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  • Yeti 575 – What Forks?
  • rockitman
    Full Member

    Just wondering what you can suggest? Running Marzocchi 55’s and they’ve seized again. Looking at Lyriks but they’re a lot of $. Rutland have coil Pikes on offer at the moment…

    I run an XL 575 would I be OK dropping down from 160mm travel to 140mm – would I notice much?

    Was the 575 designed for a 140mm fork?

    What do you think to Pikes?

    What would you do?

    Thanks 🙂

    Free Member

    they are designed for 140-160mm forks.

    I had Pikes on mine, they seemed perfect.

    Full Member

    May be a stupid question, but would it make any difference that I’m 6′ 6″ and 17st?

    Free Member

    Pikes on mine. Seem made for each other.

    Free Member

    i hear good things about the fox 36 forks on yeti’s

    Free Member

    140 RLC on mine and it rides like a dream.

    Free Member

    I had 32’s / pikes / 36s on mine at various stages. Pikes probably suited it best but to be fair they were the only ones with travel adjust. Descended almost as well as it did with the 36s but climbed better than both when wound down to 120mm.

    Had 3 pairs of those pikes left in stock as of this afternoon.

    Full Member

    With or without the pop loc?

    Full Member

    what year 575?

    Free Member

    I didnt have a poploc on mine but ive never used a lockout on a fork despite having them on most of the ones ive used in the last few years!

    The ones on offer have a pushloc not a poploc (which is much nicer). Full boxed retail 09 forks.

    Might have to treat myself just incase i ever get round to building a new 5spot actually, just checked the new cost price… 😯

    Free Member

    On mine (07) I have had Fox Talas 125mm, felt a bit underforked, Magura Wotan, Too much weight up front IMO, now have Maverick DUC’s which are fine. Bike is now for sale buy I should imagine I will buy another before the year is out and I would go for 140-150mm, I like mine built up light and 160mm forks are too heavy IMO

    Free Member

    Save your pennies and go for the lyriks. Not so much for the extra travel, but for the superior damping adjustments and the extra stiffness… Especially if you’re a big fella… You’ll need to get them quick though, cos they’re going up by a couple of hundred quid NOW!

    Free Member

    I run Pace RC41 130mm on mine, which are ok for the majority of my riding, but are a little short for steep nadgery stuff. I am considering a Magura Thor as a replacement when funds permit as I think that 140mm is the sweet spot for me. I have ridden one with Pikes and that felt really good, but personally I’d prefer something a bit lighter.

    Full Member

    Thanks guys, feedback much appreciated

    Free Member

    I had a Fox 36 Talas on my ’07, worked a treat – kept it at 130mm for most situations, 100mm great for climbing, 160mm felt a bit long to be honest.

    If I was building again I’d probably try a Pike though. Or one of those Fox 32 Talas with the 15mm axle (even though it should be 20mm).

    Free Member

    I’ve got revelations (lasy years – 130mm) on mine and it works just fine though TBH I’ve often wondered if I should go a little longer. It was a case of right price at the right time when I bought them….

    Free Member

    I too have an XL, 6′ 4″ 14.5 stone, I run Fox Talas 150 QR15 and these seem pretty much perfect for me. Not too heavy and solid enough with the front axle and light too, just bloody expensive mate.

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