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  • !”£$%^&* litter louts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • oldfart
    Full Member

    Riding in my local woods on Friday there was a group of lank haired groms drinking lighting bbqs blasting out heavy metal .Thought as they were definetely NOT meant to be there they would have tidied up after themselves .Oh how naive can i be !!!Just rode past where they were .The mess made my blood boil.I spent 20 minutes clearing up .They started to with a big bin bag but then drink must have taken over so they couldn’t be assed.I picked up disposable bbqs uneaten boxes of food wire mesh bottles cans and they even left a car battery!They were using this for a portable generator ffs!Luckily the youth hostel is nearby so took it there and warden is going to get rid of it.
    What is it with people like that ?What do they think happens to the crap they leave behind? Wondering what to do if i see them up there again?Ask them politely to clear up ? phone the bill ? don’t really want to draw attention to them .We ride there with the nod from the National Trust but for how much longer when this happens.I just despair.

    Free Member

    If it was Forestry Commision land(or national trust) i am sure the local ranger would have been concerned,especially using a barby in such dry, and potential fire starting conditions.

    I am pretty sure the FC have pretty strict policys regarding camping, and fires on unauthrised sites.

    Well done for cleaning up though,just been to a local downhilling event (Scratchmere,Cumbria)and the litter lying around was a tad disapointing,did my bit though and carried a few bottles home. 😉

    Free Member

    Hats off to both of you for taking the time to tidy up. Respect.

    Full Member

    grrrrrrr winds me up, too. played tennis down the local park yesterday and the number of empty plastic bottles and tennis ball containers is appalling. A bunch of kids came down all with a bottle or two of lucozade – i doubt many bottles went home with them.

    double grrrrrrrr

    Full Member

    I’m never surprised to see it after a piss-up, what boils my blood is empty packets and lucozade bottles left at the side of the trails, I hardly go for a ride without bringing at least one bit of some other rider’s rubbish back with me. Apparently it’s true, packets and bottles are heavier when they’re empty

    Free Member

    Uh, I’m lank haired, listen to heavy metal and always tidy my crap – and other people’s crap up but, yeah, that aside it’s annoying when selfish **** don’t stop and think, “uh, hang on, other people might want to enjoy this place we’ve just been having fun in.”

    Full Member

    I picked up disposable bbqs uneaten boxes of food wire mesh bottles cans and they even left a car battery!They were using this for a portable generator ffs!

    Err. What if they weren’t finished whatever they were doing? Maybe they went for a walk somewhere and were coming back to bbq the uneaten food?

    Full Member

    Bob they were there Friday i picked up the rubbish today .Would have been a long walk !!!

    Free Member

    Happened last summer in my local woods too. Illegal campers left stuff everywhere, just chucked beer bottles and rubbish into bushes and scattered around the remains of a fire. Over the course of winter and spring gradually cleared bits of it up (along with other woods users) until now it is almost like it was before. There were at least half a dozen full black bags worth, and it was a long way to the nearest bin.

    Well done for clearing it up, though you shouldn’t have had to!

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