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  • Nils Amelinckx, Rider Resilience Founder and all round nice guy: 1987-2023
  • bristolbiker
    Free Member

    Have a read here for the corruption/backup issues

    Free Member

    Should be some to do the job here, as one off’s

    or bulk bags, if they have the right size and you want 50 from Screwfix et al

    Free Member
    Free Member

    No….. and I thought ‘over here’ the speed had to be limited for it still be classed/viewed as a pedal cycle?

    Free Member

    My prefferred strategy is something mega-bright (1/2 Watt or better), and something elde with side visability (TL-1100 or whtever). Adds a bit of redundancy. Prefer AA rechargables so I can keep spares in the bag for both lights. 2400+ mAh are pretty cheap and burn forever. Will be giving a Flare a go when the current 1/2 Watt dies……

    Free Member

    Camera phone, police – then bus company if necessary… or would that be considered covert survaillance (sic), or some other such infringement of his human rights to read a paper whilst driving?

    Free Member

    Does not compute – surely it’s a case of appraising the best technology/price/service/fitness on a case by case basis?

    Free Member

    That looks properly dodgy to me – no address/contact details and none of the jacket styles are named, just listed as ‘Style 1’, ‘Style 2’ etc….

    Free Member

    …in which case, do you have access to a secondary screen – plug it into that and switch the output to it to check if the lappy screen is the problem or not?

    Free Member

    Some proper mentallists in there – wing suits over the cliff edge…. 😯

    Free Member

    …if you build it start the thread, they will come……. 😆

    Free Member

    Somebody give me a summary.

    Nice try – prepare for the arguments to just start again……

    Free Member

    I’d suggest this is as good a starting point as any for a balanced and insightful overview of the background to the issue you raise 😆

    Free Member

    Dimension them on a common PCD? Think it’s up to you/company/client practise – as long as there is sufficient info on the drawing to re-draw it/manufacture it based only on what is on the drawing sheets then you’ve passed the first/major hurdle 😉

    Free Member

    What’s/will be your niche as WWW says, seems to be a fair few now covering pretty much all levels of bespoke.

    Free Member

    Um, I think you need to consult the manual to find out how the filter is applied – I might be misunderstanding your question, but from your first example….

    (if one data point says 0.05, but the other 500 say 0.01ish, then i don’t care about the 0.05)

    If you SD is set to 3, you are passing ~99.7% of data, so your one eroneous point of 0.05 in 500 represents 99.8% of ‘good’ data at 0.01 and should be filtered. You’ll have to find out how the averaging is done, whether the data is filtered on absolute data values or propensity of each individual value, or some other mechanism.

    I’m sure this helps not one jot, but please stay safe out there in Hyper-space….

    Free Member

    …any time you’re ready …..just take your time…. yes, it happens to lots of people…. 😉

    Free Member

    Similar thing happened when I was a student – got accosted by, what I assumed to be, a run of the mill Chugger……90 mins later I was quite light headed having tried quite a few half pints of lager. Didn’t get any money though – who do I complain to!!! 😉

    Free Member

    Went the same route as loum, but I usually buy in batches to deck a whole bike out in A4 stainless bolts, rather than buying bulk bags, so get them from this guy and pay a bit of a premium.

    NB: use as long a thread as is practical (I can’t remember what that is, though the pinch bolt holes are threaded all the way through – may well be 20 mm. OE bolts are very short, require moderate torque and screw into cheese…..)

    Free Member

    Think the 11-speed has an oil port on the hub that you just drain the old oil out of and pour the new oil into.

    Indeed – I have an 11-spd and, whilst a bit more technical than you describe, is essentially that 😉 I only asked as ‘..1000km oil change service…’ is pretty much verbatim from the 11-spd installation sheet and, as TJ points out, the 8-spd is very much a spannering exercise where the cluster is taken out, dipped and the whoel lot put back together.

    Free Member

    In a bizarre case of STW mirroring real life….. all of the above not answered here:

    ‘….will someone think of the Panda’s….’ 😉

    Free Member

    even due its 1000km oil change service

    Stef – are you not talking about an 11-spd hub there (8-spd – grease with oil bath service – 11-spd, Shimano Snake-Oil (TM) with Snake-Oil change for a service)?

    Free Member

    Teh oil is in Scottish territorial waters

    Again, a genuine question – proved (currently) commercial off-shore reserves are limited to a generation or two. What happens then? Is there a massive shale gas reserve waiting to be found under Aviemore? If the GDP of a newly independant Scotland is almost entirely based on the off-shore oil sector, is basing the numbers on this not a touch short-sighted?

    Free Member

    the key thing is its about he right to self determination of a people.

    I have no particular opinion either way – I find the mechanics of what would need to be done for the separation WAAAAAYYYYYY more interesting than the philosophy and the politics of it.

    I completely agree with the setniment of self determination, but surely there should be a clear, detailed and costed proposal on the table so that the separation is at least initially clearly ‘neutral’ to both parties (past performance is no guide to the future etc) and not obviously self destructive for the sake of the ideal.

    Yes, there is still time to make that case, but as a casual observer it hasn’t been made yet and I still don’t see how it can be made such that anyone will know EXACTLY what they are voting for/getting in to. The tag line will read ‘Independance – we’ve talked about for ages, shall we roll the dice or not then?’

    Free Member

    One reason for not having the referendum for a couple of years is to allow these things to be decided and debated

    But things like EU membership – it appears there is no clear precedent to do EXACTLY what the SNP would prefer. All EU members would have to agree to allow and independant Scotland to join. This puts CmD in an awkward position now, but he may not be in charge when the time comes to vote on it and Christ knows what the next swivel-eyed-loon in No 10 will decide…. unless an agreement can be put into law…… the ifs, buts and maybes go on, and on, and on…..

    By all means, rightly, have the debate but I don’t see how many of the factors that extend beyond our land mass can be taken as a given. The referendum will ultimately be about the idea of separation – I don’t think you can honestly say the details of even some pretty major factors will be set in stone, or all the consequences forseen.

    Free Member

    Hmmmm….. just watched the introduction piece and the interview. Thought the ‘interview’ was bobbins all ends up – no-one came out of it looking good. The intro piece raised some interesting points though – EU membership (or not) retaining the pound (or not). It appears that a lot of these detailed issues will remain unresolved prior to the referendum/until such time that a solution needs to be found….. regardless of what Teej says 😉

    Free Member

    Scotland will want the carriers….

    Interesting – I’d not considered of this before – would Salmond’s intention to be to have separate armed forces as well, autonomous and funded entirely from the Scottish budget?

    Free Member

    Yep, different pull ratio to anything else.

    J-Tek (8-spd only IIRC) do a road bar end shifter and Versa do an 8- or 11-spd drop bar road-sti-style shifter. Other than the Nexus options I think that’s about it.

    Free Member

    I had exactly this for ages on my XC bike when I raced – could bimble around for hours on it without issue, but in a race I was quickly in lower back hell. Eventually traced to the seatpost slipping by about 10mm resulting in poor position/hips rocking. Once sorted – instant relief.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a cheepy one similar to the one teasel links….. also got one of these recently which is like a mini-maul and is brilliant for splitting kindling of free-splitting hardwood or most softwood. Between the two of them they cope with all but the most knotty rubbish!

    Free Member

    …synology NAS…

    Accepting Cougars valid points RE: data corruption, a Synology NAS setup as RAID1 with a couple of big disks is on my ‘things to do’ list as soon as funds permit….

    Free Member

    The bottom’s bending too…

    S’all right – just keep adding vertical poles as and when it does, a-la the one holding up the front cross beam 😉

    EDIT: WWW got there first!!

    Free Member

    Plumber – I will have a look at the Tech21 – thanks. 30W may still be on the big side – the volume control on 10W Marshall barely scrapes past 3 without complaints from the wife!!

    Current plan is a Vox plug-in amp with headphones to keep the rest of the family happy and then either (with the asscoiated 1×8 micro cabinet) and some pedals or for when they go out 🙂

    Are you going to get the set of Ltd editions through the year…… they’ll be worth more as a set in years to come ….. 😉

    Free Member

    M520 spd pedals. Picked some up BNIB for £15 the other day. Almost as cheap as the cleats themselves. Even at that price they last forever and are semi-servicable. Bonkers.

    Free Member

    Whoever he is……HE’S ENORMOUS!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    the thing is its obviuosly had a repair but they are flat out denying they had and repairs done, the salesman told me the car had been buffered and cleaned and that why the dust was there, to which i replied howcome the other side isnt the same then??

    that stumped him.

    And you still put a deposit down, rather than laughing at him and walking away, because……. ? 😉

    Free Member

    Don’t get me wrong – if it floats your boat and you can afford it then why not!! I’m in the market for a new small amp myself, but that thing is just a teeny bit pricey for my needs and skilz 😉

    Free Member

    guaratnee for the repair

    I’m struggling to see how they will honour any guarentee against the repair if they didn’t do it – if anything happens, they’ll want to push liability onto whoever did it, provaricating on remedial work all the way….. and as they (say) they don’t know anything about it/who did it…….. 😕

    Free Member

    trouble is ive put a £100 deposit down on it on the proviso it gets sorted.

    will i lose this if i walk away now?

    At the time you put down the deposit, did you agree whether it would be refundable or not??

    On the plus side, better to lose £100 than £9k 😉

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