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  • anyone else worried about the rising cost of things?
  • enduro-aid
    Free Member

    in the last 6 months ive seen my petrol bill sky rocket, my monthly train ticket is up, my gas and leccy bill are about to go up again and my food bill every week is rising almost on a weekly basis

    have recently bought my first home i am on a bit of a budget and its getting seriously tight, ive shopped around for the best deals on fuel and gas etc and shop mostly in lidl and aldi so im not wasting money, no holidays this year and still the amount left at the end of the month is getting less and less

    its begining to keep me awake!!

    Free Member

    trust me, you are not alone.

    Free Member

    Yep, no holiday for us this year for just that reason. Pay freeze at work and everything else is going up. We’ve always been careful with what we spend so there’s not really anywhere to trim the fat.

    Free Member

    i think that is has slowly been building for me and i’m starting to look for new / intresting ways of saving money looking at a wind turbine or a solar panel for the house

    bike is pretty much falling to bits but i cant afford to get forks serviced or replace the full drivetrain so keeping it alive with odds and sods from ebay / classifieds

    Free Member

    La la la la la la la la la la la la la la LA LA LALALALALALALALA….

    Free Member

    Yep, I’m with Woppit on this. WGAS? Not a lot I can do about the prices…..

    Or is there?
    Shop around. Don’t drive as much (Cycle) and when you do, learn how to use less fuel. Turn the heating down/off & put a jumper on. Don’t buy stuff on credit… etc….. 🙂

    Free Member

    Shop around. Don’t drive as much (Cycle) and when you do, learn how to use less fuel. Turn the heating down/off & put a jumper on. Don’t buy stuff on credit… etc..

    Rubbish, just log on to the internet, pick a random forum and have a whinge.
    There, that feels better, doesn’t it?

    Full Member

    just wait for interest rates to start going up, which they will do at some point. that’s when real problems will start…

    Full Member

    Its insufferable isn’t it? Some of the domestics have been agitating for a wage increase. As I am a generous and considerate master, I have moderately upped their gruel ration. Dependent on a marked increase in productivity, obviously

    Free Member

    Doesn’t seem to be affecting me much at the moment. Mortgage is basically paid off and our monthly costs are well within affordable limits.

    As for petrol costs, I’ve not witnessed a reduction in overall traffic speeds to a more cost-efficient level so I can only assume they aren’t having much impact on the driving population as a whole.

    Free Member

    I noticed that my car insurance is a lot more than last year. I’m poorer than I was but still have some slack.

    Free Member

    The price of champagne in Waitrose is climbing too.

    I’m down to two bottles a night.

    Free Member

    in the last 6 months ive seen my petrol bill sky rocket, my monthly train ticket is up, my gas and leccy bill are about to go up again and my food bill every week is rising almost on a weekly basis

    Petrol, its been 130something since Febuary, the yearly tax/insurance/service/mot ruitual still costs me more than 10,000miles of fuel.

    Food, I’ve not noticed it going up since 2008/09? Steak is still £10/kilo, tin of tomatoes is still 33p. I could feed myself for £20/week at uni, there was a menu plan in MensHealth last month that cost £26/week for lots of protein and a lot more interesting stuff than I ate at uni!

    Trains, well they use fuel too.

    Gas/lecy, no idea, missus deals with those.

    lidl and aldi

    Actualy, I found them more expensive on the basic stuff(and often just not stocking a lot of less basic stuff like spices, herbs etc), so unless you’re after luxuarys stuff like chocolate cheep then ASDA/Tesco/Morrsons was cheeper and better choice.

    Free Member

    Should have known better enduro, this place is heavily populated by middle class, well off folk who like to take the piss!! Now where did I put that new Audi brochure??

    Free Member

    I’m down to two bottles a night.

    Doesn’t work for me, I find their caviar too salty to be able drink any less.

    Free Member

    just wait for interest rates to start going up, which they will do at some point. that’s when real problems will start…

    This is it for me – I’m ok at the moment but mainly because my mortgage is next to nowt (shared with my gf). The main things I’ve noticed increasing a lot seem to be gas/electric and insurance.

    Unsurprisingly some fairly **** attitudes in this thread. 🙄

    Free Member

    My Missus and I can get by on £20 a week food shopping. Lots of savvy spending involved though, she has a fascination with MSE and the like and loves a deal, you should see the size of our freezer!

    With regards to renewable energies, her folks have just moved into a new house which is pretty much off the grid. Gas has to be bought in on site. The tank lasts about a year ish and costs £1k to fill which is bonkers. However, they have solar panels on one side of the house, only about 4 panels and they were put in when the house was built about 20 years ago so I’m guessing they’re not the most efficient, however those panels on their own heat the entire house…..and the pool.

    Free Member

    I guess I’m OK now as my mortgage has gone and I have a reasonable income

    But I went though similar in the 70s & 80s and it wasn’t pleasant, both inflation and interest rates into double figures and rocketing fuel costs way above inflation.
    Looking back, it was tough but we survived OK and so will most others now

    Just do the best you can to make sure you look after you and yours with life’s essentials and sod the rest, let them whistle.
    The better times will come back, they always do, just make the best of it best you can now.

    Full Member

    Will be very interesting (well horrible for many) when Interest rates go up – repossessions will rise!

    Free Member

    Give it a few more years should start to pick up I reckon 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m with Enduro. Definitely not starving, but… no pay rise for 5 years now. Petrol up. Fuel up. Aldi quite cheap but involves a 5 mile drive, while Morrisons is just a walk away. Child tax credit gone.

    I’ve been getting progressively worse off for years. Of course it’s all relative, but at a time of life when I thought things would be getting easier… they aren’t.

    Free Member

    Give it a few more years should start to pick up I reckon

    Things will probably pick up, but I think there has been permanent damage to the UK economy which we may never entirely recover from, especially as the ‘developing world’ gets stronger and stronger.

    The last 20 years or so are going to be seen as a bit of a golden age for most people in the UK imo.

    Free Member

    Just started a new job but earning less than when made redundant last year. So things could be worse.

    Being brutal it is not going to get better. Interest rates one way bet. Fuel, mix peak oil with increasing demand from bric countries. throw in globalization of salaries. Oh what joy to look forward to.

    Full Member

    I think you’re bang on their Grum. Whereas a few years back it was semi-skilled and manufacturing jobs that went, this time round its ‘professions’.

    And a lot of those jobs are gone for good. Or have been de-valued to the point where they’ll command nowhere near the same salary or conditions. My salary is 30% down on what it was 8 years ago. And that’s pretty much across the board in my industry. I think it’ll get worse before it gets better too. Its the old ‘supply and demand’ thing. Oversupply of people with the right skills for too little ‘real’ work.

    It looks pretty bleak all round I think. I’ve been reading with mild amusement the threads about teachers pensions. I’m not getting involved. All I’ll say is some people don’t know they’re born at the moment. There are going to be some pretty shrewd wake up calls soon though. Presently in the post

    Free Member

    I think there has been permanent damage to the UK economy which we may never entirely recover from

    Nah, it’ll adjust. It does all the time. There are too many clever people working on the task of making money to just sit around and go ‘oh well we lost’.

    We’ll come up with something. We’ve got different demographics to developing nations. If they end up the same as us then their labour and manufacturing will no longer be cheap, so we’ll starting doing it here again.

    Free Member

    Something to think about how many jobs need to be in the uk? you can out source most back office functions to some where cheaper. Once the jobs have gone so dos the money to buy things, so don’t need so many sales people, a few more jobs go.

    The solution is to buy british products in the uk from uk retailers, not to outsource, not to globalize the labor pool. But it is not going to happen.

    Free Member

    I have some friends in manufacturing, they’re once again able to compete with foreign competitors for tenders and their order books are bulging. Far-Eastern manufacturing is becoming less competitive and a lot of companies are starting to see the “value” in UK production as opposed to the bottom line. I think making stuff seems to be the better way of getting ourselves out of the mire. I may have the blinkers on however.

    Full Member

    I think making stuff seems to be the better way of getting ourselves out of the mire

    Absolutely right! But the capacity and skills to do that are so far gone we’ll be virtually starting from scratch again. And that takes investment. Which isn’t going to happen. Not with the banking system, the education system and the balance of the economy structured as it is

    Free Member

    yeah who cares about food, heating etc getting silly, i’m with enduro-aid, its bike parts that worry me most!

    a few years back, with some hunting about and the regular extra % off weekends immediately post xmas, i was replacing my drivetrain, brakes etc annually as the old kit would easily sell on ebay for such good cash it was silly not to.

    but now!

    Free Member

    I agree, it will take time and investment. However, the rise in school leavers applying for apprenticeships is on the rise, a number of companies I work with will have a workforce that is classed as “skilled labour” with a growing proportion of those being apprentices. I dont think it’s a co-incidence that the reducing number of young unemployed, the increase in apprentices and the proposed welfare reforms all seem to have a pretty direct correlation.

    Free Member

    The solution is to buy british products in the uk from uk retailers

    There are disadvantages to that. It reduces competition, and can lead to crap products, see the US car industry for details.

    Full Member

    I hope you’re right fella. I always thought it ridiculous this newlabour idea that everyone had to go to University. To learn what? Media studies? Meanwhile we’re importing ‘tradespeople’ from Eastern Europe because we haven’t invested in any training in skilled jobs in this country for decades.

    That’s one of the things I meant about the balance of the economy needing to change

    Free Member

    *STW pedant mode on*


    interested to know how 4 solar panels heat their house?

    Solar (Thermal/hot water) panels heat your hot water that comes out of your taps, not your radiators.

    Solar (electric/photovoltaic) panels provide electricity, which could be used for heating but you would need a huge amount!

    *STW pedant mode off*

    … or was it a joke? 🙄

    Free Member

    It wasn’t a joke, it’s just what I’ve been told, it may have been BS, it probably is. I know their heating bills are **** all for such a gargantuan house.

    I do know they’re thermal panels, it sounds like I’m talking out of my arse come to think of it. I know they definitely keep the pool heated though

    Free Member

    and still the amount left at the end of the month is getting less and less

    you have money left – you’re doing OK

    Full Member

    thisisnotaspoon – Member

    Petrol, its been 130something since Febuary, the yearly

    was £1.29 and is now £1.35 which is almost 1% per month

    tax/insurance/service/mot ruitual still costs me more than 10,000miles of fuel.

    Insurance increase has been 45% over the past 4-5 years, which is again 10-12% per year.

    Food, I’ve not noticed it going up since 2008/09? Steak is still £10/kilo, tin of tomatoes is still 33p. I could feed myself for £20/week at uni, there was a menu plan in MensHealth last month that cost £26/week for lots of protein and a lot more interesting stuff than I ate at uni!

    But the quality of entry level goods has declined as have quantities per measure. Take pasta, milk, and bread. I found a receipt at the bottom of a reusable bag from 2006, Pasta was £1.34 for 3kg and is now nearer £4, milk was £1.06 for 4 pints and is now over £1.65, and the exact same loaf that was 66p in 2006 is £1.19 in Tesco today.

    250% increase for pasta,
    60% for milk
    45-50% for bread,

    Trains, well they use fuel too.

    And don’t we just pay for it….Train ticket from Workington to Barrow in 2008 was £8.40 for a return and is now £12+ at peak times.

    Gas/lecy, no idea, missus deals with those.

    Yeah, cos these things aren’t expensive at all. For me, despite a decrease in useage (LCD TV not Plasma, Solar Charging of iPhones + Laptops only running the heating for 1 month per year, no tumble dryer, no freezer, no desktop computer running all day), my gas and electric bill is over twice what it was at the end of 2009.

    So a minimum of 12% per year over the past 5 years….have your wages gone up by 60% in that time?

    Free Member

    Not the first time this has happened, can remember the mortgage rate being 14% and stupidly high poll tax to pay

    Got through it then and won’t be any different this time, bound to be a few casualties, hopefully without the wholesale house repossessions though

    Free Member

    Such a reasuring thread as I’m house hunting for a bigger (or more expensive at least) house which will involve a longer commute for me.

    It will have nicer views though hopefully!

    Was talking to my dad the other day and when they moved into their current house in 1978 interest rates were at around 3%. He also had 2 other mortgages on his business property. 6 months later the interest rates went up to around 15% 😯

    Now I know why he was doing man n van work at the weekends and selling eggs to local hotels in the evenings!

    Full Member

    It’s frustrating but such is life. ?Had a pay freeze for a 2 years now, lost tax credit due to changes in the policy, my pension is being looked at, our shift allowance may be reviewed and costs are going up. Still I have my Wife and Kids I can cut back in things if needed and I live a pretty good life really so I’m still happy.

    Free Member

    Can’t say I have noticed apart from beer.

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