Cyclists Not Welcome At This Spanish World Cup

by 31

This weekend, January 21st, sees the UCI Cyclocross World Cup descend on Benidorm. And before you say ‘Eh, what?’ – it’s a cracking course – dry, dusty and fast and one that provides the world’s best racers with some welcome relief from the mud pits of the Belgian and Dutch rounds. In addition, Benidorm, for all of its Brits Abroad – er, charm, is smack in the middle of gorgeous cycling terrain that sees many pro teams decamp for much of the winter to nearby Altea and Calpe, making the most of the quiet Spanish roads and respectful drivers.

Benidorm! Actually good for cycling, shocker! Doing it, mind, not actually watching it.

The 2024 race is apparently looking forward to welcoming up to 15,000 fans to cheer in the (hopefully) sunshine.

However, should you be a cycling fan who, naturally, wants to go the race on your bicycle, the organisers seem to have gone out of their way to make you feel distinctly unwelcome. While the FAQ on the official website happily tells you about the free car parks to be found around Benidorm. It goes on to tell you about local motorhome camping, and to tell you that dogs are allowed in the venue (with leads). When it comes to advice for cyclists, well… here’s the official site:

Are bikes allowed inside the venue?

For safety reasons, you may not bring your bike. There won’t be a designed area to park or store them. Only accredited people can access by bike.

A query to the official email address only parroted the ‘No bikes welcome’ advice. We’ve also asked the UCI for a comment, though nothing yet.

Surely some mistake? Anyone that went to the recent Mountain Bike World Championships at Glentress would have seen (or used) the massive secure bike park there.

Glentress: “Why of course you can park here.” Forsyth’s macaroni pies are extra…

Not only that, but the UCI’s own advice to event organisers under its ‘sustainability’ heading, stresses that spectators should be encouraged to use public transport or to cycle – and that the organisers should provide secure bike parking.

So, if you happen to be getting in the winter miles this month and fancy heading over to watch some top-notch ‘cross racing, get along. Last year’s race (below) was a cracker. But we can’t help noticing that there seems to be a lot of open spaces visible within the venue that would be ideal for a bike park…

A stonking race in Benidorm – but not for any actual cycling fans who dare to cycle.

Incidentally, there’s some great mountain biking just outside Benidorm itself. Look for a feature in an upcoming issue of Singletrack World Magazine!

We’re hoping that this is a one-off for UCI races and that the organisers of the Benidorm World Cup CX will get their heads out of their arses next year. For now, we’ll just have to think back to how pro-cycling the recent Scottish World Champs were…

Anyone else been amazed at a lack of cycling facilities at a cycling event?

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  • Cyclists Not Welcome At This Spanish World Cup
  • robertajobb
    Full Member

    UCI actually support ‘normal people’ cycling as a mode of transport ?

    You’re having a larf. Worse than British Cycling for that. They’re only interested in things they can milk more CHF  to put in Swiss vaults alongside the gold stolen in the 1940s

    Full Member

    Peddling “safety” as a CBA IMHO.
    If they were really bothered they’d do it. Staffed by volunteers, like every other event.

    Full Member

    You could at least include the date for the event in the story!

    I’ve only been to Beni the once, and it’s a really weird place – the whole of the centre of the town is 100% dedicated to tourism, there was absolutely nothing for locals. Add in that most the shops and bars had signs in English, and it’s just a surreal experience when you come from one of the other Spanish coastal towns. Still, met my mate who’s a genuine Spanish local, and he took us to a bar which was selling two pints for 3€, so couldn’t complain :)



    Full Member

    Really looking forwad to this one, but struggling to see anyone other than VdP winning it, he’s just an absolute animal at the moment in terms of power. He just hits the button and goes ! I’d like to see Pidcock stay with Wout for some interest with maybe Ronhaar or Isyerbit making a decent fist of it.
    Cam Mason will be in the GB Jersey again this year after winning last weekend, but in truth he doesn’t quite have the pace most times… every now and again though he gets it.

    Full Member

    You could at least include the date for the event in the story!

    The first two words of the story are still relevant, but I’ll update it so that it stays relevant even after this weekend. :-)

    Full Member

    Staffed by volunteers, like every other event.

    I wouldn’t volunteer to help an event that is charging for tickets. (20 Euro an adult.) I’m not sure that’s any different to me volunteering to help the Vue cinema I went to last night sort out their queue because they were short staffed.

    Free Member

     Bit of a non story really.

    I’ve not been to many Pro level CX races on the Continent but I’ve been to a few and spectator’s bikes have never been allowed inside the venue. There’s tens of thousands of people crammed into a small area and it gets *busy*, to the point of anxiety inducing crush in some places, adding people wheeling bikes around would make it very messy, even it it was just getting them to a bike parking area. It wouldn’t be a viable, or safe, proposition.

    I can’t remember seeing any dedicated bike parking outside any of the venues either, people just lock their bikes up to whatever’s available and because it’s the Continent it’s usually a Dutch style town bike they use for just getting around on and not some $$$$ fancy pants toy so they’re totally okay with that. I think maybe there was one event that commandeered a fanced off tarmac sports area that you could pile bikes in that happened to be close to the entrance but there was no security there, for the above reason.

    A reminder that the majority of people turning up at a CX race on the Continent aren’t Cyclists (with a capital C) and it’s a spectator sport like football is here and most are there for the beer, frittes and to be entertained by the race monkeys, and then go mad in the rave tent at the end.

    Full Member

    Really looking forwad to this one, but struggling to see anyone other than VdP winning it, he’s just an absolute animal at the moment in terms of power. He just hits the button and goes ! I’d like to see Pidcock stay with Wout for some interest with maybe Ronhaar or Isyerbit making a decent fist of it.Cam Mason will be in the GB Jersey again this year after winning last weekend, but in truth he doesn’t quite have the pace most times… every now and again though he gets it.

    It’s the World Cup series not the world championship, that’s near Prague this year.

    Agree, non-story, been to three of the last world cx championships and there’s non bike facilities, it’s a heaving mess of drunken humanity not a sportive.

    Full Member

    I don’t remember the world cup race in Milton Keynes having big cycle parks? (But I drove there so wasn’t looking for it.)

    Full Member

    It’s the World Cup series not the world championship,

    I know. I’m not sure what made out i thought otherwise.

    Free Member

    TBH it’s a bit of a non-story. Most people are not going to turn up by bike because the audience who live within cycling distance is probably small. And if you have ever been to bike events and had your achilles and shins mashed by muppets walking about pushing bikes in crowds, well, you have your answer. Bikes were always banned inside the halls at the annual bike shows in brum too, when I worked there.

    The Dutch F1 was a bit of an unusual thing, where the entirety of the country has a bike already and access by car was banned, but also access by car is already awful to that location.

    Full Member

    What a sad attitude from the last few posters. I can understand bikes not being in the actual arena – so take a few of those precious car park spaces and provide bike parking outside the entrance. Cycle sport has poor form for CO2 emissions, (it’s not alone in this granted) so should be prioritising easy wins to improve sustainability even in small ways – build it and they will come! A bit like permanent decent cycling infrastructure.

    Full Member

    I disagree about it being a non-story as it is highlighting the ridiculousness of the UCI event organisation.

    I certainly wasn’t aware about not having any bikes on site.

    Free Member

    This isn’t just an UCI event organisation ‘issue’ as it’s the same as any other Pro level CX race, especially in it’s heartland of the Low Countries. Tens of thousands of people turn up making it more of a large capacity sporting event with some cycling in rather than a cycling event, the amount of alcohol consumed only underlines the former. It’s not like any UK cycling event where it’s mostly just Cyclists (with a capital C) turning up. By a very long way.

    As most of these races are in the Low Countries the cycling infrastructure is already there, in spades, which is why loads of people within cycling distance will just rock up on their town bikes, in normal clothes, tie them up wherever and go watch a race with beer and frittes in hand and then just noodle off home a bit wobbly afterwards. Those from further afield will often board one of the many coaches heading to the event, the famous CX riders will have their own fan clubs who will charter an entire bus (with the luggage compartment full of crates of beer) to get them to whatever field it is that weekend, which is a lot more sustainable than everyone turning up in their own car.

    Free Member

    ^^^ this.
    I’ve been to a lot, spectating (via car, coach and bike) and racing (Supporting events!!!).
    The *VAST* majority have no dedicated bike parking space for the event, some will have a load of fences in a sort of open pen near the entrance with space for a couple of hundred city bikes to be locked and left. Some are left there permanently (Ride there, get so drunk you don’t know your own name, walk home, forget where the bike is).
    Those which are based around existing facilities or close to town centres, people will just leave their bikes in the “normal” bike parking. Most facilities in the low countries will have an order of magnitude more parking than your average UK sports centre.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t volunteer to help an event that is charging for tickets. (20 Euro an adult.)

    Name checks out 😉

    FWIW Fort William has always been a paid entry (unless you’re a keen walker) and staffed by volunteers. (there may have been a nominal payment but not enough to compensate for the flying piranhas)

    Had a cycle park as well.

    Full Member

    So, not only are more and more events actively trying to get people to cycle to them for both traffic congestion and environmental reasons but the fact that the bike industry can’t organise parking for the product that it, checks notes, relies on selling, is the proverbial failure to organise a piss up in a brewery.

    To be fair, previously I don’t think I’ve been to spectate at a race without cycling at least a leg of the way – Tour, cobbled classic and cyclocross. I’m livid.

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t volunteer to help an event that is charging for tickets. (20 Euro an adult.) I’m not sure that’s any different to me volunteering to help the Vue cinema I went to last night sort out their queue because they were short staffed.

     If they had to pay everyone staffing the event, tickets would cost a hell of a lot more than 20euros. I volunteered at UCI Worlds and I learnt there that there is a a big community of people who travel around volunteering at multiple large scale events. They get well looked after, make new friends and see old ones, feel useful and have an excuse to travel to new places. It’s not always just about money. 

    Full Member

    1/2 way through and it’s been a hell of a race! Totally epic.

    Full Member

    Wout, don’t slip there!

    Free Member

    Someone got a nice souvenir in the shape of some rather expensive glasses!

    Free Member

    he was lucky he didn’t break anything else there! so much for the “safer” option…. :D

    Full Member

    That was mental. We were spectating on the course so we didn’t see what happened to M VdP though… it was already quite a race then suddenly everything changed.

    Full Member

    Didn’t see on TV either only that he’d been off.

    Full Member

    It was – like the cavalry passing in full flight on every lap.

    Full Member

    The women’s race was great too. Very close for the whole race without the usual suspect blowing everyone away. (Non spoiler)

    Full Member

    Love a duck!  When VDP lit the burners along that tarmac straight and made the others look like they’d got the brakes on.  Awesome.

    Full Member

    It was quite frankly ridiculous wasn’t it. Such power! He overtook 6 top pros in 15s of power. Wow

    Full Member

    Caught up and created a 8 second gap in less than 15 seconds.  Brilliant riding and perfect coverage from the drone.

    Full Member

    Someone got a nice souvenir in the shape of some rather expensive glasses!

    When Wout slipped? That was his saddle flying off after he kung-fu kicked it clean off the seatpost, Van Damme style.

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