Burton One World Snowboard Movie Released

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My big snowboard trip was postponed literally at the 11th hour in early March 2020 as Italy began to shut down all the resorts in the north due to the pandemic. That means the last time I set board on real snow was 20 months ago. With all international travel locked down this forced time-out is going to continue on through at least the first half of this winter.

Some travel firms are taking bookings for March with some extraordinary cancellation contingencies and flexibility, but the truth of the matter is it’s looking like that 20 months is going to become at least 30 as winter in resorts around the world remain on lockdown. At least until a vaccine has been rolled out.

So, what are we to do in the meantime? Watch videos of course, and dream of what it will be like to get back out there.

This is the latest movie to come from Burton Snowboards. It’s a paid for movie – you have to buy it. Like a real movie. You can buy it on most streaming platforms and it’s out this week. Is it worth watching?

92,864 Steps, 999 ideas, 457 Kilohertz, 113 Pillows, 76 Slashes, 72 days, 39 riders, 12 stitches, One World

We were sent a press screener version to watch at home along with a neat promo-gift pack consisting of beer, popcorn and the world’s whitest and hottest hat. Hot in the temperature sense, just in case you couldn’t tell from the images.

The press pack of popcorn, beer and a hat – tame coffee, author’s own

At around 45 minutes long it’s long enough to justify the low cost. If you are a fan of the more recent trend with snowboard movies like The Fourth Phase that have a loose narrative thread through them then One World isn’t like that. It’s basically a big bunch of Burton sponsored riders doing their thing through the year running up to the big shut down. The soundtrack is as uplifting as you need it to be with highlights from Basemant Jaxx (Where’s your head at). It’s a last look at the fun we used to have and hopefully will again soon.

There’s less of the crazy off the board silliness of films like Art of Flight, although there is one scene with ‘our guys’ dancing around a campfire pointing fireworks at each other, which their mothers would definitely have words with them about. But beyond that it’s just pure riding and smiles.

In it’s 45 minutes it crams in a lot of different riding and styles. From Alaskan chutes to rails and rooftops in city parks. There’s enough crashes to make you wince but more than enough uplifting and epic riding to keep you yearning for the world to open up again.

There’s few options for us snow lovers at the moment, so it’s going to be films like this that get us through these dark, dry times. Stay strong everyone and here’s to winter 21/22.

The Burton One World movie is released on the 17th November 2020 on most streaming platforms from £4.99.

Featuring: Anna Gasser, Ben Ferguson, Brock Crouch, Christian Haller, Clemens Millauer, Danny Davis, Dave Downing, Ethan Deiss, Jake Burton Carpenter, Jake Canter, Julia Marino, Jye Kearney, Kelly Clark, Kimmy Fasani, Kody Williams, Liu Jiayu, Luke Winkelmann, Maggie Leon, Maria Thomsen, Mark McMorris, Mark Sollors, Max Zebe, Mike Ciccarelli, Mikey Rencz, Mikkel Bang, Niels Schack, Patti Zhou, Raibu Katayama, Red Gerard, Terje Haakonsen, Tessa Maud, Timi Carpenter, Zoi Sadowski-Synnott. 

That hat!

burton one world movie hat
Thanks for the cool hat Burton

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