Free Member

    Most people would be more impressed to hear you’d saved a man’s life on Everest than to hear about your successful summit bid.

    Free Member

    if you’re on a ride with a mate, … are you obliged to shepherd the guy back to the car park? Does this terminate your own ride?

    If they are capable of a long walk back, they can walk back alone. Unless they ask me to go back with them, in which case I would comply without complaint.

    If they are not capable then it makes no difference if they are friend or stranger, you go with them. It’s only time and ambition you’ve sacrificed – it’s nothing.

    The only limitation is in situations where one might sacrifice ones life and that is a personal choice that can only be made at the time – neither choice is wrong.

    Naar’s, and similar situations are concerning because it seems like they could have done more to help without risking further loss of life. But the situation is hard to imagine from one’s living room.

    One must rely on the judgement of people who’ve been there. Joe Simpson and Simon Yates have been there and Joe is very clear in his opinion.

    Free Member

    One must rely on the judgement of people who’ve been there. Joe Simpson and Simon Yates have been there and Joe is very clear in his opinion.

    Not having read the full text, what is Simpsons opinion?

    found a synopsis…

    “We have no need of codes by which to judge our ethical response to situations. We know intuitively what is the correct way to behave.” Passing by a dying man without even stopping to hold his hand is a terrible violation of this universal standard of humane conduct, and undercuts the very foundation of society.”

    Free Member

    “Fair enough” I think sums it up

    That said didn’t Yates and Simpson pretty much end up going to war (after having been amicable) when they returned to Peru to film the movie?

    Free Member

    That quote by Simpson is the one that stands out from reading quite a few of his books.

    Free Member

    In that link – the guy who died, Sharp, did he not have a party of his own?

    iirc he was trying to summit on his own. It was the fact over 40 climbers passed him (twice)

    Free Member

    shotsaway – Member
    This BBC news article from 2006 states “The death rate has remained at one death for every ten successful attempts to climb Everest for many years”

    If those stats are correct and you climb Everest, you know that there is a chance you won’t come back.

    That’s the same when climbing any decent mountain. The chance of not coming back may not always be that high, but it’s often significant if you climb in a serious mountain environment/difficult routes. It’s part of the attraction at some level.

    Free Member

    [Titter] Glupton chucks in 6500m willy wave in context of 8800m discussion [/titter]

    Difficult moralising from the safety of a keyboard… mountaineering is a selfish sport, commercial mountaineering just more so.

    Reading up on some of the cretins who buy their way up there, why would you ‘risk all’ to help never mind risk a summit bid?

    They accept the risks when they buy the ticket.

    Free Member

    But there is undoubtedly a “right thing to do” here and that’s to stay with the guy until he’s dead and if you die doing so then tough luck. It is a black and white situation: no shades of grey.

    The right thing to od is leave them to die and not tell anybody how black the centre of your soul is…

    Climbing over piles of bodies may add to the challenge in the future?

    I don’t really think you can say you’ve climbed it unless you’ve carried a corpse back down with you.

    AFAIUI you can’t fly a chopper to such altitudes.

    Now that sounds like a challenge…

    Full Member

    Difficult moralising from the safety of a keyboard..

    New round here are you?

    Free Member

    Simpsons quote pretty much sums my feelings on the matter, going back to the Naar example, did he communicate with the dying man at all?

    Not sure but i think the David Sharp fella was a from New forest area. Sure my hairdresser knew him.

    Free Member

    avdave2 – Member

    Difficult moralising from the safety of a keyboard..

    New round here are you?

    Nope, long before you sonny 🙂

    Free Member

    “We have no need of codes by which to judge our ethical response to situations. We know intuitively what is the correct way to behave.” Passing by a dying man without even stopping to hold his hand is a terrible violation of this universal standard of humane conduct, and undercuts the very foundation of society.”


    They accept the risks when they buy the ticket.

    Disagree. This debate is not about them. It’s about YOU and your reaction when you pass them.

    It’s an interesting one though. Despite all my bleating, I would not jump on a live set of train tracks to grab a drunk who’d fallen onto it. So I agree that there IS a limit, i.e. here, where the person has WILLFULLY put themselves at risk and where death is pretty much CERTAIN. So maybe it’s a bit more grey than I’ve been saying. On paper I guess this scenario looks similar to those described above but somehow it’s different.

    Full Member

    Nope, long before you sonny

    Well your moralising must be much righter than mine then. 🙂

    Free Member

    jhw – Member

    They accept the risks when they buy the ticket.

    Disagree. This debate is not about them. It’s about YOU and your reaction when you pass them.

    You missed this then

    Reading up on some of the cretins who buy their way up there, why would you ‘risk all’ to help never mind risk a summit bid?

    I’m a climber, I would (and have though not on Everest) gladly help other climbers if I could (and it didn’t make matters worse i.e. risk more death…).

    I wouldn’t however risk my neck for a bunch of idiotic socialites out of their depth. They have their guides/sherpas for that. Risk goes with the territory for both the idiotic client and the guides who happily take their money.

    It’s commercial climbing. Normal rules of engagement don’t apply.

    Free Member

    On that basis I guess the answer (to avoid having to distinguish between the “climbers” and the “socialites”, a distinction I don’t fully understand…) is just to go places where there aren’t muppets and avoid Everest full stop

    Free Member

    Quite right, so lets leave the last words to someone who has –

    This was the story I referred to earlier – why is that the guy with no legs got picked on for not helping?

    Free Member

    Interesting thread, initially, then I came across this intellectual gem: “I do not have more respect for a nurse.
    I don’t think many choose that job out of altruism – it’s just like any other job, and most are $hits.”
    So tell me, jhw, what research did you carry out in order to come to this conclusion? Did you meet, interview and get to know EVERY nurse in the UK in order to deduce that they are mostly, as you state, shits? I dont recall you asking me, but then again, I might have been on days off when you came to the unit I work on. Then again, you may just be a bit of a tit – who knows?

    Free Member

    It’s commercial climbing. Normal rules of engagement don’t apply


    What other circumstances is it OK to jettison morality? Perhaps if they are foreigners, or a race you don’t like, or it’s a business competitor, or…

    Explain why “climbing” is so special that it’s excused the normal morality of assisting and comforting a fellow human in jeopardy?

    Free Member

    Explain why “climbing” is so special that it’s excused the normal morality of assisting and comforting a fellow human in jeopardy?

    I think that’s more of a “everyone’s trying to survive, it’s every man for himself” which applies in a few circumstances. Just because it’s slow and not a danger that presents itself in a bus-coming-at-you sort of way, doesn’t make it much different.

    Plus I think we’re confusing people who’ve been left despite being rescueable with those who’ve been left because there’s nothing the others can do so no point trying.

    Did you meet, interview and get to know EVERY nurse in the UK in order to deduce that they are mostly, as you state, shits?

    I read it as the jobs, not the people, could be my reading though! Think his point was that most people do the job for the cash, not for the fun of doing the job.

    Free Member

    Without wanting to be overly dramatic, climbing (like some other extreme sports) can literally be death defying and people have made the choice to, errr, do the defying. They’ve weighed up the pros and cons and paid their dues…

    If someone sane but stupid willfully put themselves at risk (by running back and forth accross the M1 for instance), would you consider it your ‘humane duty’ to go into the live traffic and stop them?

    The nurse comment was just silly and deserved ignoring.

    Free Member

    What other circumstances is it OK to jettison morality?

    Pretty much any commercial enterprise, especally in less developed countries – Phillipino sweatshops, Tesco bullying it’s way into new developments, Coca Cola “disappearing” union reps in Central America, Trump’s golf course in Aberdeenshire. Wh should climbing be different? people with money want to do something, they’re spending money fek anyone else. You’ll need someone else to explain why it’s right, I don’t know, but it happens the world over.

    Full Member

    BBSB, are you saying that’s all OK?

    Free Member

    This genuinely made me laugh 🙂

    “Pretty much any commercial enterprise, especally in less developed countries”


    “Trump’s golf course in Aberdeenshire”

    Free Member

    What other circumstances is it OK to jettison morality? Perhaps if they are foreigners, or a race you don’t like, or it’s a business competitor, or…

    Neat. Disagree with someone’s opinion, imply they are racist. I’ll have to remember that one.

    I don’t have much climbing experience, but I have done the outdoor first aid course which focuses on situations similar (although not as severe) as ones being mentioned. First rule, if there is danger to yourself in any way, you don’t go near the casualty.

    If someone is on Everest and is in such trouble that there is a 100% chance of them dying, even if I could sit by them and chat about the good ol’ times and ask if they want to send a message to their kids/partners/parents/friends/etc. with no risk at all to myself, the logical thing is not to. Because you will get attached to them. And then the next step is trying to help someone who can’t be helped. And of course, the next step is you dying too.

    Or you get attached to them, and then you have to leave them to die. It’s much easier to leave someone who you can tell yourself was an idiot who shouldn’t have come up then Andy, father of two, who studied the same subject as you at uni.

    Ok, you may make their last 20 minutes on earth slightly less gut wrenchingly awful, but at the price of a hell of a lot of guilt and “what if I..” thoughts. Not worth it, that could haunt you forever.

    Free Member

    The ones that dealt with my mum after her heart attack were $hits!

    OK, I digress . I just find it difficult to accept that a nurse, or a teacher, or a doctor, or a charity administrator is inherently a more virtuous person than a banker, a lawyer, or an accountant, by virtue of their career choice. It’s an assumption I see a lot, and I don’t buy it. They’re all commercial professions, paid commercial salaries, and in the case of the former category, commercial (final salary, I think, in many cases?) pensions. With lovely big holidays, and good job security (that lawyers and bankers certainly don’t get). It’s voluntary stuff which gets you a halo.

    Full Member

    OK, I digress . I just find it difficult to accept that a nurse, or a teacher, or a doctor, or a charity administrator is inherently a more virtuous person than a banker, a lawyer, or an accountant, by virtue of their career choice.

    Careful now, this is straying dangerously close to that soldier thread wot isn’t with us any more…

    Free Member

    “imply they are racist.”

    Sorry that was a bit arsy of me. Not implying they are racist. But it sounded to me like the climber regards the lives of “socialites” of lower value than his own clique – an argument sometimes used to justify racism.


    If someone sane but stupid willfully put themselves at risk (by running back and forth accross the M1 for instance), would you consider it your ‘humane duty’ to go into the live traffic and stop them?

    Possibly yes. Though I might try to warn traffic to stop, on the basis that it might be more successful than grappling a loon in traffic! That’s a scenarios where you decide to acutely put your life at risk. There is not a right or wrong answer.

    Back on topic – I refer again to Anatoli Boukreev’s achievement in going out several times and saving the lives of several people that stormy night on the South Col. He had already expended much effort summitting Everest that day and was fair exhausted. Naar had just got up to the South Col, but confined himself to his tent. It seems quite plausible that the nearby dying person could have been dragged into the tent and comforted.

    Free Member

    Buzz, I wasn’t implying anything. I was stating people make informed choices to go on these trips and my slightly arsey reference to ‘socialites’ was in response to the growing numbers of chequebook climbers who buy themselves into situations and then get themselves in the sh1t. They then expect to be ‘rescued’ from their own idiocy/unpreparedness.

    Socialites or not, they are the sort I would think twice about sticking my neck out for especially as the commercial trips they go on are heavy with very experienced guides and sherpas who are being paid to nanny their charges.


    That’s a scenarios where you decide to acutely put your life at risk. There is not a right or wrong answer.

    As is the one being debated. Nail + head.

    Free Member

    It’s not just on Everest where ambition gets in the way of saving people. My MTBing buddy and fellow ski mountaineer joined a party on Chamonix-Zermatt (he’s a fit man and has teamed up with my wife on adventure races). I declined to join the group as I prefer up and down trips rather than multi-day slogs.

    In a refuge at 3500m he felt unwell and unable to go on. The next morning his guide and group left him to get down on his own and continued their merry way to Zermatt. The guide hadn’t diagnosed the classic symptoms of pulmonary oedema. Fortunately, a Swiss guide took an interest in my friend, realised what was up, and organised a rescue with his own party which included bodily hauling my mate up a climb on the escape route.

    He’s been slowly recovering and will hopefully be out mtbing tomorrow. Lucky to be alive and still spitting when I jokingly ask after the guys that left him.

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