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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • robgarrioch
    Full Member

    Dev Townsend’s cover of Ween’s ‘Transdermal Celebration’… ‘new’ version over original video

    Full Member

    Definite maybe-perhaps again from this end, if I can make it, will do….

    Full Member

    Bad luck with the bike Alex, hope it’s fixable as you need to come back for a ride on a non-monsoon night. Well endured those in attendance, that was a pretty rude awakening from the days of semi-predictable weather 😳

    Full Member

    will be attempting to be at the shop for 6.30, but could well miss the slot… Please don’t hang aboot though!

    Full Member

    Touch & go whether I’ll make it for the 6.30 deadline this week either… have to say I’m out, to avoid confusion (but will be swing by the shop if do make it). Might be foggy btw, according to yon forecast

    Full Member

    Probably try & tag on as far as Flot, the far loop would take it dangerously deep into the bedtime zone. Hope to catch youse @ bonaly

    Full Member

    Hoping to tag along, though work may have other plans. If not @ shop on time don’t keen my lament too hard, that’d just be embarrassing 🙂

    Full Member

    A fine ride indeed; therapeutic after-glow too now it’s down to 40m or so visibility. Surprised to find the A-muir drop far more agreeable thanks to a minor tyre change. Not sure how your pic 8 looks 25 or so degrees flatter than it felt Al 🙂 Hoping can make a few more as they appear, good resurrection Ian!

    Full Member

    Well look at that, you go away for 5 years & it stirs again… 🙂
    Might be along at the shop, pending approval of o-o-date bike / wheels / attitude

    p.s. be alert at wounded knee, what little bridging there was is down to a couple of spindly roots!

    Full Member

    Probably a bit out of the way, but the path from Diabaig to Craig bothy is worth travelling to for an out + back. Great path with good features and slabby bits eg)

    [url=[/url]Torridon 8[/img]

    Unfortunately the link path round to Red Point from Craig is horrible, or was in 2010 anyway.

    When I used to ride, looked at trying the path out of Inverasdale to Camas Mor (NG 812 859 – NG 762 916), just round the corner from Rubha Reidh, but never got round to it. Looks susceptible to the wet from Geograph but might provide some adventure time.

    Full Member

    AKA Na h’Oidhche.. Not bad fun is it? Walked it once with school, once on a frozen Xmas day (’95 I think), & it seemed rather shorter on the bike. Had it in slightly drier conditions, June 2010, loose as the proverbial, but the water splash was wonderful that day!

    My only pic, parked to the west of the bothy + looking west.

    Full Member

    What’s the proposed itinerary, staying 1 / 2 nights? Definitely, if you’re not watching the clock all the time, hasn’t been as dry / warm up there recently, ‘mind…


    You decide[/url] 🙂

    Full Member

    Which mag review

    In STW, but would’ve been an earlier version (I presume broadly the same bike…). When I enquired with Evans store they were ok to bring one in to try if they didn’t have the right size, handy enough if there’s a shop close by.

    Full Member

    The mag gave it a good write-up some months ago, kinda 4.5 / 5 level. Prices have been dropping for a while, pretty good bargain now – I’d snap one up despite being skint if they had ‘L’ in 2011’s SF01 colours…

    That’ll be tomorrows niggling thoughts taken care of! 🙂

    Full Member

    Halfords prices seemed keen enough when I was looking a few weeks ago. Velo Ecosse do them too & seem to have dropped their previously inflated prices a little.

    Full Member

    S’funny, been thinking all day that, in his early interviews, he reminded me of a film or programme I’d seen, just worked it out.. Think it’s more the atmospheric resemblance

    Full Member

    A harrowing but important document, the man’s made of far sterner stuff than me. Since becoming a father I find I’m completely crushed by such graphic images as the group of kids trying to help each other just get up a step. Disbelief at what went on (goes on..?) in Africa / Vietnam / Lebanon etc. etc., life ceasing to have any value whatsoever.

    Going to be on my mind for a long time.

    Full Member

    Al, there’s a guy with no facial hair pretending to be you on that boat 😯

    Great report – would love to see a full-size of the An Teallach sunset?

    Full Member

    The amazing Britten v1000

    Full Member

    A little bit of previous thread action here.
    Didn’t seem to be much MTB’ing going on the few times we’ve been, some fantastic road riding around your area though, up in La Balagne. Likely to be seriously hot too. Are you taking a bike along? The type of bikes in hire-shops wouldn’t stand much more than a few miles round the local pavements, but I’m sure there are better if you search around (probably entailing massively out-of-proportion euros). There seemed to be thousands of trails around, but quite likely easy to get lost.

    We stayed at Ile Rousse a couple of times, few miles east of Calvi, wonderful area. The wee train’s a great way to tour the coast, you can stop off at each beach & hop back on. + the boat trip to Scandola / Girolata is well worth it…


    Enjoy, sinking a cool Pietra or 2 at the days end is a life-memory 🙂

    Full Member

    Looper‘ would do nicely, based on recent evidence.

    Wheelie technique…


    Full Member

    There’s a wee track in Kyleakin, no idea of current conditions… Shown in blue here too.

    Full Member

    Can’t do much justice to some of the shots above, but –

    Rowan Sorrell at the STW Classic Weekender 2010, doing a reasonable job of demolishing the field in the DH… (think he came 2nd in the ‘overall’ the next day)


    Myself on the next day, at the top of the 3-steps section (was fairly chuffed to start a minute back and finish 21st overall, following top-minceage in the dh, + failing the trials trackstand under Chipps watchful eye – he spotted my 2s triumph didn’t quite satisfy the 10s requirement.. 😳 )


    And a decent bunny-hop at ‘that’ waterbar down Maidens in the Pentlands, by forum member Alba (possibly)


    Full Member

    Seems fine, normally I’d avoid Phantoms (your section 4), but given it’s been reasonably dry it’s probably the best it’ll be for a while. There’re paths to either side of the exponential road climb (section 9) which makes for a bit more interest on the MTB…

    Full Member

    plot a route

    Soz Bob – had a go but don’t have time to work it all out… the paths are reasonably recognisable though, as long as you know roughly where you’re trying to get back to there’s generally a way.. 🙂

    why is everyone pushing up that bit?

    Can only speak for myself, but couldn’t pedal any further up the slope 😐 Found a line to clean it a few months later though. L-R in the pic is 13thfloormonk (on a single-speed), AlecJohnstone, AlasdairMc and Paul Gillespie – I’m sure you can ask them directly 😐

    Full Member

    Can’t go up but it’s fairly easy to find.. Watch for a small gate on the right as your coming up the road, with a walkers sign-post, around NT 226 633, take the (reasonably steep) track up to the farm road, through gate on right, straight on towards farm, take trail through the trees on right just as you seem to be coming into the farm, straight on through timber gate & the Castlelaw climb starts at the top of the gravel car park in front of you – stony wide track which has seen recent ‘improvements’ further up.

    Just stay on that until you start to descend & cross a gattle grid; about 300m further-on on the left (NT223 659) is a peaty short descent to another gate; over that then the trail that goes up to the right, or straight up the hill face if you’ve got the legs for it, as (not) shown here –
    The (lower) trail round takes you to sight of Bonaly reservoir. Was sloppy round Capelaw last Tuesday, but it’s probably dried reasonably by now – watch the wind though, swirls about a bit up there!

    Full Member

    Couldn’t not force myself off revision and out for a while yesterday…


    Short local loop but the dividends should pay for some time.

    Full Member

    Saw him at the Embra festival c. ’98 – ’99, filling in for the cancelled Henry Rollins. Think it was during his hazy ‘background-experience’ stage.. He was ok, but some twonk had decided the way to vent frustration at Rollins non-appearance was to bark vicious no-censor insults (e.g. “fat **nt”) to his face until the audience reaction forced him out. Like lancing a boil. It improved somewhat after that.

    Full Member

    Didn’t even know about Hannemans illness till now. Been an odd, surprising morning reading about it.

    First saw them on Clash of the Titans 1990, couple of days after my 18th & before buying any of their albums – hadn’t a clue I’d see them another half-dozen times.

    The writer of my #1 fast song:

    Spooky coincidence – just played ‘Point’ in memoriam, & a siren went past outside; fitted the music pretty well.


    Full Member


    who knows how long it’ll last

    Till precisely the 1 + 1/2 hrs I’d allowed out of academia to go for a ride 👿

    Full Member

    On a lighter note, ever heard of the Swiss Tree-Bicycle…?

    Great site for old forestry photos – discovered when researching for my one of my MSc modules. Just type something in the search box, ‘ploughs’ or ‘tractors’ etc., & marvel just where these boys got to back in the 50’s – 70’s…

    Full Member

    We had this crawler built up to lift pre-cast panels onto Duke St. multi-storey in Glasgow, long-reach as it had to be done from the adjoining side (each storey’s around 4m) –


    Still got jib-bound, so re-configured to this, which looks less impressive due to perspective but was even longer –


    Full Member

    5 mins + another 20 or so gets me here (luckily stay at the foot of the hills)-


    A few bits committed to celluloid here back before mini-me commandeered my riding time for good…

    Full Member

    Perhaps some guidance here.

    A guy on my other forum manages with just panniers & straps

    But looks like a secondary consideration[/url] in the States

    Full Member

    A little bromance is all I can offer…



    Full Member

    Definitely took a few rides round to become familiar, aint been for a year or so though so confused exasperation expected on next visit. Not as much as when I tried finding Cragg coming up from Edenfield though, decided was in the wrong spot when I came to the turbines a mile or two to the south. Found I missed the turn-off the Pennine way by a few metres

    Full Member

    Walked around White Hill / Puke / Torduff etc. this afternoon. Deeper the higher you go; Puke fairly well packed with ice underneath (twixt-the-trees section), probably do-able, suspect there’d be a bit of hike-a further up. Maidens often pretty good in the snow with moderate foot-fall, watch for ice though. 4cast said even windier than today, so wrap comprehensively – had an ice cream headache at the top of white hill after walking up the steep way 😥

    (snowboard evidence on Puke side of White Hill too; snows quite crusted now, if that makes a difference)

    Full Member

    Chipping-in with one a few miles north of Torridon


    As covered here, a while ago… (my URL tab no workee)

    Might as well stick in the Annat descent too, modelled by 13thFloorMonk


    Full Member

    Good to know – suspect I’ll be an early bookee.. Thanks, Brad.

    Full Member

    The smoke & mirrors striking home already – brief message for the new owners; Facebook Linky. disappointed as haven’t had any issues with EBC before.

    Gutted to miss out on the (very) competitively priced Enduro service deal by 4 days.

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