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  • WTF Nosy neighbour content
  • cp
    Full Member

    Your reaction seems very weird to me.

    This! You’re angry as your neighbor was trying to be helpful?

    Free Member

    What we do know is you need new tyres.

    No I don’t, 1 on the rear could do with being replaced. I got 2 new fronts 6 weeks ago, my tyre man said rears were fine with one close to needing replacement. I’ll be doing over a thousand miles in the next few weeks so best to replace now. My neighbour isn’t aware of this, well not as far as I know.

    Free Member

    This has got sod all to do with the state of your tyres.

    Full Member

    Tyre man? I live a sheltered life

    Full Member

    One of the rear tyres on my car is just about on the wear limit

    So it’s knackered.

    1 on the rear could do with being replaced.

    About 6 months ago by the sound of it.

    My neighbour isn’t aware of this,

    So the neighbour saw you had a borderline bald tyre, wasn’t sure if you were aware so thought it would be worth a mention.

    Free Member

    So the neighbour saw you had a borderline bald tyre, wasn’t sure if you were aware so thought it would be worth a mention.

    So borderline it’s not bald in the slightest.

    Full Member

    Just get a new tyre dude.
    Preferably two as it’s also bad practice to run mis matched tyres on the same end. It can lead to ‘interesting cornering characteristics’.

    I don’t think you’ll get much sympathy on a bike forum if you have mismatched boaderline illegal tyres.

    You’ll certainly get non from me.

    Free Member

    He’s a treadophile, tell EVERYONE

    Full Member

    There’s not much difference between 2mm and 1.6mm, the legal limit, and having driven a BMW with little more than 1.6mm on the rears in heavy rain on the M4, and had the back-end fishtail going uphill towards the Tormarton junction, which was bloody scary, it’s not something I would want to be too casual about.

    Full Member

    I find your reaction utterly perplexing. A person offers you some friendly advice that could save you a fine or worse and you ‘flipped out’?

    Would you not tell someone something to help them?

    I’ve knocked on a few car windows whilst riding to work to tell them they had flat or deflating tyres. I had not considered the possibility that I may get this reaction.

    Free Member

    she found my reaction unacceptable

    She’s totally correct.



    Free Member

    It does seem a bit odd that your neighbour is taking such a great interest in your car tyres, but it wouldn’t be something that would make me “flip out”.

    Life’s too short, etc.

    Free Member

    So borderline it’s not bald in the slightest.

    1 on the rear could do with being replaced.

    You cannot have it both ways

    Clearly it is just legal but requires replacing

    As for the neighbour, without knowing them, either being helpful or they have to much time on their hands
    Either way I dont think I would have reacted as you did

    Full Member

    She told me I flipped in a ‘**** nosey bastard who the **** does the prick think he is’, she found my reaction unacceptable

    She told you what your reaction was?

    Didn’t you know? 😯

    Full Member

    You could pop over, thank him for the tip-off and alert him to possible penalties if his car’s accidentally obstructing the pavement 😀

    Full Member

    She told you what your reaction was?
    Didn’t you know?

    for want of a comma the sentence was lost
    for want of a sentence the rant was lost
    for want of a rant the thread was lost

    Free Member

    I’ve knocked on a few car windows whilst riding to work to tell them they had flat or deflating tyres. I had not considered the possibility that I may get this reaction.

    Yea, me too. Kind of thought people would be glad to know, before they ruin tyre/rim by running it totally flat. Usually they were not aware of the issue.

    Do people really get angry being told about stuff like this?

    Free Member

    Thoughts on your neighbour: he’s a good neighbour for pointing out your near defective tyre, he’s a knob for parking on the pavement.
    Your wife is right.

    Free Member

    Massive over reaction OP … I think there must be underlying issues

    It’s not just your tires that are bald … Is it slap head ??


    Maybe your Neighbour

    Full Member

    I’ll spot stuff like worn tyres just walking through a car park…if you are the attentive type you notice details like that without kneeling down and inspecting each tyre on the way to return your trolley!

    On the other hand, some people never give it a second thought, and therefore overreact and get angry when their oversight is pointed out to them. (or, they just say thanks for the heads up)

    Free Member

    I think there is a difference between spotting a deflating tyre or a brake light that’s out as that would be obvious to any member of the public and pointing out someone’s tyre thread is getting low.

    If someone pointed it out it me, I’d just think nosey so and so and forget about it but how does the nosey neighbour know that the guy is not getting rid of the car soon, planning to get new tyres etc.

    Free Member

    I like my next door neighbour. Our other neighbours said they were “nosey and always watching out and knew everyone’s business”.

    I have found out that this translates to:
    1)They look out for suspicious characters,
    2) putting our bins out wheb we forget
    3) helping to look after our garden before we moved in (house was empty for a while beforehand)
    4) knowing a lot of history about the street and who lived there
    5) advising is what the original windows looked like so we could get new ones that matched
    6) helping us with what plants to put in the garden and offering us free ones from theirs
    7) offering use of their bathroom when we were renovating our house
    8) sorting out a window cleaner for us
    9) making sure tradesmen didn’t block our drive

    So I’ll gladly live next to the so-called (by others) “nosey neighbour”.

    Free Member

    I’ll spot stuff like worn tyres just walking through a car park…if you are the attentive type you notice details like that without kneeling down and inspecting each tyre on the way to return your trolley!

    I’m the same – my wife was driving my car a couple of weeks ago and had to take evasive action on a narrow lane and hit a rock hidden in the verge. She had a manual check and couldn’t see any damage then didn’t mention it to me. The next time I was stood on the passenger side of the car (a few hours later) I spotted a slight bulge in the sidewall – she could barely see it even when I pointed it out to her. Quite clearly the tyre was borked.

    Full Member

    This is a very bizarre thread. A couple of years ago, one of my neighbours noticed from her bedroom window that our roof skylight had been smashed in a recent storm. She came to the door and let us know. Should I have punched her in the face? Should I go home and do it now just to be sure?

    You’re weird and maybe need to chill out a bit mate. 🙄

    Free Member

    If someone pointed it out it me, I’d just think nosey so and so and forget about it

    Yeah, don’t actually replace it whatever you do. That’s just giving in. 🙄

    but how does the nosey neighbour know that the guy is not getting rid of the car soon, planning to get new tyres etc.

    So what if he is? You just says “thanks for the heads up, if booked in at the weekend” or whatever.

    Wtf is wrong with people.

    Free Member

    Photographs of your tyres please, so you can be judged fairly.

    Free Member

    Last winter I noticed that the felt on the roof of my neighbour’s shed had ripped off in a storm (it’s at the side of his house and it had ripped away at the side that backs onto our house so not really visible to him). So I told him, he thanked me and repaired it that weekend.

    He would have reason to be pissed with me if I hadn’t told him then months later when he came to get his lawnmower out in the spring he found it knackered.

    Full Member

    Does kind of depend on your relationship with the neighbour;
    If he’s a general busy body/Victor Meldrew just stirring up shit over nothing all the time then I can see it might be a bit of a wind up (although flipping out over it sounds like you have issues).
    If he’s not like that and only rarely mentions stuff then sounds like he’s just trying to be helpful so your reaction is indeed uncalled for.

    It does seem a bit odd to point out tyre wear that’s not even at the legal minimum. I would only do it (to a neighbour I didn’t have a friendship with) if there was carcass showing.

    Free Member

    Wtf is wrong with people.

    Very valid point Neal, coming on here makes me wonder that.

    Full Member

    OP sounds like he has anger issues. I also love the fact that he comes on here asking for opinions then gets all defensive

    Full Member

    If he’s a general busy body/Victor Meldrew just stirring up shit

    Someone sounds like a Victor Meldrew type but I don’t think it’s the neighbour..

    Free Member

    OP is probably the sort that laments the lack of community spirit and social cohesion and then shuts the door on anyone who dares to actually do something about it. Just as his neighbour tried to do. 🙄

    Free Member

    Someone sounds like a Victor Meldrew type but I don’t think it’s the neighbour..


    Free Member

    Here’s the tyre, as you can see plenty of life left on most of it. I was going to get it replaced tomorrow but I’ll leave it another few weeks now just to annoy nosey neighbour further

    Full Member

    Free Member

    Give him a good hiding, like the good old days. When men were men.

    Full Member

    Well let’s hope the OP is trolling us with a picture of another tyre – otherwise the OP is an idiot for ignoring that lack of tread.

    Full Member
    Free Member

    Well let’s hope the OP is trolling us with a picture of another tyre – otherwise the OP is an idiot for ignoring that lack of tread.

    It’s a rear tyre, doesn’t really need tread

    Full Member

    I’ve warmed to the OP now. 8)

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