'Flirt' indeed! You're embarrassing me. Oh stop it. 🤣
FYI having not raced I'm currently at 2.97 wkg so I'm hopeful it won't take long to be back in B.
Thanks Rob, I’m feeling it in my legs a bit this morning though. I’m really pleased and not a little surprised that my fitness has not dropped off too much over the summer. I’ve been on two, week long, mtb holidays and having checked back actually have done a bit more on the trainer over the last few weeks than I thought. Low intensity mainly, with a couple of harder efforts leading up to a ramp test a week ago which was more or less the same as my last one in April. My first reaction was that maybe not having calibrated the trainer for twelve weeks had skewed the result upwards but last nights effort would seem to show otherwise. Obviously trying to keep up with my mate on an e mtb has it’s advantages!
We're entered for next week. 1 lap of Casse-Pattes, so 24km of this _______/\__
Declare your availability here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E_0I0hulOaE2y34RpjckVCoT2Jks16vypeZ98L_LUw8/edit?usp=sharing
Bump. 5 so far. More would be nice.
It's 1x casse pattes, 7.40pm on Thursday.
Add yourself here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E_0I0hulOaE2y34RpjckVCoT2Jks16vypeZ98L_LUw8/edit?usp=sharing
Wasn't going to as I suffered on Friday morning's workout last week, but just put my name down again....glutton for blah blah...
Duplicate post.....
Still 1 more space left (or if we can get 3 more we could run two teams of 5!)
Unfortunately, I think I'm going to gave to give it a miss on Thursday. I've picked up a bug which is taking it's time to clear so an all out effort in two days time is probably not the best option. Shame, I was looking forward to it.
Ok so 2 spaces left!
Cheers Drew. Hope you are feeling better soon.
@savoyad I think we have 3 B’s and 3 C’s signed up so far. Do we have to finish with at least 4 which must include at least 1 B and 1 C?
Yes, 6 so far: @slowpuncheur, @robbo1234biking, @zilog6128, @haloric, @dangeourbrain, @stumpy01
And yes, you need to get 4 of you to the finish.
Enter pen A via this link: https://www.wtrl.racing/zwift/zwiftsignon.php?id=N1c3VE9pVVlPakRUdTY0blJSSUI2Zz09
I'll post start delay when it comes through (tomorrow evening probably).
2 spaces remain. Don't just click (above) - start with the spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E_0I0hulOaE2y34RpjckVCoT2Jks16vypeZ98L_LUw8/edit?usp=sharing
Sorry - last minute weather inspired decision to hit the beach, am out.
I've entered - will be my first ride on the turbo for nearly two months, and my first effort for about the same time!
It's been a great summer -ah well.....
OK, time delay for tomorrow is +2 minutes. So in the pen by 19:40 and off at 19:42.
The team is @slowpuncheur, @robbo1234biking, @zilog6128, @dangeourbrain, @stumpy01, @phil56
Some of you (@zilog6128 @stumpy01) still need to register...pen A here: https://www.wtrl.racing/zwift/zwiftsignon.php?id=N1c3VE9pVVlPakRUdTY0blJSSUI2Zz09
Cheers savoyad. I've registered...
@zilog6128 have you signed up via the link above yet.
I think the @ in savoyad's message above didn't work because of the ( in front of it.
That's a nice short start delay.
We need to stay together on the larger hill as once we go over the top its downhill to the line. It's a pretty short course. I would think we would need to climb at about 3.2 w/kg otherwise we will burn people out.
@phil56 you happy to do the calling on the road?
I’ll do my best, but I’m sure I’ll be finding it difficult up the hill as well!
I have entered for tonight guys, or at least I think I have, when you say pen A is that represented by the A in what would normally be the category in the event page?
I’ll catch up on some of the do and donts later. Any chance any body could let me know the crack with discord, what channel etc. I think I still have it set up from a long time ago but not sure it’s the channel you are using tonight.
Not sure what state I’ll be in tonight as I’ve been feeling knackered from early evening after 8 hours on teams every day. Hoping this helps to break what is becoming a worrying habit.
Morning guys. Nice to see a few more familiar faces back. @Kirky72 I think most info you need is on this and the first page. This is a summary of tonight's course:
It's the same STW discord channel. Oh, and wear the yellow and black kit!
Looking at the chart it appears you have 7 riders so I've entered too as its just a short one (Dirty reiver this weekend)
If I've miscalculated just let me know and I'll withdraw the entry.
I think tonight sounds like we're all going to be a bit flat.
Touch wood my legs are OK this morning but I absolutely expected them not to be so I'm hoping they don't just fall off at some point across the day.
Assuming I'm audible I'm happy to do the calling if you're not so keen this evening Phil.
Excellent. The team is now full. Welcome @kirky72 nice to have you here! The full lineup is
Everyone is signed up correctly as far as I can see. Yes, kirky, by pen A I just mean category A.
Discord link for the STW server is here https://discord.gg/YDW2wHeX - it'll be the TTT STW voice channel in there.
Ride a road bike (NOT a TT bike, NOT a MTB), dress as a bumblebee, and be careful about the start procedure, which is a hack: when it says go, DO NOT GO. In fact, make sure you are stopped, zero watts, not rolling, and wait like that for the team's start delay - which this week is just 2 minutes. So
19:40 - the game says "go". You don't go. Sit tight.
19:42 - NOW you can go. It will be called out over discord, but if you have comms issues you can time it yourself and join the blog as it departs.
Thanks Savo, all makes sense
i just checked out your discord link, works fine but its not permitting my messages in there for some reason. so i will be all ears.
How long before do you tend to jump on?
I will definitely have a warm up and wake up ride beforehand.
Assuming I’m audible I’m happy to do the calling if you’re not so keen this evening Phil.
OK, further to the above this would be unwise at the moment. We've had thunder and lightning for the past hour and it's still rolling around in the distance.
As usual it's resulted in spotty telecoms and power so there's a reasonable chance I'll get dumped at some point so relying on me for anything more important than turning my own pedals isn't a sensible idea.
Well thank you all for that. That was a good effort. It also felt bloody awful.
Enjoyed that tonight. Good effort by all. Well done on the hill and everyone getting over together.
Cheers for the workout & great we all got round together in one piece - well done!
Great workout! Ta to the guys dragging Stumpy & me up the hill 😀 Annoyingly, as I was just about holding on to the back, with 2km to go the connection went funny - when everyone blipped back you were 10s ahead, then 20s 😭 Looked like some big numbers for the sprint finish!
Yeah, thanks for the motivation Phil and everyone's help and patience as I started to crumble towards the end!
FTP up 2w. Lots of impressive numbers from some of you lot!!
204 in GC (out of 419)
Did you enjoy that first outing Kirky?
I did kind of enjoy it Robbo buy found it pretty tough going. i was convinced i had averaged more watts as i felt pretty knackered towards the end.
Took a while to get a grip of a tendency to yo yo. Something i try to do in races is always being on the power and if i see somebody passing towards the front, following them to close down a potential break as they catapult off the front. took some time to shake that habit and also i have a tendency to surge on moderate climbs as i dont change gear and just grind it out, however this can lead to a short sharp rise in watts and a couple of times I shot off a bit too far in front.
i tried to drag the pack uo the climb but when i saw a gap behind a dropped off to fall back towards Brian and offer my wheel after hed dropped to pull zilog and sean back on.
Hope they were the right tactics even though it felt a bit on off on again at the time and probably lead to undue fatigue.
Its a good course that for a TT and i enjoyed Phils guidance and motivation on helping everybody keep and then finish together.
Im not getting any option to ride outdoors on week days for the time being so will try and join again.
Hope they were the right tactics even though it felt a bit on off on again at the time and probably lead to undue fatigue.
For us, absolutely the right tactics, we're very much in the TTT for the Team bit so would rather come dead last with everyone over the line roughly together instead of dropping riders for a better time. Some days mind someone does go pop but we try avoid it.
i was convinced i had averaged more watts as i felt pretty knackered towards the end.
Not sure if it was as warm with you as it was here kirky but my W were a bit low (they're always low on the TTT due the over under nature of it) yet my HR was noticeably up, felt like my brakes were binding despite the fact there are none on my turbo. I wasn't entirely sure I wasn't having a heart attack by the time I finished on Thursday.
Combo of tired legs and high temp and humidity I guess.
Enter now for this week. Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E_0I0hulOaE2y34RpjckVCoT2Jks16vypeZ98L_LUw8/edit#gid=0
It's 2x Tick Tock - so 36km of flat. 7.40pm Thursday as usual.
Name down - thanks
Not a fun course for TTT this week 🙁
Nope - no change of pace, no downs to get a little respite - basically an FTP test. Still signed up though 😂
Sorry I'm out, thought breakdown for the show was Friday but it's after close on Thursday so I'll be at the NEC.
Sorry. Got a corporate football tournament thingy this week. Can't say I'm too disappointed looking at the route. Go well chaps.
Not looking good for this week!
No, it looks like @djflexure on his own, maybe with @yanboss
It's OK to start slowly, there's enough interest overall for it to get establish itself again.
Any more takers? Or shall we skip a week? Speak up now in sufficient numbers or I'll call it off later today...
I was up for it but a positive PCR yesterday (and starting to feel rough!) has put paid to that!
Oh no @zilog6128. I hope you are OK. Look after yourself.
Ta, am double jabbed so hopefully won’t be too bad, just like a bad cold right now!
Hope you keep on the right side of it zilog
This week is a one off for me. Should be OK from next week onwards.
Sorry - I know I've only just started doing them, but with the race series starting I am not sure I can justify more bike time, without it getting in the way of family life.
I'll try & join when I can, but would rather concentrate on the races & workouts for the moment, with a weekend 'real life' ride thrown in when I can.
Call it of for this week - think a lot of people will be back next week
OK let's try again. I've entered for next week.
Thursday, 7.40pm 2x Greater London Flat
Declare yourselves here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E_0I0hulOaE2y34RpjckVCoT2Jks16vypeZ98L_LUw8/edit?usp=sharing
All welcome, if your name's not down just add it to the list
I have signed up!
@savoyad do you know if there is a current list of the upcoming event courses? I had one for the first half of the year. Just wondered what else we have coming up.
It looks like this:
23 September Greater London Flat 29km
30 September volcano flat, 37km
7 October innsbruckring 27km
14 October Watopia Flat 30km
21 October Richmond UCI 32km
4 November RGV 25km
11 November Figure 8 Reverse 29km
18 November Greatest London Loop 26km
25 November Watopia Hilly 37km
2 December Tour of Tewit Well 21km
9 December Volcano flat reverse 37km
16 December Knickerbocker reverse 22km
23 December Greater London 8 24km
30 December Out and Back Again 42km
You can get to it on wtrl/events/filter by future. They sometimes make changes - one of these might be the worlds on a different course I guess, and makuri could be swapped in.
OK, 6 riders so far. Others are welcome to fill the 2 gaps. But for now, the team is:
Enter pen A here: https://www.wtrl.racing/zwift/zwiftsignon.php?id=WHNqY0d0ZWdOb1Y4MmF2dTZHUW5Jdz09
I'll post the start delay when it's released later...