Campaign Mounts To Introduce Junior Women’s World Championship in 2019

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If you were following the weekend’s cyclo-cross racing, you might have noticed that there weren’t like for like categories across the age groups and genders. While there is now a women’s Under 23 category (introduced last year and won by this year’s winner Evie Richards), there is not a Junior Women’s category.
Currently it is scheduled to be introduced in 2020, but with ten of 40 starters for the U23 race being eligible for this year’s Junior category (had there been one), some are suggesting that this should come sooner. In fact, fourth placed U23 Hattie Harnden would have been eligible, and a champion’s jersey would surely have been a welcome reward for such a strong performance.

The Twitter profile makes the aim clear.

Rather than growing gradually – or whatever logic there is behind the UCI’s phased introduction, because, let’s face it, they hardly have a reputation for taking bold steps when it comes to establishing gender parity – there are now calls to introduce a Junior Women’s category next year, in 2019.
Give them a follow.

A twitter account has appeared in the last couple of days that looks to be preparing to launch a campaign. Hop on over and give them a follow, and let’s see how things shape up.

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