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  • Zane Lowe – the saviour of Radio 1 breakfast show
  • piha
    Free Member

    Been listening to Zane Lowe doing the breakfast show on Radio 1 this morning. No silly chat, great mix of music, interesting guest. What are the odds of Zane being installed as the breakfast show host? More of the same please.

    Free Member

    Slim to none.

    The average moron enjoys the inane drivel of Mawllsey

    Free Member

    Quite a surprise to get a Slipknot interview, Anthrax v Public Enemy and some RATM on the way to work this morning.

    Free Member

    Radio 1 can only do shows like that in the short term or out of the important listening hours for some reason. All their best programmes are on weeknights after 7pm so enjoy Zane while it lasts.

    Free Member

    On the plus side iPlayer has yesterday’s breakfast show on it… happy days.

    Full Member

    Isn’t it something like ‘in new music we trust’ or ‘new music takeover’ for the week?

    Annie Mac was on yesterday at some point when I had the radio on playing some ‘filthy dubstep’ apparently.

    I like the lack of idle chit-chat & the amount of music, but find some of it a bit ‘intense’ for my morning commute.

    Free Member

    almost broke the radio trying to turn it off in such a hurry. Metal is not the preffered choice of wake up music in the millhouse household (although it is a little later in the day)

    Free Member

    It was great to hear Zane on the way to work instead of the usual annoying drivel.

    Only problem is, he won’t be on the radio for the journey home this evening…..

    Free Member

    I find listening to Radio one akin to having my brain scooped out buy a spoon whittled by a paraplegic Ray Mears fan. It is only surpassed in it’s poor quality output by Radio Solent.

    Free Member

    buy a spoon

    I think they got you!

    Full Member

    This week is a way for Radio 1 to promote the specialist music shows, I’m really liking it, was great to be able to listen to the rock show live rather than on Iplayer last night, and went to bed with the punk show in the background.

    Free Member

    Good to have Zane on this morning, although TBH anything seems pleasant in comparison to Richard Madely

    Free Member

    I saw Zane do a DJ set a couple of years ago, was a top night. I dislike Chris Moyles with a passion, the sooner he’s kicked off radio 1 the better.

    Free Member

    I like Moyles and am used to the tripe he sometimes spouts off but I’m not sure I like being woken up by the sound of emtal in the mornings. Took me back to my uni days a bit but did find myself hitting Heart on the drive in to work this morning. Zane is an awesome DJ though and much better than Moyles but think there are particular times of day that he shouldn’t be on radio.

    I like Moyles……….. did find myself hitting Heart on the drive in to work this morning

    Thank’s for your input


    Free Member

    Radio Solent.

    oh yes. and why is there no one on the cycle lanes at 5am?

    Free Member

    whilst zane lowe is generally good i that his ‘love’ for all music is nausiating. slip not are utter sh!t£. the broad range of music he plays makes me think that he could possibly be as much an annoying ****t as moyles. infact zane low is generally sh!t£ too. whenever i listen to his normal show i find that i think one in two or less of the songs he plays are worth the air time they recieve. as in 1 good song followed by some utter pish. still both moyles and low are better than real/magic/virgin; pretty much any other commercial radio station.

    Full Member

    as in 1 good song followed by some utter pish.

    Is he the new John Peel then?

    Free Member

    Zane Lowe is infinitely preferable to Moyles, but you still wouldn’t want to be stuck in a lift with him, would you?

    Free Member

    Kerrang Radio in the mornings for me
    No need for this Zane Lowe new fangledness

    Free Member

    Thank’s for your input

    So anyone that disagrees isn’t allowed to comment, and if you like Moyles, you’re a moron.

    Grow up you bigoted halfwits! 😛

    Free Member

    basically they’re both over hyped by radio 1. no lowe is not the new peel. because peel sounded decidedly unexited by the music he was playing whilst being actually very excited and interested by the music he was playing; whereas i suspect the reverse of this is true for zane lowe.

    Free Member

    oh and kerrang radio? how old are you 14?

    Free Member

    I like Moyles precisely because i can turn my brain off. I listen to Today until a politician comes on, then switch to radio 1. But then my views – like most posters on this thread i suspect – because the radio 1 breakfast show isn’t aimed at me. The target audience is something like 16-24 year olds, and it does very well at attracting those listeners.

    Full Member

    Zane has got Mike D as his guest on Thursday i think, looking forward to that one!

    Free Member

    Had to turn over from Radio 1 today, Zane bored me, then i made the mistake of turning back to discover Nick Grimshaw on.

    How dull is Grimshaw, what a k*ob, i would rather sing to myself than listen to him.

    Bring back Moyles , Cotton, James and Mills to help me pass my day

    Full Member

    Zane Lowe may be one of the few DJs left at Radio 1 who gets a decent timeslot with a genuine interest in music, but he’s still full of himself and a bit too much into his metal. Comes of being antipodean/a bit odd, I think…
    Still, another XFM graduate doing well for himself at the BBC, and he is preferable to Moyles (in the same way that losing your tackle in an accident is preferable to losing your tackle in an accident and being kicked in the shin).

    Free Member

    On a positive note, that Huw guy was quite good yesterday afternoon.

    Bit more laidback than Zane Lowe. Listening to him is like being cornered by a muso geek on coke at a party.

    Free Member

    no Alex I’m 35, but its a damn site better than Radio 1, and they do at least play a variety of tolerable modern day and older music with minimal Brummie banter.
    I cant stand Chris Moyles find him anally childish and egotistical.
    I used to listen to Terry Wogan but also not a huge fan of Chris Evans so thats Radio 2 out. I prefer music in the mornings to talking so 4, 5 and Talk Sport rarely get a listen My local radio – RAM Fm is complete toss and Radio Derby is just a big miserable moaning phone-in so its the best of a very bad bunch and given my commute isnt that long it really doesnt bother me too much

    But before you (a Radio 1 listener FFS) go slagging other people off for their ’14 year old’ music choice maybe you could learn to post in something more grown up than the ‘txt type’ of your original post?
    Tip for your forthcoming 11-plus English exam – a full stop is normally followed by a capital letter and it’s not spelt ‘unexited’ 😉

    Free Member

    it wasn’t text type. i agree generally with correct punctuation but to be honest its lazyness and its a mountain bike forum. i know i can’t spell i have always struggled but then i am not an english graduate i am an engineering graduate. i do make alot more effort when writting a report. oh an iain i guess being from derby explains the love/like of kerrang fm! 🙂

    Free Member

    to be honest i’m actually a 6 music listener. you would have picked up the fact i’m not a massive fan of r1 if you had actually read what i wrote. x

    Free Member

    Im not from Derby though, I just live here, not particuarly by choice 😥
    There is no love/like of Kerrang. Just a dislike and contempt of Moyles/Cotton/Grimshaw/James/Cotton/Nihal/Moyles/Whiley/Bowman and the Radio One playlist and music policy in general. Quite often one show will finish with a particular song and then 10 minutes later the next presenter will play the same song again. Oh and did I mention Moyles and Cotton both of them make me want to put my foot through the radio and as for that Bowman and Whiley…..
    Radio One went down the pan with the departure of Mark and Lard

    Free Member

    i gve up trying 2 read wot u wrote on abt the 2nd sentance. lest I fink it was a sentance as it had a dot at da end 🙄

    Free Member

    well its quite clear that i don’t type like that. marc and lard were the best presenters on radio one; we can agree on that. kerrang is still bobbins though and no amount of unreasoned argument can change that fact. you should also look at your anger issues. breathe and count to ten.

    Full Member

    Those having a go at Jo Whiley seem to have forgotten that she started off doing a terrific evening show with Steve Lamack. It was only after she was ‘promoted’ to a daytime slot with enforced playlist that she stopped being interesting. Daytime Radio 1 is a total music vacuum, devoid of anything with any significant merit.

    Free Member

    Moyles , Cotton, James and Mills to help me pass my day


    …excuse me while i vomit into my keyboard

    Free Member

    Radio one is for kids.

    PeterPoddy – Member

    Thank’s for your input

    So anyone that disagrees isn’t allowed to comment, and if you like Moyles, you’re a moron.

    Grow up you bigoted halfwits!

    I thanked him for his input in a rather ironic tone. Back in yer box Poddy.

    You think that reacting like a knight in shining armour, protecting all that lay before you when someone dares to take the piss is going to earn you respect?

    Nah, just makes you look like a prat mate.

    Free Member

    sorry ive been under a rock , weres moyles gone.

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